First Grow - 250w - 2'x3'x5' tent - BigBud/Strawberry Cough cross


Hey everyone, I've been reading through the forums for a while now, and decided to start growing a little while back.

I started with some BC Big Bud / Strawberry Cough seeds a buddy of mine had. Initially, I had the seedlings under some CFLs, and quickly started upgrading.

I am using FF Ocean Forest, and also FF nutes, Grow Big, Big Bud, Tiger Bloom.

Out of the 8 seeds I pulled to germinate, 6 did. Planted those 6 into soil, and 4 actually came up (healthy). I had 1 that just wasn't growing, hung on to it for a while, and finally tossed it.

I vegged the plants on 18/6 for 3.5 weeks, then switched them 12/12 (still using MH bulb). After almost 1 week on 12/12 I spotted my first female! At this point, I changed from my MH to my HPS bulb. Over the next few days 2 others were also female. My last plant was really slow, almost 2 weeks into 12/12 cycle, and nothing. Finally, started seeing some preflowers, but they looked nothing like my females. I knew that room would be an issue, as I was really only expecting 2 females. I made the decision to chop it.

I am currently in my 3rd week of flowering, and my 3 ladies are getting big! My biggest, is 30", she is really stretched out though... I was worried about room, so I did some late LST training with her. My other 2 plants are around 25" and looking really good.

Here are some pics throughout my grow



Here are some updated pictures from week 6

Plants are getting nutes/water every 4 days.

Did some trimming of the lower leaves this week.

Question: My cooltube is warm to the touch, not hot, it's probably lower temp than my cfls were. I'm running low on height clearance, the plants shouldn't burn if they come too close right?



We're on week 8 of flowering now.. Girls are looking pretty good. Ended up cutting 1 of them down 2 weeks ago, Hermi :-(

Finally got a decent pH meter.. looks like i've been watering with 7.5pH from the start...

Anyways, I'm thinking there's a couple weeks left before harvest. What do you guys think? that sound about right?



I've attached some update pictures of the 2 girls.. Looks like one of the plants is starting to foxtail, the same plant seems to be a couple of weeks behind, looks like.



Here's a shot of a sample i took tonight, overall looks like they are mostly milky with a few ambers.
I'm planning on giving them 1 more light cycle, then lights out over the weekend and harvest monday.

Any input? should i wait longer, go lights out sooner?

