First Grow : 3 - 5 plants closet grow...


Well-Known Member
yummy little nuggies :) Look likes little pine! I'm thinking a little more light below may help fatten things up all around.


Well-Known Member
well from the most recent pics i can say a month at least, but im only going by the hair color, cause you cant know until lookin at the trichs


Inkubator, looks like 3-4 weeks maybe. Usual 8 weeks for Hindu Kush flowering cycle. Last pics posted 6/13 (29 days flower) so about 24 days give or take. Nice plant. Can you swing adding anymore lights (get them close, then closer to all those buds)? Get 2 light bulb double sockets at Home Depot for $2.50 each (they look like a Y) and the plug adapter to screw a double socket into (.99 cents @ WM)....then plug into and extension cord. Get a 3 pack of 26w 27k CFL's (soft white, .99 cents for the 3 pack) at Wally World, screw one of the double sockets into the other one and you can screw in the 3 bulbs. Even with only 24 days of so to go, any additional light can only help tighten up the nugs a bit, and get more bang for you buck, so to speak. Just a thought. Good luck and happy blazing man!



Active Member
Inkubator, looks like 3-4 weeks maybe. Usual 8 weeks for Hindu Kush flowering cycle. Last pics posted 6/13 (29 days flower) so about 24 days give or take. Nice plant. Can you swing adding anymore lights (get them close, then closer to all those buds)? Get 2 light bulb double sockets at Home Depot for $2.50 each (they look like a Y) and the plug adapter to screw a double socket into (.99 cents @ WM)....then plug into and extension cord. Get a 3 pack of 26w 27k CFL's (soft white, .99 cents for the 3 pack) at Wally World, screw one of the double sockets into the other one and you can screw in the 3 bulbs. Even with only 24 days of so to go, any additional light can only help tighten up the nugs a bit, and get more bang for you buck, so to speak. Just a thought. Good luck and happy blazing man!

Dude, :D :D :D
Theres not such a shops or prices in here in Europe. :D :D :D but thanx for a tips... :P I'll try my best...


Active Member
Nice Grow ,i read everything..You found some patience ..So how did the bagseed smoke?
It's still drying and than curing but I dried a little, very small bud in oven and smoked it and it gave me very nice, mellow head high... so , so far so good... and after proper drying and curing hope to get even stronger and better high, but I'm still stoned and it's about an hour so that great... :)


Active Member
I have a major problem, almost all of the fan leaves started to yellow one after another, from day to day almost 4 leaves, I'm using just clean water for over a week and still can't stop it, what is happening? :( I'll post pictures ASAP, when my baby'll wake up...


Well-Known Member
Are you overwatering? If not flush and see if that helps could be a nutrient lockout of some sort but notify sure without pics sir you will get more responses with different opinions


Active Member
Are you overwatering? If not flush and see if that helps could be a nutrient lockout of some sort but notify sure without pics sir you will get more responses with different opinions
I don't believe so that I'm overwatering. I'm watering once in 3 days now and I'm checking moisture every time before I water. I'll do those pictures in 5h and post it in here...


Active Member
Here are pictures of my problem... these are almost last big fan leaves I have left... :(
I was trying to find solution in other threat , in newbie central and help threat but nothing worked so I'm uploading in here as well. This is already almost 10 days old problem...



Active Member
So today is also time for picture update I guess. but I'm very sad from what is happening to my baby.

day 35:

This is for comparison:
day 30 | day 35
Screen shot 2012-06-19 at 13.17.10.png

She did fatten up a bit, didn't she? Or is it just me seeing what I want to see? :P


Well-Known Member
Here are pictures of my problem... these are almost last big fan leaves I have left... :(
I was trying to find solution in other threat , in newbie central and help threat but nothing worked so I'm uploading in here as well. This is already almost 10 days old problem...

View attachment 2218848View attachment 2218849View attachment 2218850View attachment 2218851
Looks like Magnesium deficiency to me...can easily fix that with Epsom salt. Mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of water (sorry, not familiar w/ metric system :dunce:). People also use cal/mag to fix that, but Epsom salt is usually easy to find at a supermarket or grocery store.


Well-Known Member
Your baby looks great by the way! Deficiencies are very common in flowering so don't get down on yourself. It does look like she fattened up :)


Well-Known Member
Looks like Magnesium deficiency to me...can easily fix that with Epsom salt. Mix 1 tablespoon per gallon of water (sorry, not familiar w/ metric system :dunce:). People also use cal/mag to fix that, but Epsom salt is usually easy to find at a supermarket or grocery store.
I was gunna say flush and then use some cal mag, but you got to it LADY J


Active Member
I was gunna say flush and then use some cal mag, but you got to it LADY J
I just want to ask, everyone say FLUSH, is that what I think it is, just to use for a week or so clean water with good PH? And than some mixture of water and cal mag?