First grow 3 weeks 1 day into flowering - advice


i will. its suppose to be a sour diesal seed so they told me to let it flower 8-10 weeks so im thinking towards the end of july. Any tips to know when shes ready to harvest?

Styles T

Active Member
Strains look very nice! Your making me feel like I should start flowering my CheeseWreck, which is now on it's 6thWk. But I will wait. My Super-BatMan 0.G. will start it's new cycle(12/12) come time 2mrw, very excited!

Styles T

Active Member
I read wrong! 0k so your 3wks and 1day(now 2) into flowering. Thght you met your plant was 3wks and you were getting ready2flower - I was tired and not paying attention - that's a big plant, I can see that you super-cropped it - Nice!