First grow 3 weeks old today


New Member
These girls are 3 weeks old today and are showing a yellow tinge on lower leaves with some tip curling.
600watt led light

growing in pro mix hp
Gave a small dose of nutes at 2 weeks old. So 7 days ago
1ml micro, 1ml, grow 1/2ml bloom to 4g
PH 6.1

wondering if this could be a deficiency. Might be hard to tell by these pics sorry


New Member
very true they are very hard to see anything. When I take them out they are lime green but once under the light they look yellow


New Member


Well-Known Member
Promix has no nutritional value in it

Those are tiny for 3 weeks old. Should have been feeding from day one

Promix is also buffered so no need to ph

Feed them every watering

What nutes line?


Well-Known Member
You read wrong

I use the flora trio myself. At 3 weeks old mine where at 75% strength

Small ones are two weeks old, bigger are about 24 days I think



New Member
Wow they look amazing! Thanks for the chart I will start with it now. Do you suggest I start with the week 2 strength as they are a tad small?


Well-Known Member
Just checked

These are day 21
Same medium,but with nutes from day 1. Under a better light than yours but still doable if you treat them right
