First grow! 4 weeks into flower. Pics included

Oh no look what happen broke a bud off when moving the plants around! Is it smoke able at 6 weeks? Second pic shows a little of the purple that was starting to come in!! blue widow.
Definitely worth consuming/smoking. You could simply lay it out in a dark place at about 70F and check on it every so often until it feels dry enough to smoke. Maybe in the top of a closet. You could also put it in a small paper bag and do the same. Since it's kinda quick drying it might not taste the best but it shouldn't be to bad. If it's decent bud you will get high. Some people prefer early harvests. GL
Definitely worth consuming/smoking. You could simply lay it out in a dark place at about 70F and check on it every so often until it feels dry enough to smoke. Maybe in the top of a closet. You could also put it in a small paper bag and do the same. Since it's kinda quick drying it might not taste the best but it shouldn't be to bad. If it's decent bud you will get high. Some people prefer early harvests. GL
some people like early harvests but nobody likes the harshness or catpiss taste when you don't cure.
let it sit on the counter overnight then stick it in a little jar for about a week or like me I usually have a half o of dried to smoke I just trim it up an throw it in with the rest let it chill in the jar and if you can wait at least 2 weeks it'll get you a lot higher it'll let the trichs develop more

Going to do that! thanks
I call bullshit. it doesn't matter what setup you use the growtime is in the strain not the medium if I take a plant that flowers in 8 weeks grow it in soil and have a clone I do in hydro they are both going to be 8 week bloomers...please explain
I call bullshit. it doesn't matter what setup you use the growtime is in the strain not the medium if I take a plant that flowers in 8 weeks grow it in soil and have a clone I do in hydro they are both going to be 8 week bloomers...please explain
sorry guys I was talking about growth rate being faster not maturity rate,so in theory your hydro plants will produce larger an heavier yields then soil in optimin conditions
So my big fan leafs are starting to turn a purple color. I am going on week 7 of flower is this normal? here is a crappy pic will try and get better ones tomro.
its ok if its turning purple like that if you drop your temps to 50 the last night before you chop it'll probably bring out some purple in your buds
i stop feeding the last like 10 days maybe 7 just use clearex the night befor chop and run a shitload of that mixed how its supposed 2 be. like my 32 gal i'll run almost 30-40 gal through it. its just sugar and strips out all the nutes to make the smoke more fruity and not so harsh
Why do that?? Keep feeding them, now is not the time to starve them... the last 3 weeks is when they put on most of their growth.

Oh well good thing u said something i figured i would just give them water till the end so it was some kind a flushing. I am using fox farm tri should i up my feeding for the next 3 weeks then?
up your k and your trichs will go nuts I use snowstorm ultra last 2 weeks its like 10 bux best shit in the world besides moab I give moab the last 4 and 3 weeks switching to snowstorm the last 2 weeks on top of my regular nutes
Just keep doing what you're doing as normal, there is nothing wrong with them and as i said earlier, this is not the time to panic and start changing things... Thats how things bad happen.
Once plants get to a certain stage they practically stop intaking nutes and water anyway, flushing is a waste of time, efffort, and starves the plant. If you want better taste, find different genetics, if you're worried about chemical taste, don't , its just mind over matter.. There is nothing in your nutes that will kill you or that isn't found in nature and the veggies you eat every day...

You can alter the taste by using a bit of mollasses at the last week... I find it leaves the bud tasting like "something else". I personally love the taste of weed itself... No blunts, no chocolate wrappin papers or strawberry... Just give me my weed....