First Grow, 400W HPS w/Tent.

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Hey this is my first grow. Right now i have 5 plants that are 3 to 3 1/2 weeks in and 4 babies a week old or so. They are in a 4x4x6.5ft tent under a 400w HPS and a little flo. 2 small fans a a medium size rotating fan. Temp is at 80-85 degrees at lights on and 70-75 degrees lights off. 18-6 for veg and 12-12 for flowering. there in veg now at about 6-9" on my bigger ones 18-20" away from bulb. I want them at around 16" before flowering and one is topped for now. I used purified water for first two weeks in Ocean Forest fox farm soil. ive been using my tap water at PH of 9 and use a cap full of Grow Big per gallon to PH it to 6.5 and 500PPMs and let it sit for a day or two. I water every 3-6 days depending on the first two inches of soils(moisture or not). I have like 3 gallon pots for for my big ones wich is fine from what ive heard. For Flowering I have Tiger Bloom. Sex unknown so far. A few pics will be below and I will update every week or two. Feel free to comment and if I missed something let me know.

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Today is day one of flowering, Plants are 12"-14" tall. 12-12, Tiger bloom nutes... 6.2 PH.. updates coming soon. maybe. if anyone even cares lol


I am reading...Sounds like a nice set up and you know what you are doing! Try to grab a pic of the tent you are using, please....
Hey, is that mylar you are using? Did it come on the inside of the tent? If it did, that is really really nice.

Kush Machine7

Active Member
yes its mylar and here are some pics i just grabbed but HPS lights on so not great quality pics but you can see. The one pic with the lil lit up square is my tent closed with the lil peek window opened up.Untitled1.jpgUntitled.jpgUntitled3.jpgUntitled4.jpgUntitled2.jpg

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Just took out 2 males, and that leaves 3 females out of the five i had... im happy with the outcome. still 4 small ones unknown at the moment. Room lookin a bit diff in the set up but all the same stuff with another true air carbon filter inside. there looking GREAT so im taking the PPMs on my tiger bloom to 500-650 for now. around 2ft tall from the top of the pots. 5gal pots or something like that. 2 out of the ground in my Veg room out of my 6 now in there.. went out and got some mason jars for the future!!! Pics come soon possibly.. Happy growing

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Well here is a little update on my 4 females. Just a day or so over 3 weeks... two mini plants im working with and 2 bigger ones (ones topped ones not on the big ones). There unknown strains like a said all random but they look heavy Indica IMO cuz the big leaves instead of skinny but im not too sure. There doing very well now. here is the pics and enjoy. Happy smokin N growin.


Also I am at 800 PPMs. Is it ok if I use water right around 1k PPMs.. cuz thats what my next batch is.. added in a little beastie bloom from the fox farm product line. you think i will be ok? Any comments/statements help thnx

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Also Im wanting to know how much other people are watering there plants in soil during the last month of flowering. I have 2-4 gallon pots and right now im up to about half a gallon. just wondering what others are using. Also my PPMs ? from the above post. thnx

Kush Machine7

Active Member
There all looking great! Tops off the leaves on one are turning yellow with some brown spots on the top only though but it still looks good. any opinions on what it is? if i had to guess i would say it something with my nutes. pics coming soon if wanted

Kush Machine7

Active Member
Hey this is my results minus a a half oz or so. 9-10 weeks flowering. half of its in jars already the other is hanging up!. pics here although crap quality... PLEASE tell me what you think or if you got any questions just ask!

Kush Machine7

Active Member
After all where dried and have now cured for a week or more it turns out to be 140 grams for 1 topped one, 1 grown normal (just no topping or anything, one month veg, 2 month flower), and two smaller ones i did 12/12 from seed. so not bad, actually more than I had planned on or hoped for. looks, tastes, smells, and smokes great! super happy with my little run at it and already have my babies from veg in the flower room and took out 3 males and 6 females left so im stoked!!! thanks for the support on here and keep the advice and comments coming!

Kush Machine7

Active Member
New little ones done with veg and into flowering for second grow. 4 females out of it and about 2 weeks into flowering already looking chrystaly and dank. i will keep you updated pics may come if i feel like it.