First Grow - 5 Jack The Ripper Clones



Do you live in Norcal? Cause i picked up the JTR clones the same day as you and am flowering the same time. Also have powdery mildew problem that i think was already on the plant when it was cloned. First grow btw :bigjoint:
I bought the clones from a club in Sacramento, not sure of the exact name off the top of my head but I could look it up if it matters. I drove there because I didn't want any connection between where I'm growing and where I bought the clones (I live in a different city). Looked healthy when I picked them up but it's perfectly possible they came with some spores etc.

After one spray of 10:1 water:milk I have not had any problems.

Hopefully they have some good genetics and make for a nice smoke. A successful first grow would make me a happy smoker :blsmoke:
I bought the clones from a club in Sacramento, not sure of the exact name off the top of my head but I could look it up if it matters. I drove there because I didn't want any connection between where I'm growing and where I bought the clones (I live in a different city). Looked healthy when I picked them up but it's perfectly possible they came with some spores etc.

After one spray of 10:1 water:milk I have not had any problems.

Hopefully they have some good genetics and make for a nice smoke. A successful first grow would make me a happy smoker :blsmoke:
Yea I think they are from the same mother plant. Yeah, the powdery mildew is a pain in the ass. I sprayed it yesterday, and some small mildew was left on the lower tiny leaves. Also the milk residue wont come off all of the leaves and smells like sour milk... Just misted it more to try to get the rest off. By chance, have you noticed any other bugs or anything eating ur plant? I think i have a gnat problem cause i keep finding a couple and some of my leaves look chewed on. Yea I will just be happy if i can get any medication from it. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
April 10:

Account got deleted randomly, hence the slow post. Dramatic progress in my opinion.



Well-Known Member
April 13:

Another milk bath for these guys, I'm glad I decided not to take clippings because despite the seemingly good genetics, the powdery mildew is persistent. Also have added unsulphured molasses the past two waterings to coincide with the fox farm granule nutes.
April 13:

Another milk bath for these guys, I'm glad I decided not to take clippings because despite the seemingly good genetics, the powdery mildew is persistent. Also have added unsulphured molasses the past two waterings to coincide with the fox farm granule nutes.
IF its persist more, use i gallon of water with 1 table spoon of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Shake well and spray on. It kills the mildew better than the milk and ur room wont smell disgusting. May cause a little surface burn on the leaves but better than having mildew. The freaken mildew spread so fast on mine. I may have to reapply again cause the lower leave mildew is almost impossible to kill.


Well-Known Member
IF its persist more, use i gallon of water with 1 table spoon of baking soda, and 1 teaspoon of dish soap. Shake well and spray on. It kills the mildew better than the milk and ur room wont smell disgusting. May cause a little surface burn on the leaves but better than having mildew. The freaken mildew spread so fast on mine. I may have to reapply again cause the lower leave mildew is almost impossible to kill.
I have a relatively low humidity environment, I think that may be the reason mine spread more slowly. If it keeps acting up though, I may well go with that method, thanks a lot for the tip. Good luck with your harvest.
April 18:

Lookin Real good! mines similar but really stretched out cause i accidently cut the main top cola off during veg but some have 3 top colas, but not as big as the plant i didnt cut. Really bushy too. I was expecting this plant to smell somewhat, but mine dont smell at all...


Well-Known Member
all under shop lights
looks great
Thanks, means a lot from someone who has been active on this forum for awhile.

Lookin Real good! mines similar but really stretched out cause i accidently cut the main top cola off during veg but some have 3 top colas, but not as big as the plant i didnt cut. Really bushy too. I was expecting this plant to smell somewhat, but mine dont smell at all...
Mine have just started to smell a bit, it's really pleasant actually and I only notice it when I'm within a few feet. I have heard that 5th week of flowering they start to smell more, I guess we will see soon enough.


Well-Known Member
April 19:

Powdery mildew flared up again, so I am going to try the baking soda/soap treatment tomorrow, and perhaps an organic fungicide if it persists ;(


That 5hit

Well-Known Member
my very first grow ever was with shop lights
i'm thinking about trading in my cfl for some after seeing your grow

hey whats your humidity
get a humidifier and lower it it should be around 40%


Well-Known Member
my very first grow ever was with shop lights
i'm thinking about trading in my cfl for some after seeing your grow

hey whats your humidity
get a humidifier and lower it it should be around 40%
Gonna be hard to do because it has been to wet in Northern California lately and I have direct intake from outside air. I will buy something ASAP and see if I can do anything about it, thanks for the tip.


Well-Known Member
April 22: PM dealt with for now, and one of the plants is showing some orange hairs on a few buds. Thought it was early for that, but I'm gonna let them do their thing ;)

This PM is killing me right now... even tho i spray the whole plant from top to bottom it doesnt completely kill it... my humidity is around 40-50 and my temp is 85... Im beginning to hate these cuttings and wish i didnt take cuttings. Also i dont think these are subcools JTR but someone elses home made cross breed. Your buds are looking pretty good, mine dont have triclomes like that yet.


Well-Known Member
This PM is killing me right now... even tho i spray the whole plant from top to bottom it doesnt completely kill it... my humidity is around 40-50 and my temp is 85... Im beginning to hate these cuttings and wish i didnt take cuttings. Also i dont think these are subcools JTR but someone elses home made cross breed. Your buds are looking pretty good, mine dont have triclomes like that yet.
I'm going to a store today to try to figure out the best way to deal with it, I got my humidity below 40% and baking soda seemed to work well. I'm not sure about the validity of the genetics, but they are starting to produce a really pleasant odor so I'm hopeful. Honestly for a first grow I will be happy if I get anything smokable, and it looks like I will get a decent return for my effort. If they smoke like they smell, it should be great.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and make sure to spray the underside of all of the leaves, that's the source of the problem. If you weren't doing that already you will see huge improvement. Cheers.