first grow, 8 plants total, 3 fussy girls, pics


dude you look nothing like the chick in yet avatar ur a big phony

they look good man, transplant them into some organic soil mix and watch them take off...or whatever you are going to do they just need a good transplant

umm... I'm the avatar.. and the picture taker... so I'm behind the camera and not in the pic. But, you are right, I look nothing like him :) I've got much more sexy and my tats are better anyway


You shouldn't post a tatoo in these pics becasue it identifys you if the cops catch you...
I did more thinking on this post and thought I should bring up, since that is my subject of expertise, that if the cops found me on this website as a point of interest in their investigation.. I'd already be a goner. I could sign up with a fake name and post google'd pics till the end of days but if a law enforcement agency of any level wanted to find me based on my activity on this forum they wouldn't need any of my personal information, any of the information I posted here, or any of the pictures I uploaded. I'm a computer programmer specializing in security, database cross communication, and web based user interfaces (security for websites people interact with, such as this one.) If they found me here and wanted to find me irl. It would take about 20 minutes to get everything they needed even if I didn't leave a pretty trail of breadcrumbs. And, also you should note, with or without the trail of identifying information left by me or not left by me... their method for tracking down my true identify would be the same regardless of what information they already had. You truly do leave a digital fingerprint. And, unless you've got your super magic computer cracking skillz to rep yourself wit (hehe) you aren't going to shade yourself well enough to hide from anyone. Hell, including me. It would take me a bit longer than 20 minutes... but not much longer ;)


What makes leaves curl up towards the light?

What makes a plant show no new growth in two weeks?

What should I do with my plant that's seed wouldn't let go of its starter leaves?


What makes leaves curl up towards the light?

What makes a plant show no new growth in two weeks?

What should I do with my plant that's seed wouldn't let go of its starter leaves?
did you ever figure out if your plants are getting micro nutrients, i do know that if your leaves are curling upward than it is over ferilized so you need to flush immeditally iwouldnt worry about the starter leave i would start flushing and make sure your plants are getting micro nutes and you should be on track good luck