First grow 80 watt cfls. Any advice


Well-Known Member
You were suppose to apply on top of the soil just enough to cover the top lightly and mix it in top of the soil and you do that every month. How did you come to the knowledge of mixing a whole cup of nitrogen in a gallon of water?! And do you mix the guano with the miracle grow plant food? And how many times a week do you water?
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Well-Known Member
You were suppose to apply on top of the soil just enough to cover the lightly and mix it in top of the soil and you do that every month. How did you come to the knowledge of mixing a whole cup of nitrogen in a gallon of water?! And do you mix the guano with the miracle grow plant food? And how many times a week do you water?
i water 2 times a week and us mg once a week


Well-Known Member
about 3 in a half or 4 inch
If You have the space to do, I would pot em on, maybe straight into some idk 10L pots or so, and because of the amount of Nutes they have been getting would probably use seedling compost(gently on the Nutes) and mix a helluva lot of Perlite in, maybe 60% compost and 40% Perlite(or 70/30) after Potting-On I would only give em Water(pH'd to 6.5..use Jiffy Lemon. this is IF your water ain't so good) If you don't have a pH pen then even a cheap one from FleaBay is better than none..just make sure to get one with the calibration powder. OR plump for an Essentials pH pen(bout £30-40) above all lay off adding any nutes! give them time to recover and get used to new home, Growth WILL be slow to begin with,but don't worry they just finding their feet so to speak. Do You have Fans Blowing across them? Air circulation is a must..again FleaBay.. 6" clip on fan.. less than a tenner.

If You worrying about Height..Don't..let em recover then TOP or F.I.M or Suppercrop, hell IF you have the Time You could even ScroG them...

Lots of Choices and Paths You can still choose...just lay off the Nutes and give em more breathing space(Pot) if possible...also try and get 1 bulb per plant of decent wattage...say 50 - 80w each..hang Horizontally about 2 inches above...check Temps and Relax


Nearly forgot, When(IF) You Pot-On give a good watering in..say 500ml to 1L and then DON'T water for maybe 5 days..unless soil is really dry: Use your little finger and insert into soil at the edge of the Pot down to between 1st and 2nd knuckle...if finger comes up with bits of Soil/Perlite stuck to it don't water..IF finger comes up CLEAN...Water...say every 3rd day after the 1st 5days to a week of NO water after Potting-On and Watering in..


and Good Luck!!


Well-Known Member
IMHO - Reduce the nute slightly, let the soil dry before water.
you seem to be doing fine to me, the amount of info you got bombarded with then propably put you down a bit.... don't do this, never do that..... blah blah...

you need to grow how you know and improve my friend. your plants look healthy. they all take different times in there younger stages. just keep going and don't ever let anyone tell you that - there way is the right way..... Question Everything.

EDIT. P.S Defo Re-house them if you want them bigger.


Well-Known Member
I dont know if you feel like no one gave him any good advice this is why I teach from my own experience and mistakes. And this is why i post pics as i go. Personally, and on the 37 year old side of existence, I like to work with togetherness WITH PROOF and PICS. For one, Im not scared to post. For two Im not ignorant to the possibility of whos watching. This grow life got most people in fear and hiding. Me Im just passionate about it. And I want to see those who do want to learn succeed and to reassure NEW GROWERS that NO BODY is Better than the next person overall. So I teach what works and what dont work from my own experience and from what i learn to be true from other sources. With patience with the Newbs because im still a Newb and this is why im all over the Newb Section. My way is ONLY one SUCH AS ANOTHER'S to choose from. Peace and Growth :)
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Well-Known Member
I dont know if you feel like no one gave him any good advice this is why I teach from my own experience and mistakes. And this is why i post pics as i go. Personally, and on the 37 year old side of existence, I like to work with togetherness WITH PROOF and PICS. For one, Im not scared to post. For two Im not ignorant to the possibility of whos watching. This grow life got most people in fear and hiding. Me Im just passionate about it. And I want to see those who do want to learn succeed and to reassure NEW GROWERS that NO BODY is Better than the next person overall. So I teach what works and what dont work from my own experience and from what i learn to be true from other sources. With patience with the Newbs because im still a Newb and this is why im all over the Newb Section. My way is ONLY one SUCH AS ANOTHER'S to choose from. Peace and Growth :)
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32 Days CFL Grow...


Well-Known Member
I dont know if you feel like no one gave him any good advice this is why I teach from my own experience and mistakes. And this is why i post pics as i go. Personally, and on the 37 year old side of existence, I like to work with togetherness WITH PROOF and PICS. For one, Im not scared to post. For two Im not ignorant to the possibility of whos watching. This grow life got most people in fear and hiding. Me Im just passionate about it. And I want to see those who do want to learn succeed and to reassure NEW GROWERS that NO BODY is Better than the next person overall. So I teach what works and what dont work from my own experience and from what i learn to be true from other sources. With patience with the Newbs because im still a Newb and this is why im all over the Newb Section. My way is ONLY one SUCH AS ANOTHER'S to choose from. Peace and Growth :)
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Please don't feel I was jumping on your advice, ALL knowledge is precious, I feel that I was trying to say pretty much what you was with the above post just I was more blunt. For beginners Ive notice that when I g on about my way of doing it the look I get back is 'blah blah blah,' especially when I advise someone that's older. A lot of beginners will chop and change there regime because of what they have been told when simply telling them to stop go back to what you know and build up from there. I Have 9yrs back to back growing experience from orchids in the greenhouse to storage container size grow ops. and I know sure as hell, tomorrow somebody will tell me a complete new way of doing something. Hell, up till recently Ive NEVER super cropped.... in 9years...

now thanks to a cultivation conviction at HM's pleasure I just keep it small and help everyone else that wants to try.... 'if your not growing weed, then you should be'

Peace to you to friend... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
@Swims_GD.. "HM's" you gotta be a Brit(well UK regardless of Nationality) But yeah after going once you(if not daft) don't wanna be going again..was tha Green for Me, well over a Decade ago.. Anyhoos back on Topic.. Nah I think most of the Advice this Grower has been given is pretty sound tbh, inc yourself..tis Nice to see Helpful peeps tbh, not always the case on some these Forums.. and I think because of this some peeps have their Guard up a bit, idk...the written word can be read in many different ways and come across to some peeps in tha wrong way, or slightly blunt.. but no harm was meant by the person responding...tis just their way of talking maybe? idk? But We ALL Tokers init...



Well-Known Member
@Swims_GD.. "HM's" you gotta be a Brit(well UK regardless of Nationality) But yeah after going once you(if not daft) don't wanna be going again..was tha Green for Me, well over a Decade ago.. Anyhoos back on Topic.. Nah I think most of the Advice this Grower has been given is pretty sound tbh, inc yourself..tis Nice to see Helpful peeps tbh, not always the case on some these Forums.. and I think because of this some peeps have their Guard up a bit, idk...the written word can be read in many different ways and come across to some peeps in tha wrong way, or slightly blunt.. but no harm was meant by the person responding...tis just their way of talking maybe? idk? But We ALL Tokers init...



Well-Known Member
so i flush them and realized roots were growing through the bottom of the jiffy cup so i bought 7 inch pots and transferd them. the leaves was looking droopy from the flush but now there starting to change back to normal