first grow, a little help?

Ok, so...I started out with a shitload of seedlings and ended up with one lone plant... As a first time grower...I bit off wayyyyyy more than I could chew....actually it really was that, the place I bought my seeds from had a bad rep and I didn't want to waste my time so I germinated almost all of my seeds and surprise, surprise 90% of them sprouted so I had that going and then they all shot up rapid fire and I ran out of supplies and not having a car I could do nothing so I made do with what I had and did what I could and ended up with one.
whew, so Its about 3weeks old, Im wondering if it looks kind of runty, its been through A LOT, mind you, so I'm not really THAT worried...since I threw a regular 40w or 60w light on it its been doing pretty the time ive been growing under this light (5days) its grown 2 jagged leaves and is into starting a new set... can anyone tell me....does it look healthy?


streeeetched, dear god man you put all the seeds in one bucket D:, not bag seed for first grow D:, D: D: D:


Well-Known Member
transplant it into a bigger pot (not huge) and put soil up to about 1/2 inch from the bottom of the first leafs, that will fix the stretch

the plant looks healthy but if your light is incandesent your not gonna have much off it, I'm questioning because of your description (and can't tell from the pic)

read my grow journal (Goin Loco link) my girl went thru hell to get to where she is :weed:


At the very least get some cfw's above it, (it sounds like you are using incandescent as riddle said) just keep it growing in the veg. state until you can afford some equipment/gather the right supplies. worst case scenario you could use it as a mother to take clones from and start a crop when you are "ready to grow" so to speak. Make sure you sex it though.


Active Member
Im a new grower, but i can tell you need more light. My best grow so far was a simple one. I used Mg soil, tap water, and some dolomite lime. I had a 150w, but my 5 stretched. You could probably get away with 150w over a plant or two. The 400w hps I have in a cool-tube is becoming old faithful. It aint old, but Im defaulting to it a lot compared to my cfl's, my 150 and my 1000w mh/hps. I didnt even have a PH meter or anything fancy.

The MG soil I used was time released for 3months, and it lasted for 2. I added nutes and got burns after 1 month, so for EZ, im reccomending a lightly nuted soil. Im doing another grow and going back to a 50%mg and 50% peatmoss. I tried to go upscale on my last grow and have seen poor results.

So, keep it simple. I would highly recommend following riddleme's advice. and cpu fans are your best friend for small grows! If smell is an issue, look up carbon filters DIY. Around flowering time, you will definately notice the odor! Good luck, and try not to do what i do and become impatient, overly mother them and change a ton of shit at once, then cry when things go awry.:cry:

If only I had 2lbs of fine green in the freeze, then I'd find that ever elusive patience. Best of luck and keep us posted.:leaf:


Well-Known Member
WOW! That little fucker is super-stretched. The plant is trying to reach more light HAVE to use a fluorescent bulb, not a regular bulb. The fluorescent bulb also should be a DAYLIGHT/COOL BULB (blue spectrum). They sell those big curly daylight flo bulbs at Wal-Mart. Then when you flower you gotta switch the bulb to a WARM BULB (red/orange spectrum).



Well-Known Member
more light...

get you're lazy ass to walmart, find some clamp lights for 5 bux, find some CFL's, the 4 pack of 26 watt daylight costs 6 bux.... and surround that plant with them babies... for 1 plant i'd go for 4 26 watt daylights and a single 42 watt softwhite to have a mixed spectrum of light..... this will improve how that plant looks dramatically.... also, the y sockets are at home depot for 2 bux a pop.... turns one socket into two, very VERY handy...

and transplant it to 1/2 way up the stalk (this is tricky and be very very gentle, don't want that flimsy lil thing to bend in half or get damaged).... good luck....


Active Member
random pics of the joys of CFL versatility. I think the spectrum may be the wrong shade on the box i got, but walmart had em for cheap. They seem to do pretty good for what they are. Between that, and cpu fans, you'll never have ANY issues with heat. My cpu case is running 1 pusher and 1 puller thru carbon, and it raises the temp by 10deg over room temp. You can cram a shit ton of CFL's in before you gotta worry about too much heat. Get a cheap ass thermometer while you're there. Btw: I never had an issue with the cfl's. all my plants started under them did well, until i killed them somehows else. :)

Be sure to check out the posts on cfl use, theres people with TONS more knowledge. I dont recall who, but someone was doing a "how low can you go" (as in wattage cfl), and he has the patience of a monk! Perhaps search him up thru google. Enjoy the learning curve, it's huge! Me, im barely on my way. Lookin forward to seeing what you end up doin'!

Best of luck



Well-Known Member
dude that thing is Extremely small for 3 weeks. In three weeks you should have a way bushier bigger plant. You need to get some proper lights if you want to grow any bud at all....