First Grow a little help?

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
That PH swing is wild. I never tried distilled water but you would think it would be great. What product for PH up are you using! And perhaps up your EC a bit low, raise it to get it to stay steady or rise just very slightly. When my PH drops continuously its near the end of the res's time and a good indicator for my setup that I need to change it. But yes I didnt see the last pics and you really need to get that solved or it is going to effect yield IMO. When I first started in hydro the biggest thing to deal with was PH swings and after quite a few different products I settled on Aqua Flakes and my own sulphuric acid for PH down. I use very little up and a litre lasts like two years. My res is very stable now but I also run low pressure sprayers and no air pump, the air stones really messed with the ph as well.


Active Member
That PH swing is wild. I never tried distilled water but you would think it would be great. What product for PH up are you using! And perhaps up your EC a bit low, raise it to get it to stay steady or rise just very slightly. When my PH drops continuously its near the end of the res's time and a good indicator for my setup that I need to change it. But yes I didnt see the last pics and you really need to get that solved or it is going to effect yield IMO. When I first started in hydro the biggest thing to deal with was PH swings and after quite a few different products I settled on Aqua Flakes and my own sulphuric acid for PH down. I use very little up and a litre lasts like two years. My res is very stable now but I also run low pressure sprayers and no air pump, the air stones really messed with the ph as well.
I'm use n GH up and down. I have another girl that flowered a few weeks behind in the same res. without any issue that I can see. Idk it's crazy but wish I could figure it out! I did a res change on Monday with 3/4 nutes and it held at ph6.0for 24 hours then drops. Thanks for your info. Here is a pic of other girl in same res.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
When you dropped the EC did the PH stay steadier longer? Also what did the EC do in that period? Whats your res temps? The root zone may look fine as well but inside the ball there may be the start of something due to lack of DO getting there. It is my experience that that is one of the issues with a flooded system, the DO just doesn't make it to the center and lots if stagnant water just sits in there. Not saying thats your issue but lots of PH issues are due to an unhealthy root system. I actually had terrible luck with DWC but lots grow massive plants. A chiller is a great asset to that system if you can run one.


Active Member
When you dropped the EC did the PH stay steadier longer? Also what did the EC do in that period? Whats your res temps? The root zone may look fine as well but inside the ball there may be the start of something due to lack of DO getting there. It is my experience that that is one of the issues with a flooded system, the DO just doesn't make it to the center and lots if stagnant water just sits in there. Not saying thats your issue but lots of PH issues are due to an unhealthy root system. I actually had terrible luck with DWC but lots grow massive plants. A chiller is a great asset to that system if you can run one.
I need to check res temp. Do you have a good chiller you can recommend? Also I up d my ppm to 770 yesterday and ph has started to go up alittle. Started at 5.77 and 8 hours later 6.06ph /ppm660. But I got a lot of yellow/dying fan leaves. Idk late flower/ normal life cycle. Included updated pics. Thanks again for your feedback. My first grow so I've learned a lot. Soon time to dry/cure? Trics are almost all cloudy



Well-Known Member
You have to wait longer. Those pistils all need to recede and buds swell more. Some strains can go cloudy pretty early and maintain cloudy for a long time. Watch for rapid development of amber trichomes as your cue in these cases. For example, if you are sitting on 1-2% amber and one morning it suddenly goes to 5-10% amber, pull them.


Active Member
You have to wait longer. Those pistils all need to recede and buds swell more. Some strains can go cloudy pretty early and maintain cloudy for a long time. Watch for rapid development of amber trichomes as your cue in these cases. For example, if you are sitting on 1-2% amber and one morning it suddenly goes to 5-10% amber, pull them.
Ok thanks. I plan to wait at least 10-14 more days and will keep check n the trichomes. Should I continue feeding normal for the next week n then no more nutes? N RH is 34-48%, can I go lower for better results? I can't believe I've made it this far on my first grow. All ur help is much appreciated and may have some drying and curing questions soon. :)


Well-Known Member
Given an early fade, I would feed till harvest, cutting nutes in half the last week. Everybody will do it different.

Lil green leaves

Well-Known Member
So I get the feeling most of you are against flushing. I'm not saying that I am going to I was just trying to see were I'm at with my girl! First timer so wth do I know. Just looking for some feedback. Peace
Flush 2 weeks before harvest with pure water.:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint::blsmoke:bongsmilie:weed:

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I dont flush per say, i typically have a few laggards in each tray so they will get a lighter EC but never stop feeding. Bugeye is right in that they have a bit to go. As for chillers I have no clue. I only run indoors in the colder months. I have pipes running into the deep water of a lake as well to circulate glycol.


Active Member
So got a pic of the roots. Well the best I could get. pH is alittle high at 6.2 and can't get it down now. I pH d down a few drops and back to 6.0-6.3 in a few hours ppm 807 at pH 6.0 and now pH 6.37 ppm 796 7 hours later! wth the buds are still swell n up.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Its really hard to see the roots in the pic sorry and yes their still growing lol. At this poinf there is not much you can do but prey lol. I would try getting the ppm up 50 and see what happens. There are different combinations of nutes that worked really well for me for stability and aqua flakes work the best but pricey!


Active Member
Its really hard to see the roots in the pic sorry and yes their still growing lol. At this poinf there is not much you can do but prey lol. I would try getting the ppm up 50 and see what happens. There are different combinations of nutes that worked really well for me for stability and aqua flakes work the best but pricey!
Lol thanks, I up d the ppm to 900 this morning. We she'll see! N Ill try to get some better pics of root zone next day cycle. N I'll check out Aqua flakes.


Well-Known Member
Lol thanks, I up d the ppm to 900 this morning. We she'll see! N Ill try to get some better pics of root zone next day cycle. N I'll check out Aqua flakes.
Yeah, I don't know if it is your photo or not, but the roots look very brown, not white. Are they a little slimy to the touch?


Active Member
I just checked roots and no slime they do look alittle tan in color. I use floralicious plus which is dark. I'm only use n a very very small amount per week. Really hard to get better pic of roots. Smh but here are the stats:
11am pH 5.68 ppm 1000
230pm pH 5.90 ppm 922
RH 35% temp 68 night cycle

Maybe they were hungry? Idk

And sorry I said I up d the ppm to 900 but they were at 1000ppm when feed this morning not 900ppm


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Ok so yup perhaps nutes are causing brown color but yes if EC is dropping their hungry so keep slowly raising it till it goes up just slightly on its own.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Sorry didnt see your last post. You could try getting rid of it if its there by dossing it with Hydrogen peroxide then going back to beanies to keep it at bay. Your res temps are most likely the cause. I use a pond additive (microbe lift pl) that seems to work pretty good, have never tried canna specific beanies.