First Grow, aboooout 7 weeks in..


Well-Known Member
was not thanking you bmeat. you are UNWELCOME: in this thread, dont you have anything better to do? I have a few ideas:
I am going to speak mono- syll a bic ally so that you may understand, that means not alot of syllables, since i am sure you are googling it right now

1. worry about you and yours, and from the advice i hear that you are giving, and all the time you spend on here shit talking, why dont you go tend your garden, im sure it needs it. In FACT I doubt you have anything growing at all, except the semi chubby you get from this bullshit

2. go get a fucking JOB: I run 3 companies and have made about 40 bucks literally sitting here on my ass posting things that are constructive, all in the time that you have been hanging out here.

3. you said you were changing your lights when you move out? You live with your parents or something? Job equals money which means being able to pop the tittie out of your mouth and cut the apron strings.

4. you call suicide because you have health issues!?: bitch I have been through uterine cancer, I have aggressive as fuck crohns disease that demands surgeries, and I am ony 32 years old. Suck it up, life dealt you a shit hand, make the best of it


Active Member
check out im not sure of the other links just thought id suggest what I use everyone else said 600w hps way to go, yet if you are only 4 ft tall (thats what I think you stated was your height) the temp may get to high for your plants so you might want to get cfl ( or get fans which will be more money) ...hope i didnt repeat to much already stated and hope i helped good luck.... also i love how you shaped your plant!


Well-Known Member
If you have the money...look into gavida lights, best on the market. they are expensive lol just a warning, i'll be getting a 1000 watt gavida pro de...found one for $450, which is a hell of a deal for a $1000 light.


Well-Known Member
Jinxtme - Was actually embarrassed for my gender after reading the Meat Beaters response to you yesterday. He has good moments and lesser moments. Just hang in there sister, I'd say the brothers on here will stick up for you but from your last response to the meat fellow I am positive you can do more than hold your own. Nice slap down.

Peace - Aim


New Member
was not thanking you bmeat. you are UNWELCOME: in this thread, dont you have anything better to do? I have a few ideas:
I am going to speak mono- syll a bic ally so that you may understand, that means not alot of syllables, since i am sure you are googling it right now

1. worry about you and yours, and from the advice i hear that you are giving, and all the time you spend on here shit talking, why dont you go tend your garden, im sure it needs it. In FACT I doubt you have anything growing at all, except the semi chubby you get from this bullshit

2. go get a fucking JOB: I run 3 companies and have made about 40 bucks literally sitting here on my ass posting things that are constructive, all in the time that you have been hanging out here.

3. you said you were changing your lights when you move out? You live with your parents or something? Job equals money which means being able to pop the tittie out of your mouth and cut the apron strings.

4. you call suicide because you have health issues!?: bitch I have been through uterine cancer, I have aggressive as fuck crohns disease that demands surgeries, and I am ony 32 years old. Suck it up, life dealt you a shit hand, make the best of it
i have crohns/colitis as well and i have healed it after being on multiple courses of prednisone, mesalamine (all routes of admission), entocort, tons of antibiotics for c.diff (flaygl, vancomysim) and have tried remicade. been hospitalized a lot too, had 3 scopes, have scarring in gut, had lots of bleeding, and collapsed veins from all the harsh iv solutions :( ive learned that crohns colitits, like all auto-immune is infection realted, and when you can get the infection under control, and desensitize your immune system, you can put yourself into a life time of remission.

i now take 0 medications besides a probiotic called vsl#3 (even though my doc says to stay on remicade, but i hate synthetic chemicals), which populates gut flora, which is much like the biota or soil life for plants.

then after finally getting my life back on track (after 4 years of anguish, 4 years behind in school, having to drop out and waste 11k of my parents money on a semester at ramapo and now being happy at community college) i destory my right am i going to do what i love like drum? how am i going to be strong and support my family when my gut doesnt provide me with nutrients and my dominant hand is destroyed?

life is fucking cruel.

i do have a part time job, but being 21 and in school, i cant afford an apartment in this wretched state of new jersey. even one bedrooms go for 700-1000$ it is dirty here, over populated, and a hub of business. for christs sake, we make our money by haboring trash!

im moving to north carolina as soon as i can.

i apologized twice to you, and i will a third time. im very sorry. no, you dont deserve to be called a cunt at all. i wasnt planning on posting again but i saw that you have crohns so i figured i would post one more time.

your english is worse than mine, so i doubt that you run any sort of a company (since you want to attack me, i will retaliate) then again, thats the u.s. for you.

good luck with your health issues. im unsubscribed from this thread as of now


Well-Known Member
i have crohns/colitis as well and i have healed it after being on multiple courses of prednisone, mesalamine (all routes of admission), entocort, tons of antibiotics for c.diff (flaygl, vancomysim) and have tried remicade. been hospitalized a lot too, had 3 scopes, have scarring in gut, had lots of bleeding, and collapsed veins from all the harsh iv solutions :( ive learned that crohns colitits, like all auto-immune is infection realted, and when you can get the infection under control, and desensitize your immune system, you can put yourself into a life time of remission.

i now take 0 medications besides a probiotic called vsl#3 (even though my doc says to stay on remicade, but i hate synthetic chemicals), which populates gut flora, which is much like the biota or soil life for plants.

i do have a part time job, but being 21 and in school, i cant afford an apartment in this wretched state of new jersey. even one bedrooms go for 700-1000$ it is dirty here, over populated, and a hub of business. for christs sake, we make our money by haboring trash!

im moving to north carolina as soon as i can.

i apologized twice to you, and i will a third time. im very sorry. no, you dont deserve to be called a cunt at all. i wasnt planning on posting again but i saw that you have crohns so i figured i would post one more time.

your english is worse than mine, so i doubt that you run any sort of a company (since you want to attack me, i will retaliate) then again, thats the u.s. for you.

good luck with your health issues. im unsubscribed from this thread as of now
Can't you understand yet she doesn't want shit to do with you, let alone see your posts in her thread?


Well-Known Member
Well BMeat I guess my top question is why your profile says you are from Canada. Now I understand. New Jersey. Apologies to all from CA and NJ.

I'm sorry about your health issues and trust you will come out on top. Seriously, yer gonna whip this crap in the long run.

I doubt if you believe it but I'm rooting for you. Been down plenty of times in my life and it always seems total strangers pop out of nowhere and have propped me up.

Peace. Truly.


again i say life dealt a shit hand, make the most of it, you should have thought about your passions and used them in a direction to keep yourself up instead of trying to take yourself out. I dont have to get your validation on what I do or how i make my money, as most of these people are probably cool, but at the same time, Im not going to posts links to my pages for all to see, I keep this aspect of my life private.
You use alot of ''big'' ''scientific'' words, and in most cases proper context. But anyone can copy and paste and make themselves look (thats the key word) knowledgeable.
I am in the US, and at 21 i was sick and full of tumors, had a 4 year old son with no father or family to help me out. I went to school full time, I worked a 60 hour week, and still made it to Galveston State Hospital twice a week to get chemo.
Thats a very very small line out of the book of my life. Just because you have it hard, or you think its CRUEL and UNFAIR, its also what you make it. You however are letting it make you. All I got for you is prayers son. you think its bad now? Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but its PROBABLY going to get ALOT WORSE, especially with the attitude you have. I didnt make you sick, I didnt tell you to go to school and waste your parents money, I didnt whisper in your ear to drag a razor across your arm. What I did do was like everyone I meet on the net, give you benefit of the doubt. Sorry you ruined that, I am a pretty down chick.


so this is a pic of the veg room, and yeah i know my spiral whatever those lights are too high, but i usually have these up off the wood boards down also you can see that i have a purifier and a fan going, fan blows toward the top and back so it blows the hot air back out, average in there today is 742013-01-27 17-07-43.981.jpg2013-01-27 17-07-56.758.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks good.
Actually you get more light produced from the side of your CFL's (twirlys).
Can you set something under the plants to bring them up closer to the bulbs?


Well-Known Member
Try to get them sitting high enough to where the center light is half way down in the middle of your plants...the side lights should sit 2-3 inches above your canopy


sorry i have been mia guys, i had to lose my mind and visit the land of the Gods for a while!
Bakatatare I noticed, I think it was one of your plants, that you had started to shape it, and I wanted to try that on Leo, my mother plant, and started it on Monday with the bottom longest branches, and I cant believe how much that helps, she has started to produce almost overnight more leaves and it also helped with getting light more into the spots where the bigger leaves were casting shadows. I also still have her clone, i clipped it on the would be the best way to check it for root growth? I clipped it underwater and planted it down in a soaked peat moss grow pellet, and have kept it very moist with a humidity dome under it, I have read that it can take up to 14 days to get roots, can i check it by sumberging the medium into water and washing it away or just instill patience and wait the 14 days? Also I have gotten another spread of lights, identical to the 3 cfls that I have fora total of 6... so far so good!

The Red

Active Member
sorry i have been mia guys, i had to lose my mind and visit the land of the Gods for a while!
Bakatatare I noticed, I think it was one of your plants, that you had started to shape it, and I wanted to try that on Leo, my mother plant, and started it on Monday with the bottom longest branches, and I cant believe how much that helps, she has started to produce almost overnight more leaves and it also helped with getting light more into the spots where the bigger leaves were casting shadows. I also still have her clone, i clipped it on the would be the best way to check it for root growth? I clipped it underwater and planted it down in a soaked peat moss grow pellet, and have kept it very moist with a humidity dome under it, I have read that it can take up to 14 days to get roots, can i check it by sumberging the medium into water and washing it away or just instill patience and wait the 14 days? Also I have gotten another spread of lights, identical to the 3 cfls that I have fora total of 6... so far so good!
Why do you need to check root growth? And I wouldn't wash any of the growing medium off of the root mass to check it out. (don't know if I properly understood your post or not.) and good stuff on the lights. do you plan on adding more? What wattage are they?


Well-Known Member
sorry i have been mia guys, i had to lose my mind and visit the land of the Gods for a while!
Bakatatare I noticed, I think it was one of your plants, that you had started to shape it, and I wanted to try that on Leo, my mother plant, and started it on Monday with the bottom longest branches, and I cant believe how much that helps, she has started to produce almost overnight more leaves and it also helped with getting light more into the spots where the bigger leaves were casting shadows. I also still have her clone, i clipped it on the would be the best way to check it for root growth? I clipped it underwater and planted it down in a soaked peat moss grow pellet, and have kept it very moist with a humidity dome under it, I have read that it can take up to 14 days to get roots, can i check it by sumberging the medium into water and washing it away or just instill patience and wait the 14 days? Also I have gotten another spread of lights, identical to the 3 cfls that I have fora total of 6... so far so good!
I'm real happy with how the shape came out for me, with all the tops I'm going to have.
Believe it or not, I only topped once.:-P
I wouldn't do any washing of the roots, even just out of curiosity, because you might shock them.
I would just give them the time, and if they're green and healthy, take that as a sign that the root systems are growing happily.
Glad to hear you're adding more lights!
With CFL's, you can never have 'too much'.;-)


Why do you need to check root growth? And I wouldn't wash any of the growing medium off of the root mass to check it out. (don't know if I properly understood your post or not.) and good stuff on the lights. do you plan on adding more? What wattage are they?
because its my first time trying to clone and i am impatient...
my lights are 26 w 1625L each X 6 and 2 55 w 3600l x 2


i added the 2 3600s today when they woke up, and i have to say that there is a definite visible change! still leaving the clone alone, dropped a few seeds a few days ago and they have started to come up, and the shelf above the flowering area is about to be a veg area, above that for seedlings and leo (mom). Ive got my husband steady working lol!