First grow advice on small plant-big yield?

Hey guys, im growing with at least 8000 lumens of light, well vented, cheap closet job in a 55 litre containter. Im hoping for quality as a test for my first grow and I dont have heaps of room. Quantity would be good, but quality is my aim.. Im just wondering how much I would yield off of one plant if I start flowering in two weeks? Only a rough estimate is fine, any advice at all, especially any advice to do with how to boost yield on small plants is appreciated, I just wanna grow some nice bud haha :)my plant is topped and growing more and more each day. Thanks guys!



Well-Known Member
Hello Green,

Im still new here myself, so ill start out by saying that you should take anything I say with a grain of salt ;)

That said, your girls looking great! Two more weeks of growtime should see several more nodes, but if you're looking for quantity you want to veg as much as you can. From what I understand, plants can double in size by the time they finish flowering, so take a look at your grow space and try to let her fill a little less than half of that area if possible.

You mentioned you topped your girl. Have you heard of Low Stress Training? This is where you tie your plant down horizontally, and basically train her around the edge of your pot. Or in any direction you like really, you're just forcibly making her bush out instead of growing in the usual shape. This helps to get more light to your side branches, and that in turn helps you to fill out more bud sites. I have also heard that doing this causes your side branches to act as new 'tops' since the plants main is being pulled down. Im not 100% sure on that last bit, but judging from my girl it seems to be the case ;)

Once you train your girl and let her grow to the appropriate size just flip the lights and keep on watching/training while she flowers. Im at this part of the process now. I tie down more as needed to keep a nice flat canopy of buds, and I prune bigger fan leaves that are blocking light to any bud sights that I see. So far this has not stressed my plant, and instead of having small popcorn buds on the bottom of my plant I have medium-regular size ones.

Overall im happy with my method of fimming and LST'ing my plant. I use LED lights, so an even canopy is very important for me as well. Not to mention its fun getting to train the plant, makes it more of a team effort if you ask me! If you have the time you should give it a shot, it should help to increase your yield and the quality of bud you get since more of your plant will have direct access to light.
Cheers mate. Been training her for about two weeks now, more and more nodes are forming. I just changed from 24 hour light to a 16/8 schedual, ive added more lights, and shes loving it. Does anyone else have any tips on short veg to produce a decent yield? Also got told that watering and feeding should be done whilst the lights are off, any ideas? Source was an experienced old school grower. Any tips at all, fire away!


Well-Known Member
Doesn't matter when u feed and water. The longer u veg the more u will yield in the end and I'm not sure what u have read about short veg times and yield but I know of no method that will allow u a larger yield but also allow u a shorter veg time. It just doesn't work that way. If u have data to the contrary would u post a link so I could read it? Thx and good luck with ur grow. Plant looks great n if u want an idea of how much u will yield from the one plant I think between 1.5 and 2 ounces is a good guess.


Well-Known Member
looking great dude. just watch your PH should be 6.5 to 6.8 so best nutes intake. room temp 24-26c HUM-50%. dont let it dry right out just let it go moist and then water. i feed two times aweek the rest is water.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, im growing with at least 8000 lumens of light, well vented, cheap closet job in a 55 litre containter. Im hoping for quality as a test for my first grow and I dont have heaps of room. Quantity would be good, but quality is my aim.. Im just wondering how much I would yield off of one plant if I start flowering in two weeks? Only a rough estimate is fine, any advice at all, especially any advice to do with how to boost yield on small plants is appreciated, I just wanna grow some nice bud haha :)my plant is topped and growing more and more each day. Thanks guys!
overdrive is a good bud booster. but there are so many out there to choose from. i grow organic best smoke
The advice I got was via telephone from my old buddy
Doesn't matter when u feed and water. The longer u veg the more u will yield in the end and I'm not sure what u have read about short veg times and yield but I know of no method that will allow u a larger yield but also allow u a shorter veg time. It just doesn't work that way. If u have data to the contrary would u post a link so I could read it? Thx and good luck with ur grow. Plant looks great n if u want an idea of how much u will yield from the one plant I think between 1.5 and 2 ounces is a good guess.


Well-Known Member
there are time of the year that light is more an less time. so 18.6 tell the plant ok time to grow an get ready for flowering. 12.12 tells the plant to start buding and starting the end of the plant


Well-Known Member
I had a plant that was 10 inches tall yield 34 grams dry. i Lst'd it a bit and trimmed over half of the fan leaves off to allow light into the inner nodes. its all about your variables, (light, water, fertilizer, humidity, bugs, soil, etc) I did 4 months of research before i even planted a seed and my friend, it was worth reading every bit and waiting.


Well-Known Member
and your going to need more light. for my grow posted above I used (4) 23w 6500k "blue" and (2) 23w 2700K :yellow" for veg and same bulbs but opposite spectrum for flowering

I used those reflective work lights from wallmart ($8USD) each
2-way lightbulb splitters from Home Depot (2.29USD) Each
6500k lightbulbs I've only seen come in 2-packs, made by Sylvania "Talking all CFL"
for($9USD) at Lowes
4-packs of 2700K 23w at Wallmart for ($9USD)


Well-Known Member
there are time of the year that light is more an less time. so 18.6 tell the plant ok time to grow an get ready for flowering. 12.12 tells the plant to start buding and starting the end of the plant
Thanks, always wondered about that :P I must be a tough master, I hard switch from 24/0 to 12/12 lol


Well-Known Member
yeah my young jedi ! 24h lighting for veg is also great for growth, but remember start your flowering time when your plants start to show white hairs in formation. that is when you count down you flowering time. i made to same fuck up when i first started growing. but as is well now.
did you move you plant into a bigger pot with new soil b4 you veged them?
as new soil always has 2-3 weeks of feed in it. so always watch that u dont want to over feed them.
Shes veggin out nicely folks, roughly 4 hours into her 8 hours of darkness whilst ive been smoking bulk green and drinkin top shelf supervisin her environments overnight temps, the plant sleeps when I sleep so to so to speak so overnight temps in new zealand get to 15degrees cecius and under.. been using a fan heater to even out temps.well fuck I hope ur all high and happy I sure as hell fuckin am :D peace