First Grow After an experiment almost 4 to 5 years ago...check it out!!!

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
dude, Honestly that is what I showed people and told people on the other forum, so why can't someone take my lil Op. and make it there own on this website? and then direct me here after he's already started a quarrel with you guys and make me come here n look like a jackass. Also second of all if that was me I would not be stupid enough too put the same picture I had just shown you guys the day before up on the forums. :?

OOOOOPPPPSSSS!!! Accidentally post that under the wrong name???? Too damn funny!

It was pretty obvious anyway... you were fooling no one.....

You should probably go answer the phone... it's the water company.... they're calling to inquire why you used an extra 50 gallons of water last month :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
dude, Honestly that is what I showed people and told people on the other forum, so why can't someone take my lil Op. and make it there own on this website? and then direct me here after he's already started a quarrel with you guys and make me come here n look like a jackass. Also second of all if that was me I would not be stupid enough too put the same picture I had just shown you guys the day before up on the forums. :? right... blew your cover, that was soo easy. you defintely should not be growing. with those brains.


Active Member
dude, Honestly that is what I showed people and told people on the other forum, so why can't someone take my lil Op. and make it there own on this website? and then direct me here after he's already started a quarrel with you guys and make me come here n look like a jackass. Also second of all if that was me I would not be stupid enough too put the same picture I had just shown you guys the day before up on the forums. :?
YO WTF.. that was not even me holy fuck this person is annoying the shit out of me and fooling all of you. I know he's just trying to ruin my rep by actually talking properly to make you believe I fucked up but theres no way I could have, everytime I log on this site it logs me in automatically, my password and user name are SAVED...
So tell me how did I log into a wrong account, I am not an asshole like this person, so believe me if you want but I really do think I am going to have to go to another site. Because this is all I am hearing about. I am here to get questions answered and this person is just making it super difficult for me on this website.
I just wish i knew who this person was OMG.. and p.s I have been at school all day today till 3pm.. this person left the msg at 11 am.. I do not log on this from school which is why you never see me online weekdays till atleast 4 to 5.


Active Member
This jackass is making me look like the biggest prick in the world right now.. He used pretty much everything I had up in the other website forum, even the nutrient list I had, and basically made me look like a jackass when i came to this site its such bullshit.
Can I please just get a str8 answer if I am going to keep getting bull like this, I will leave peacefully, I am not here to fight with people or argue, I am just looking for a good forum to get some answers from...


Well-Known Member
its not going to be easy growing them in Canada! But it is possible!
First off, let me tell you that you should plant them outside ASAP. Therefore it is going to take quite a while till they are mature, because the light up north is not very potent!
Marijuana grow's best in tropical place's where the sun is the source of light.
MY advice to you is to just grow indoor's, because by growing outdoors theres a better chance you will get caught and a chance that the plants wont even survive!

The chance of even one of your plants reaching harvest growing outdoors in Canada is about 35%... which means.. out of all the plants you grow only a couple (if any) will mature..

-- Medical Marijuana Patient, and Cannabis grower for 10 years.
I would love to help you get those plants going, so if you need help let me know!


Active Member
its not going to be easy growing them in Canada! But it is possible!
First off, let me tell you that you should plant them outside ASAP. Therefore it is going to take quite a while till they are mature, because the light up north is not very potent!
Marijuana grow's best in tropical place's where the sun is the source of light.
MY advice to you is to just grow indoor's, because by growing outdoors theres a better chance you will get caught and a chance that the plants wont even survive!

The chance of even one of your plants reaching harvest growing outdoors in Canada is about 35%... which means.. out of all the plants you grow only a couple (if any) will mature..

-- Medical Marijuana Patient, and Cannabis grower for 10 years.
I would love to help you get those plants going, so if you need help let me know!
Thanks for that info, but I am going to have too plant outside there is just too many, and for the time being until there about 2 to 3 feet they will be by my house not too far in a secluded area.
Then I am going to take them out too the country where I found a whole lot of forest and am going to spread them out in about plots of 6 to 7 in heavy brush, and will also buy some fences to keep animals away.
I have planted in Canada and my friends have too, and no body's plants have ever died they all have been healthy and strong from as many grow ops I have known about.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
20/4 is allright. 24/0 is better. use 24/0 for three weeks, and then switch to 12/12. I don't take my plants outdoors for fear of pests. And the sun is really powerful, so your plants may go into shock if they are not used to it. My advice, keep them inside.

And bro, no more BS. This is a chill sight with chill people.If someone critisizes your setup or grow, take it as that, criticism. It will only make you a better gardener.If someone is really giving you shit for no reason, let a mod know. I stay on this site because the crowd is hospitable, and i expect alot of other people do to. Take that for what it is.

Well said!!! Props to you dude and I like how you helped him first, then slapped his wrist a little bit. +rep points for you...


White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
On the other hand, you were stupid enough to put up your old screen name that you were trying to say wasnt you. If you want to stay on this sight, I would start apoligizing and put this issue to bed. Everyone acts like an ass sometimes, it is how you deal with it that makes you who you are.

Hey 40Acres, I'll have to hit you up with the rep point in a few, I gave you 1 for that thread 'What's with the rep points' and now the systems tells me I have to spread my points out first. That thread is dope, is it

stay nice and mellow



Well-Known Member
Thanks for that info, but I am going to have too plant outside there is just too many, and for the time being until there about 2 to 3 feet they will be by my house not too far in a secluded area.
Then I am going to take them out too the country where I found a whole lot of forest and am going to spread them out in about plots of 6 to 7 in heavy brush, and will also buy some fences to keep animals away.
I have planted in Canada and my friends have too, and no body's plants have ever died they all have been healthy and strong from as many grow ops I have known about.
I have one question, why do both of you have a habit of spelling the word "to" with two Os "too":confused:


New Member
To and too are used in different ways.. go to a site with an online dictionary, and type it up "To" and "Too" they represent two different things.
And you are still not using them correctly. Please don't carry on with the mindlessness. It has no point. If you want to learn how to grow, ask your questions and stick to growing for right now. Whether you are whomever, it doesnt matter, and all your arguing won't change it.
Can i be available to help you Grow now?

WWW-I am just trying to help. I feel like the only one who sees the ridiculous. Thanks for your nice comments.


Active Member
And you are still not using them correctly. Please don't carry on with the mindlessness. It has no point. If you want to learn how to grow, ask your questions and stick to growing for right now. Whether you are whomever, it doesnt matter, and all your arguing won't change it.
Can i be available to help you Grow now?

WWW-I am just trying to help. I feel like the only one who sees the ridiculous. Thanks for your nice comments.
LOL I am actually being serious too, I keep getting random questions that have nothing to do with growing, but yea thnkz for even asking 40 acres and i guess you answered that first question when that person logged in trying too frame me for being him :evil: lol.. but yea everythings good right now and probably will not need help for a bit, until I see some kind of problems.
I am just reading up for now on how others started their grows and how their doing within the first couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, so why do both of you use them in the wrong context ?

Go look at both the threads, and you tell me if something doesn't add up.


New Member
LOL I am actually being serious too, I keep getting random questions that have nothing to do with growing, but yea thnkz for even asking 40 acres and i guess you answered that first question when that person logged in trying too frame me for being him :evil: lol.. but yea everythings good right now and probably will not need help for a bit, until I see some kind of problems.
I am just reading up for now on how others started their grows and how their doing within the first couple weeks.
I am not an old timer on here like FDD, but i think that if all new growers would look and use the search function, most of their questions would be answered. If You have questions, search, and then ask if you can't find a response. And if you do ask questions, be prepared to be wrong and for people to tell you. It's all gravy.

White Widow Woman

Well-Known Member
YO WTF.. that was not even me holy fuck this person is annoying the shit out of me and fooling all of you. I know he's just trying to ruin my rep by actually talking properly to make you believe I fucked up but theres no way I could have, everytime I log on this site it logs me in automatically, my password and user name are SAVED...
So tell me how did I log into a wrong account, I am not an asshole like this person, so believe me if you want but I really do think I am going to have to go to another site. Because this is all I am hearing about. I am here to get questions answered and this person is just making it super difficult for me on this website.
I just wish i knew who this person was OMG.. and p.s I have been at school all day today till 3pm.. this person left the msg at 11 am.. I do not log on this from school which is why you never see me online weekdays till atleast 4 to 5.

Dude - you're in school until 3pm ? How old are you? Seriously, I don't think you are old enough to be on this site.

BTW everybody, under the best of conditions loses a plant now and then.

Please don't try to grow weed while still a minor, give yourself something to look forward to when you are older.



Active Member
Dude - you're in school until 3pm ? How old are you? Seriously, I don't think you are old enough to be on this site.

BTW everybody, under the best of conditions loses a plant now and then.

Please don't try to grow weed while still a minor, give yourself something to look forward to when you are older.

I will probably not be growing when I am older, I am just trying a nice big grow this year too see what I could do.. and I am only 20 but age has nothing too do with growing.
I do not do it for medicinal reasons I just like to experiment so I am not asking anyone to take me as a serious grower like yourselves because I really am not, but I just got a bunch of seeds from my friend, threw them into pots created a shitty setup that is working very well and yea, so goes my experiment..
Maybe if things go very well, next year I will make a better setup and buy some real strains, but for now this is all I am doing and do not care if a lot of you have a lot of crap too say about it.
Its my own grow and I bet more than half the people that grow professionally here, started out experimenting just like me.