First grow almsot rdy for harvest.


Active Member
Ok so my plant was a bag seed of some alright dro got lucky to find a seed. was the only seed in the 8th. I did some research for a few months then grew it. and a few mishapes the first 2 weeks of its life. lights falling on it ect. i ended up having to top the mess out of it actually because of burns. Anyways now she is in the 9th week of flowering I veged for 1 month and the 2 of my main colas the biggest ones almost all the hairs are white still but my 2 otehr colas are 50/50 same as most of my other buds. I got a mag glass a cheap one to see the trichomes but i can barley see them to tell if half are milky or not. I have no idea tbh when to harvest ill put some pics up and you gus tell me what you think please. And im using 5 42 watt equivilant to 150 watt cfls all with reflectors. growing on a budget.


Active Member
well that is alot of white hairs, i'd recommend getting a 30-100x microscope, can pick one up at radioshack, they are alot better for looking at the amber than just a magnifying glass


Active Member
Seems a little too early to me. Check the trichomes with the radioshack microscope, if they're clear it's too early, if they're cloudy check for amber trichomes. Usually people harvest at like 70% cloudy and 30% amber.