First Grow, an Evolving Effort

Johan Liebert

Active Member
All right, I'm on it. I let them sleep in late today because I just couldn't face them, but I'll keep them on as regular a cycle as possible until cutting day.

Thanks Statik, as always, you are my guru.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
So, I don't know if this is the proper place to post, but it's my grow journal about my grow, and this is related to my grow, and I'm going to journal it.

While bored one night, I realized that I am unhappy when I am without a project. In this instance, as the plants required less of my attention and the box became more complete, I had less of a project and more of an interaction on my hands. Thus, I swam down into the blues for a while and did a whole lot of nothing. Upon realizing this, I decided to plan another project, and I think it is exciting stuff:

As I've mentioned before, my mother does not approve of the plants in any way, and I have promised her that I will not grow again until she moves out and the house becomes, effectively, mine. I decided to figure out how to start growing in style the second she leaves, and so I roughed out a floor plan of my basement (current bedroom / basement) using cigarette boxes and trial / error sketching to determine the proportions. I proceeded to draw the basement as it is now, and as it will be in a month after I turn my room into a respectable abode. Then, I took the plan again, and re-drew it one to one and a half years in the future, as I would have it.

It would be as follows: from the bottom of the stairs right now, the first thing you see is a drywalled, hand-built room in an otherwise concrete dinge pit circa the turn of the 20th century. Walking alongside the room, you pass an air system and boiler, hitting the back right corner which is the laundry area. Turning now to the left, you would see empty space next to the room, with a small half-bath crammed into the back left corner. It is my desire, working with a blank slate (that is, moved out all my furniture and shit, the room is buildable) to build a space against the South wall where my bed and desk currently sit. This would run the length of the room and be a simple wall to anyone who had never seen the room before. Behind this wall will be my grow room (or hallway as it were). Inside this long and narrow room, one would have shelves (or cubbies if I can really work my carpenter's bone) at the left and right, down the length of the room. These would be separate, mini-grow stations. At the end of the grow hall I would set up a space for hanging, drying, and curing bud.

One would gain entry by going past the room, around the corner beyond the boiler and again turning left to find a door (which I may or may not conceal as well, for the lulz and security). I could rig up a room-worthy carbon filter and exhaust it out through a wall or something, as well as rigging up an intake fan somewhere. What remains of the bedroom would then be refitted as a smaller smoke pit, with the whole spectrum of lights, posters, and bean bag chairs for maximum groovage.

I've yet to price or research any of this but I have volunteer experience from church trips where I learned to build walls and such. I just figure making cubbies is a more minute version of the same principals. Any thoughts? This would be my dream grow room for the house in which I currently reside (and will reside for probably the next 5-10 years).


Well-Known Member
Some pics and the length/width would help. You need to think of power big time. How many outlet would you have access to? I'll try to help you on design.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
Some pics and the length/width would help. You need to think of power big time. How many outlet would you have access to? I'll try to help you on design.
Thanks, Danielsgb. The basement bedroom has, for years, been powered by a single outlet--that is, one heavy-duty extension cord split into 3 surge protectors which have powered, at their most, about 8 game consoles (2 current power suckers like the PS3 and 360 which are about 200-400 watts), a 32" 1080p LCD TV, a surround speaker system, one or more computers at a given time...and over the last 10 years it's never been a problem. More than likely I would redirect most of the power from this system and set up CFL fixtures inside of these stations. I know it's not the pimptastic way to go, but it is very low profile, low-heat, and low-energy so I am assuming that these would be a fine way to work until legalization takes away the nastiness of worrying about power usage.

In answer to your question though, I would have access to two total outlets to spread out all of the electrics across, via the same heavy-duty cords and surge protectors I've always used, bringing the total outlets up to more like 24 or so.

I cooked up a poor-man's design on the internet so I could show you what my idea looks like, and granted, these are not exact lengths but rather what appears right at a glance on my computer screen.

About the picture: It was difficult to make, and I wasn't going to take the time to shrink down a bunch of little plant icons, so I just wrote garden area. The door the the garden area would probably open up inward, rather than outward, but I could not figure out that damn program to make it flip. The two small black boxes would be the washer/dryer, and the others would be the chimney/boiler/air system. Lines are stairs, gray box is stairwell, more stairs, you've been in a house before.



Well-Known Member
yea, they let me in the house sometimes:lol: That drawing clears up what you were explaining pretty well. Maybe put red dots or something where the outlets are. Reason I'm asking is the power points determine how much gear you can safely run. by outlets I mean the wall plug with the two female 3 prong plug-ins. Power surge protectors all split the load but don't increase anything. I'd think one outlet would be 15 or 20 Amps. (on the breaker,which you could mark) Flip breakers till it shows you which, and you'll know what other outlets are sharing the 15-20 Amps. I mean when you flip the breaker that makes the outlet dead what other outlets also die.
Where you have garden area marked what width are you thinking? (and length looks to be 20 ish?) I'd say the door opening in and to the right would be good. If you could run a 6" ventilation tube to exhaust the grow area you'd be good.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
yea, they let me in the house sometimes:lol: That drawing clears up what you were explaining pretty well. Maybe put red dots or something where the outlets are. Reason I'm asking is the power points determine how much gear you can safely run. by outlets I mean the wall plug with the two female 3 prong plug-ins. Power surge protectors all split the load but don't increase anything. I'd think one outlet would be 15 or 20 Amps. (on the breaker,which you could mark) Flip breakers till it shows you which, and you'll know what other outlets are sharing the 15-20 Amps. I mean when you flip the breaker that makes the outlet dead what other outlets also die.
Where you have garden area marked what width are you thinking? (and length looks to be 20 ish?) I'd say the door opening in and to the right would be good. If you could run a 6" ventilation tube to exhaust the grow area you'd be good.
Gotcha: in that case it would be 2 outlets. Incidentally, they are attached to a pipe (bizarre, old construction) which is just inches outside of the side back door to the room. Historically I've run the extension cord over the wall but when I reoutfit everything I will run it through the wall instead. The garden area might not be exactly 20 feet, but it's definitely a close estimate. The little man in the area is about sized properly, so he would have easy maneuverability, even if the building of cubbies in the walls would make the hallway more narrow. While laying in bed last night and looking at it again, I'm confident that this space would be wide enough to work.

Johan Liebert

Active Member
All right, men, it's Sunday. I've cut down #4 and am going to put it in with #2 to dry (#2 is a week dry now...I took a teeny test bit, and oh my goodness did I ever get high). My adventure is almost over, and you largely know how I feel about what has happened thus far. I will try and get the iPhone photos I took before and during the cuttings up, shortly. I don't want to write an entire summary of the project until everything is done (i.e. I've smoked some cured bud) but here are some interesting things to note:

At the end, #2 was definitely very hermie, but despite my best efforts, I never found any bananas to cut off. Rather, it seemed the seeds simply grew--is this possible via hermie genetics? I thought I had popped a nanner off, but upon closer inspection, it was a teeny female flower. Whoops. Anyway, where I took test buds, seeds grew in their place next to female flowers.

Also, the plants were most definitely of different genetics. I'm not sure that #2 has got any seeds (another reason I'm suspicious that there ever were pollen sacks on #4) and by the end, they were certainly different plants. #4 was very pistil heavy, with a sort of lemonade / lime color about said pistils. #2 on the other hand, was a little more shade leafy, with very definite and shiny trichomes covering all of said leaves. When I get final dried hi-res pics of them, you will be able to see the differences about which I'm speaking.

Pics later.