First Grow Attempt (Outdoor)


Well-Known Member
hey smokey...if you the pics that you want time lapsed in order and I can put it into a flash file for ya...and then u could upload it to youtube I am pretty sure
So I apologize to those of you who have been following my grow, but I havent exactly been the one taking care of my plants lately so I havent had many, if any opportunities to take pictures :neutral: However, today was my first day of commuting from school to water and it was a bitch, but I did take some pictures with my digital camera so everybody can check out the nuggage I've got goin on. It's about and hour and a half each way to drive back to the spot plus however long it takes me to water the girls and whatever else I have to do while I'm in town. I left my house today at 11 a.m. and got back at about 4:45 p.m. :evil: Oh well, I guess these are the joys of being in college and trying to maintain a guerilla grow.



Well-Known Member
Yeah man they are coming right along. Good job. I hope someone doesn't see them with that netting and stakes out in the open like that.
I sure do hope you cloned it then...... that strain is PRICELESS!

its the strain there in my avatar
No clones, but I'm really really looking forward to sparking some up :eyesmoke:And by the way, your avatar is beautiful...

I went out and watered lastnight on my way back up to school from a little weekend trip down south... It was dark so I couldn't get any pics, but I do have some from the time before that I never put up so Ill do so now. If anybody out there could give a rough estimate of how long til harvest I would really appreciate it. I'll probably still get a little magnifying device to be sure though. Thanks to all who are still following. I'm sorry the journal has slowed down so much... School is a bitch right now



just stopped in and from the looks of your last pics at least 4-6 weeks. Kind of hard to tell without a closeup though. But looking pretty good. What strains are they???
just stopped in and from the looks of your last pics at least 4-6 weeks. Kind of hard to tell without a closeup though. But looking pretty good. What strains are they???
Alright... That's kind of what I was thinking. Probably like 4 weeks for the grandaddy and purple kush and like 6 weeks on the super silver haze. Those are the three I've got goin. Thanks for stopping by!:eyesmoke:
good job. arent u worryd bout a helicopter or something looks like it could be stealthier.
Originally I was super worried about helicopters and shit, but at this point thats kind of gone out the window with all the netting and such. I figure my local Sheriff Department has waaaaaay bigger fields to worry about in our area than my 6 relatively small plants. But still, its sketchy..... :-?


Well-Known Member
yea u should be fine, but u kno how it goes better safe than sorry, something to think about for next years grow you kno.
yea u should be fine, but u kno how it goes better safe than sorry, something to think about for next years grow you kno.
For sure. I doubt I'll even try something like this again... It has been way more work and much more difficult than I originally anticipated. Might as well just wait a couple years til I have a house of my own and do it there. :peace: