First grow (Attic). Looking for some feed back.

where did you get that reflective tent like thingy? it's pretty cool. I have a question im a total newb to growing, I have 1 3.5 ft plant under 2 40watt floro. "aquarium & plant" bulbs.Do you think i will be able to flower using this? I don't have alot of cash and I really need this thing to get ready to harvest as soon as i can. I also have stalk damage, i guess from moving it so many times, it split vertically, but i tied a damp string/rope around it and hope for the best. any suggestions?!:confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
i dont think its possible to for a plant to grow offspring out of its root system, more likely some other kind of weed that already had its seed in your soil, if not you have a serious case study on your hands
Could it just be a twin. I read something about that earlier.
Also, I'm using coco. Isn't that stuff cleaned or something?


Well-Known Member
where did you get that reflective tent like thingy? it's pretty cool. I have a question im a total newb to growing, I have 1 3.5 ft plant under 2 40watt floro. "aquarium & plant" bulbs.Do you think i will be able to flower using this? I don't have alot of cash and I really need this thing to get ready to harvest as soon as i can. I also have stalk damage, i guess from moving it so many times, it split vertically, but i tied a damp string/rope around it and hope for the best. any suggestions?!:confused::confused::confused:
I'm a noob.

The reflective material is called Mylar.

2x 40w flouros managed to grow a 3.5 foot plant?

You need to speak to somebody with more experience than I.


Well-Known Member
ive never broken a plant so i dont have first hand experience on fixing the stem, but i have seen them broken and put back together. have you seen the karate kid (II i think) where those punks tear mr Miaggie's bonsai tree in half, and they wrap a wet cloth around it and duct tape and at the end of the move the bonsai if fixed. id give it a good 2 weeks to a month before i even took the cloth off before you even check it. thats all i have for imput on this but keep in mind my sorce is the karate kid

those 40 watters are ok for growth, you def want to upgrade and get atleast twice that much light on there before you flower, but i would wait atleast a week after the plant was healed to begin flowering. do you realize that this plant could grow to like 6 or 7 feet (with out training) if it survives

and by the way no one likes a thread jacker


Well-Known Member
o for some reason i thought you were growin in soil, i follow so many grows its hard to keep em streight. i have no idea what this could be, lets see

but ya try and get those pics up cuz if it is (another) weed then it could be robing your plant of water and nutes. dont go pulling it cuz if you think it looks like a marijuana seedling i believe you and im interested


Well-Known Member
o for some reason i thought you were growin in soil, i follow so many grows its hard to keep em streight. i have no idea what this could be, lets see

but ya try and get those pics up cuz if it is (another) weed then it could be robing your plant of water and nutes. dont go pulling it cuz if you think it looks like a marijuana seedling i believe you and im interested

I gave my girls some nutes last night, and with that plant being so young and fragile -its shrivelled up. I don't think it's going to be here much longer.
I'll try looking for that cable again.


Well-Known Member
Just read somewhere that ballasts can have problems starting in cold temperatures. In this case cold temp would be about 66f. If this is the case, I can't put my light on a timer, I'll have to do it manually.

On the upside; my 600w set up should be arriving to day. Maybe that one will be able to cope with the low temp.


Well-Known Member
Topped my plants weeks ago in an attempt to get four colas on each plant, and it seems to have worked.
Today I tied down the two main colas on most of the plants to enable more light to get to the lower two colas. In a few days all colas should be the same height.

Ill upload pics when I buy a new cable (Monday).


Well-Known Member
About 4 days into flowering.

These pics were taken yesterday. The five large plants are all on their way to having four top colas each.
The five runts appear to be growing very quickly and catching up with the bushy five. Just as well I didn't throw them out.

On the bushy five, the roots are everywhere, even sprouting out the top of the soil on the biggest plant. Will be transplanting them either tomorrow or the day after, with 50/50 perlite, and give them another good watering to bind the coco together.



Well-Known Member
They will have been flowering for four weeks tomorrow.
Today I separated them a little. I put the smallest 5 under the 400w and the largest 5 under the 600w. But they're still close enough together so that they're all getting some of the lumens from both lights.
Temp has only risen about 4 degrees.

HPS makes these plants look really bad. As if they're nutrient deficient, but they are'nt. They're all the same colour as the last pic.

This Big Bang doesn't seem to be very nutrient tolerant. They seem to respond best to a little nutes followed by plain ph'd water.
I feed them 2 pints every 2 or 3 days with Bloom and Headmasta. Every third feed is just water.



Well-Known Member
It will be seven weeks into flowering come Sunday. I'm quite pleased with the results so far. Nice thick bud going the entire length of the stem.



Well-Known Member

Bud rot! Found it today during my daily check. I seem to have caught it early though, as only the tops of the colas on a few plants had it.
I've cut off the tops and some extra, and I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it under control for one more week. (My plants will be 7 weeks flowering tomorrow).

Now I have to figure out a way to dry it. I can't hang it by its branch, because I haven't cut the whole branch down. Any ideas?


Well-Known Member

Bud rot! Found it today during my daily check. I seem to have caught it early though, as only the tops of the colas on a few plants had it.
I've cut off the tops and some extra, and I'm hoping I'll be able to keep it under control for one more week. (My plants will be 7 weeks flowering tomorrow).

Now I have to figure out a way to dry it. I can't hang it by its branch, because I haven't cut the whole branch down. Any ideas?
I got my dates wrong. It would have been 8 weeks, not 7 as I stated.

Instead of risking losing my crop I decide to cut them down. I ended up with a little over 9oz, dry. So that works out as say 1oz per plant. It's the minimum I was hoping for. But it is a nice smoke.

Note to self: If buds get thick, find some way to get more air into them.