First Grow- Aurora Indica


Active Member
Nice looking grow, I'm glad I subbed early on. I have an AI mom that's about a month old now, and am just finishing up a place for her "children" to grow up. I'm looking foward to seeing a nice canopy like yours across my grow space in a few weeks. These ladies look like they're going to make you very happy.


Active Member
you should put the co2 tube right up to the plant
Originally my plan was to use a splitter and place the 2 tubes over my plants. Now that the screen has filled in better, it seems that the tubes did not distribute the CO2 evenly. It seems having the tube behind my fan, and letting the fan spread the CO2 around, the system works better. I can smell it in the box, so I know it is working. This is my first grow so I don't know if the CO2 is doing anything, I have nothing to compare it to.


Active Member
I have some Yo Yo hangers coming today, so I will be able to post some photos of the SCROG tomorrow. Controlling 5 reflectors with ropes is a pain in the ass.


Active Member
16 Days since the change to 12/12

After 2 weeks of 12/12 the flowers are popping up all over. The stretch has actually evened out the canopy very well. They are all looking great so far. I hope to have a decent yield. The photos are not as good , I needed to use my other camera. The plants have just been misted. The Yo Yo hanger ROCK.



Well-Known Member
beautiful canopy, all nicely spaced, not overcrowded, nice even height. Be careful with this misting business though! You're buds have started to form, now's not the time to go foilar feeding, unless you're really careful and only spray on the underside of all the fan leaves.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply and info, I have only misted the plants twice during the grow. Just trying to remove any dust and cat and dog hair that may drift into the room. I am only using pure water.


Well-Known Member
Pure water is all it takes! If you're trying to remove dust and dog hair ect (not that you should have any in ur grow space to begin with!) i'd just go ahead and get a relatively strong fan and blow everything off somehow, i wouldn't spray stuff. Its the moisture that causes mould, nothing else, so it doesn't matter what you spray. Its completely fine misting plants all the way up till i'd say the 3rd week of flower, or as soon as tiny buds start to form, then you should stop. Just taking a risk thats all.


Well-Known Member
Very nice, very healthy and happy, another week and bud formation will be clear if not already, u'll start gettin an idea of how much u'll get


Active Member
Day 28 of 12/12

Wow, lots of great formation. The smell is getting strong, only in the room the tent is in. I may need to add to my odor control. I think I may need a stronger fan to push the air through my scrubber. The buds that are forming are very dense and sticky, I did some trimming to help the light penetrate and my hands got sticky from brushing against the buds. .
Great luck so far...........



Well-Known Member
Awesome job, I got 10 Aurora Indica beans from Nirvana as well. They are sitting in the fridge waiting for my current grow to finish. I am only on day 10 flower so it will be a while before I can pop them. I was thinking of scrogging the aurora. Did you top any of the plants.


Sweet grow Jessy, I have my first crop at about the same point of flowering. I'm gonna stick around and see how yours do alongside mine =) Subb'ed


Active Member
Awesome job, I got 10 Aurora Indica beans from Nirvana as well. They are sitting in the fridge waiting for my current grow to finish. I am only on day 10 flower so it will be a while before I can pop them. I was thinking of scrogging the aurora. Did you top any of the plants.
Thanks for all the good words! Yes I topped all three at around week 6. Not sure if i needed to, the SCROG and LST had already spread the plants well. The AI is such a stout bush, I may not of need to top them.