first grow auto week 5 from seed


Well-Known Member
no meaning to offend or anything, your plants are kinda stunted for week 5......
i compare to indoor plants though, witch get 18hrs a day.... and i have never seen outdoor autos so i wouldn't really know what else to compare it to

the 10-10-10 is fine though


Well-Known Member
oh thats fine, you ur not doing anything wrong....your plants look quite healthy
the number of hours of light and intensity will just make it grow faster or slower


Well-Known Member
if i use npk 0 20 20 its cool?
for the first 3 weeks (if theres nothing in the soil) give them grow nutes
then some bloom nutes at 3/4 strength and grow nutes at 1/4 strength (a total full strength feed) so you have a 1:3 grow:bloom ratio
their gunna need some Nitrogen so they can photosynthesise
like something around 5-20-15 for bloom
and 20-15-15 for grow

dont forget to work upto it slowly, dont just give it all at once