First grow. Autos in 2x3 Tent. New 2020 Phlizon 1000w (100wt) LED.


Well-Known Member
Photos are the ultimate forgivers.

Autos are just a quick harvest at best.
I'm not knocking them indoors because I grow them indoors as well but I grow them WITH my photos.

Photoperiod plants YOU control when they flower. Therefor you can veg and learn for as long as you want before flipping. I just did a 9wk veg and then flipped.

Pic is halfway through week 8. I JUST switched lighting today. Now I think what everyone is saying is why waste your electricity and time on that tiny auto when you could be pulling at least a half lb per plant indoors.

Its best to plant your autos outdoors in spring. They will be beasts outdoors. 20210105_211246.jpg


Where I live, I can't do outdoors. I don't smoke a lot and don't need a 'big' harvest. This started as a hobby because of the pandemic. My husband and I figured we would do the autos this time just to learn and then try again with a different strain.
Thank you for all your help and you're plants look wonderful. I will send a picture later after I have transplanted into their final pot later this afternoon.