First Grow - Bag Seed (w/ some Trainwreck)


I have wanted to grow for a long time, and have attempted in shitty places in the past with problems eventually killing the plants. I finally was able to invest the money needed to put together a nice full 2 sectioned (Veg, Flower) grow closet. The whole thing without nutrients was about $800.

My setup is

-VEG Section
--216watt Quantum Bad Boy T-5
--3x4ft about 3ft height
--Computer intake fan on door
--High Velocity exhaust fan on shelf separating sections (exhaust into flower room)

-Flower Section
--3x4ft about 5ft height
--600watt switchable/dimable Quantum Digital Ballast (Running a 400 watt Hortilux Eye)
--inline vent fan for exhaust into attic.
--Will be adding a homemade filter soon as they are already smelling like weed at 2 weeks.

Using Fox Farm soil, will be using all organic Advanced Nutrients.

Now after getting it all put together I have finally started my first grow. As to learn and get the hang of it this grow is all bag seed. I germinated in paper towels for a couple days and then planted about (12 Trainwreck, and 20 various bag seed). I am now at week 2 (AFTER) planting. I have started a few days ago adding Tarantula to the plants water and they seem to love it. Will be picking up nutes in a day or two to start with them.

Feel free to question or comment, advice and feedback is always accepted.

-1st - The whole closet though it goes deeper then you can see.
-2nd - Flower room
-3rd - Veg room
-4th - 1 week old (started transplanting but needed another day or 2)
-5th - 2 weeks old (Some were a few days behind as you can see by size)
-6th - 2 weeks old close up



On the 3rd week. I kept them in the cups to long and there were a lot of roots. I ran out of soil to do the transfers as I never expected this many of the seeds to even germinate let alone make it this far. But here are the pics.

I have a question for anyone who can answer me. I would like to get these plants sexed as soon as possible as to free up some room for them to bush out. I am going to do this by taking a cutting and as soon as it roots move it to flowering.

My question is how big should I let them get before it is ok to take a cutting from them? They range from 4-6in now. Thanks!



Since to many of the seeds I planted survived I have run out of space in the veg room for the pots. I decided to move some of my best plants up to flower. They weren't tall but I figured if you can grow in a 2ft PC case then 6in would be tall enough. So I now have 9 plants in flowering and as soon as I have them sexed and remove the males I will move a couple more plants up. Here are some more pics. The Trainwreck #7 plant has been my favorite from the start as it has just looked beautiful. :weed:



So "most" of my plants are now approaching turning 4 today. I ended up having to move a few more plants up into the flower room as the one's in the veg room I will now let grow to their full potential before moving to 12/12. The ones in flowering are 2 or 4 days old depending on the plant.

How long til I should start seeing signs of sex? Would like to make room up their to let the females bush out.



Leaving for Hash Bash and Cheech and Chong soon and will be gone til Monday. Thought I'd post a couple updated pics now.

They started showing sex and I removed 3 males and have at least 5 females, the others I can not tell yet.



So I got back from MI (ps. Everybody needs to check out the head shop 42 degrees in Ann Arbor, amazing) and looked at my plants. The ones flowering were a little sad from not being watered in a few days but the veg ones got much bigger.

They have now been growing over a month and the first flowering batch has been on 12/12 for about a week and a half. All but 1 of those are sexed (6 Female, 5 Male, 1 Undetermined) and I moved 2 of the biggest ones from veg up as they were to the light.

Comments are welcome!



It's been a few weeks since I posted so I figured I'd post an update. They started budding about a week ago and now have nice little cones on the tops. Both flower and veg area are full so I now know my plant limit is less then what I have going now.

Well here are some pics of the ladies. I have 9 in flowering (all ladies) and 8 in veg (4 ladies so far, I think). The flowering plants are between 18 and 32" (Trainwreck is tall) and the Veg plants are between 12 and 15". I have topped all my veg plants as to have 2 koalas.

I'd still love to hear some feedback. My friend who has been growing a long time says I'm 4-5 weeks away from harvest based on pics.



Just another update. It's been 4 weeks flowering and they are looking beautiful. The one in flowering that I moved up late is now starting to bud too. So I have 7 at 4 weeks, and 1 at 2 weeks. The veg room is like a little jungle. I have topped all the veg plants and am also stating to have to bend them to keep them from getting to big before I have room to move them up. Here are some pics.IMAG0052.jpgIMAG0049.jpgIMAG0050.jpg


No one seems to interested in this thread so I haven't updated, but anyway. The first trainwreck came down about a week ago (got done quick) and after dried yielded 1/2oz. I now have another trainwreck drying, it has another day or two (the buds are bigger on this one so my guess is 3/4oz. I will be pulling down 1 more trainwreck and possibly one of the bag seed plants today.


Well-Known Member
looking good for a first go, Got any questions i'll be happy to help ya I've just germed a trainwreck myself so how was the smoke? Peace out and happy growing


I have only smoked the first plant so far. It was as the name in tales, trainwreck. I was knocked out.

I have dryed and weighed 2 more plants each w/ 17g. I am going to let the last trainwreck and the others go a few more days. I also moved a another couple plants from veg to flower. Those ones are BUSHES they got so big down there idk how they are going to turn out. Also took cuttings and have a 90-100% root rate after only a week and a half. May not have to buy seeds for a while. I want Chernobyl from this last High Times to be for sale now, that plant looked beautiful.


It was pretty good, not a huge fan of stone weed's though. Will be growing haze when I buy seeds. I ended with all plants that were flowering w/ about 4oz, so about 1oz per 100w. I ended up getting a fungus/mold something and had to kill 1 because it got to bad and was to late to spray. Now that all the budding plants are out I am going to spray it all down.

The veg plants that I just moved up to flower ended up giving me 5/8 males so far, so there went those plants and all those clones. I am going to have to germ some more seed or I will run out of weed. I don't plan to buy seeds til after Bonnaroo ;) need the money.