First grow - bag seed x8 - CFL - 4x4x4 cab or 3x3x3

it looked ok last night. i guess we will see tonight if theres any noticeable damage. i played with the roots i had pulled from the males and realized i probably didnt hurt it TOO terribly badly. definitely not guna repeat it though. STILL no show on the other plant. i want it to show SO bad so i can clone already!
I just dropped a seedling on the ground out of a solo cup and picked it up with no dirt on it what so ever, root hanging and all. Grabbed some FF seedling dirt and replanted it with ph water and it never phased it. I couldn't believe it! Yours should be just fine!
yeah i have thought about it...what are the key ideas behind a solid location? im in a small town so i dont have to travel more than 5 minutes to get to pure
rich soil AND conspicuous, dont need peoples coming up on yer crop. if you got a isolated spot you can make some serious shit happen especually with clones known female CLONES. vegg 1-1.5 months before you plant and you will have some BUSHES. but alot of work involved. gotta dig holes and shit. Mj needs loose soil to grow big, the roots need to be able to expand.
so heres the butter i made from the males

ghiradelli brownie mix

right, no show STILL...ugh...

left, flower, hard to see but its there next to the left pistil...i think thats the pistil, the part at the node? or does the pistil come out of the flower...


that is all. time to take the brownies out. i used what the recipe called for which was a half a cup. used about, oh i dono, an ounce maybe two of chopped male for the we shall see...
well im def. new to this site as you can see on my posts haha. but i just went through your whole journal. and i must say for a guy that wants to start his first grow you really give me inspiration. They looked down and out and you brought them back. It shows me to just never give up, Looked like there was a bit of doubt at the beginning. Good job! i read up on growing a few years back and nothing came of it. I just purchased a house so now i feel im gonna do some reading and give it a shot! Keep up the good work!
glad to hear it crazed! you really read all the way through this thread! im impressed! lol...its awesome to see someone get satisfaction and inspiration from my mistakes!

definitely worth giving it a try, now that you will have your own house. i am essentially in my own house, and i rock out in the basement. keeps the temps cool and humidity high. other than that...just get an enclosed space, as much light as you can afford, and keep researching! trial and error! no matter what ANYONE can tell you, learning the tricks of the trade has to be done by doing it yourself, all the advice and instructions are awesome, and certainly keep asking! but theres no substitution for learning stuff on your own!

one thing i could say is every time i thought something was absolutely crucial, it ended up not being a huge deal. remember this, and you should be able to have loads of fun and learn enough to sprout some of your very own homegrown!

stick around this thread and ask me questions! thanks again...
so my buddy and i had one brownie each. i felt a lil something, he felt it pretty well. we at them at 10, felt them at 1045 for a couple hours, now seems to be back to somewhat normal. we blazed too so...that increased the feeling. anyway not bad for something that was otherwise trash!

cant wait to check on my ladies tonight!
Gonna post some pics of the ladys tonight? I'm excited to see aswell currently working out of town so I have nothing but time to read up on all this. Like I said I read up alot a few years back just need to refresh everything from soil to nutes. You saw my other post so you know what I'm gonna be starting with.
didn't end up checking on my ladies last night. I'm sure they're fine. hoping to see a big difference tonight! if i check on time to clone soon!
so. just checked on my babies. STILL no show on the second one! unbelievable! not too much by way of development, figure they will take a lil while to get back into the swing of things after being repotted. i can't believe that other hasn't shown yet. i may just take clones soon anyway. i dono if its just me, but i feel like i should be seeing more growth/development. am i wrong? i guess its only day 18 of flower so far...
I feel like a ton of stretch and the beginning of flowers should be visible by day 18. I've found that if you flower them really young they often take much longer to show sex and to really start flowering in general. In my experience males show first so hopefully it's a good sign :)
yeah i was kinda thinking that same thing. just patiently waiting. there's like, no sign at all still on the other bumps forming, nothing. the other one is sprouting more flowers and a couple of the pistils are about half an inch long! shes not really stretching tho, but i DID just stress the shit outta her a few days ago...and although i didn't necessarily start them young, they certainly weren't as vigorous as i will make sure they are in the future...

i am still really excited to take clones, i have them all picked out on each plant lol. i think I'm going to take 2 a week when i start, one from each plant. that way it can stay staggered and perpetual. cabs are looking great. running great. well only ones running, and its a lil on the cooler side (75ish midday and 50ish midnite) but seems to be really solid.
so the female is starting to stretch pretty well. i think i may take some pics tonight. still no show on the other, but i feel like it is going to happen soon. pretty excited to take my first two clones! one from each, per week...i think i have said that like ten times now. lol. and this thread has surely slowed down, but will pick up again soon i hope. will have cloning questions, then finishing and curing questions. cant fucking wait for that.
i would like to say if it hasnt shown yet its a female. but if i remember correctly it was in you vegg cab for a bit before you moved it over? after you discovered all the males. fingers crossed man
it was in the veg cab for the same exact amount of time as the other one, i know u cant see it on here, but if you dl the pic, and zoom in on the last one, u see pistils growing. no flower anywhere else on the plant, but the very top, right below the new growth. i believe i will be taking clones tonight!

question is, do i take 2 total or 2 per plant? do i start now doing my staggering, i.e. take one from each plant tonight, one from each next saturday...until i get the perpetual going? how long do they need to be in the veg cab for until theyre ready to transfer?

if i take two a week (one from each plant), in 4 weeks i will have 8 plants, very near the max the veg cab can handle. im guessing 4 weeks wont be long enough for the first clones taken to root and veg, how long will they need? depending, im debating taking just one clone per week...would LOVE to hear what you guys have to say matt n gas!

matt, glad to have you back posting man! been lonely around here lol...
go every 2 weeks. this way you can have enough room to veg/flower for 8 weeks. i would say between 6-8 weeks if you want a good size plant to develop out of that clone. remember your not even going to see new growth on them clones for a min of 7 days after you cut it maybe more......

if you tale 1 clone each plant evey 2 weeks and continue to do that you will have a perpetual grow going in about 3-4 months.

to be on the safe side you may want to take 2 clones per plant just to give you better odds of gettign a viable clone, then just trash one of them or give it away to a friend that you trust.
They look great! I wouldn't be worried about them at all while they look that healthy. LIke matt said, if they haven't shown yet they are likely female. You can take as many clones as you want. If you wait a few more weeks there will be even more scrub lower branches to trim off so you might want to take some cuttings now and then several more later.
nice gas! yeah that is kinda the tentative plan. they showed the house yesterday so i didnt wana do it, so i am taking clones tonight! one from each plant. will b putting them straight into the veg cab...possibly with plastic bags over each pot to kind of humidity dome it ok to foliar feed just anytime? the pots and soil (the big females) still are damp, but it seems like they could do with a bit of water sprayed on them...
foliar feeding is fine whenever, just when buds start showing up dont go crazy with the water because it will get trapped in your budz and cause bud rot.

wal mart sells a humidity dome with jiffy pucks for like 8 bucks might be worth it for you to pick one up, you can use the juffy pucks for your nely cut clones. thats what i use and have had good results