First Grow - Bag Seed


Well-Known Member
I'm about 5 weeks into my first grow. Started a seed outside about 5 weeks ago and moved it inside on the 6/4. It's going ok, a few bumps in the road so far.

Running 3 - 26w 6500k and 3 - 26w 2700k right now during veg. Will be going to 6 - 26w 2700k for flower. 4" fan venting out with passive air intake seems to be doing the job for now.

Going to be switching to 12/12 pretty soon, don't want to waste alot of time on it if it's a male.

Thoughts, comments or help encouraged!

Here's a pic from the 5th:


Well-Known Member
For nutes i'm using Jack's Classic and the other Jack's for flowering (forget the name off hand). I am also using RO/DI water, tds of about 3ppm. Should I be expecting any micro nute probems from such pure water? Soil is straight Scott's Premium Potting Soil. I did get a bag of Hyponex potting soil, which I have two seedlings going in (just a few days old) right now. I did mix perlite in with the hyponex soil, about 75% soil/25% perlite.


Active Member
Whoa, why is it bending so much?
Sorry for the noob question, lol.
It doesn't look like anything is pulling on it.


Well-Known Member
I switched it over to 12/12 yesterday (6/12). First 2 pics are yesterday and today pic. Looks like it's you and me /b/. lol

IMG_1666.jpg IMG_1685.jpgIMG_1688.jpgIMG_1697.jpg


Active Member
Ohhhhhh ok, those pictures definitely make more sense now.

2 main colas and LST, sounds promising.

Also, it's growing fast as fuck.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping it'll take off now in flower, as up until now seemed to be pretty slow to me. That overnight growth re-energized me a bit though. Here's hoping for a lady!


Well-Known Member
My last post actually turned out to be just 11 more days of veg........timer issue...*cough, cough* :)

Today is Day 17 of 'THE REAL' 12/12 :peace:

Meet......Charlize :hump:

Charlize with 2nd plant (unknown gender yet, day 17 12/12) Vegged for 2 weeks.