First grow, bagseed, 400hps, growbox - PICS!!


Well-Known Member
Heya Prot

Things are lookin much better than round 1 for sure :) I pretty much did the same thing only without nutes. I over watered the shit out of my plants first try. Second try, my plants were bigger than round 1 after only 3 days, and my round 1 plants made it to 3 WEEKS lol.

Best advice I ever got was this: Soak your medium (jiffy pellet) with room temp water, plant your seed and DO NOT water for THREE days. Its amazing how much more they will grow WITHOUT water. If the roots always have water, then they have no need to stretch. My plants at 13 days now are HUGE with multiple sets of 3-5 point leaves.

Ill check in on ya from time to time, that 400W HPS should get you some BEAUTIFUL buds no matter what bean you use, as long as you keep everything in order (light, temp, ventilation, etc.).

Best of luck!!


Active Member
thanks for the knowledge,,
no one could answer,, but you guys did!!
thanks again.
yours is one of the few threads i subscribe too,,,, good job!!


Thanks for subbing derby! feel free to jump in anytime and chat away. I check RIU pretty often, I work mostly from home so I dont have to worry about bosses looking over my shoulder or anything lol.


Well-Known Member
awesome work on those -ploid definitions. always excited about learning something new.
so just to get this straight, as your plant grows you can expect 3 branches per node, as opposed to 2 ??
sounds crazy! if i were you, i'd plan on topping it and hope for 3 colas, that would be INsane.
(i hate to plug away, but!! i'm putting up some photos later today, and posted a question earlier, maybe you could come by and offer up 2 cents when you get the chance)



awesome work on those -ploid definitions. always excited about learning something new.
so just to get this straight, as your plant grows you can expect 3 branches per node, as opposed to 2 ??
sounds crazy! if i were you, i'd plan on topping it and hope for 3 colas, that would be INsane.
(i hate to plug away, but!! i'm putting up some photos later today, and posted a question earlier, maybe you could come by and offer up 2 cents when you get the chance)

Yup thats right, 3 branches per node..And according to the article if i read correctly, because this happened at the seed level I can apparently expect this trait to continue for the life of the plant (every node will have 3 branches).

Im not sure if clones will carry the mutation, but if they did i would be over the moon...This thing is growing way fast.
Imagine clones that had 3 leaf sets per node, had a short flower period with more thc %.

Pity i cant sell clones hey lol. I wonder if they will root easier due to the extra leaves having more energy stored.


Does anyone wanna see a pic of missy's pistils? Let me know and ill take a few :D.

Missy has shown shes a girl, and is now back on 18/6 again. The new plants probably wont be sexed as i now know i have a girl.

started germing a few more double gum. Now that i have a seperate room i can veg in i will start taking clones as soon as there are any available to take.

The plan is to pick mothers out of the lot im growing now, and then flower the clones. Any plants that arent selected as mothers will be flowered too.

In my mothers im looking for quality over quantity for one plant, and quantity over quality in another.


Ok so of course you guys wanna see her pistils, and i have to do an update so here it is.

Bagseed is on day 22 today.

Pics attached, my little girl has pubic hair :D.

Bit hard to see there, but i will take better ones as she grows.

I think I should top her sometime soon right? Get 2 colas happening on her.

The seedlings are doing great too..trippy is a day younger than the other seedling and is like 4 times bigger.

Didnt end up watering missy today, shes still good for moisture lol. Im getting better eh? If you told me id go 4 days between waterings 2 weeks ago i would have laughed at you.

Nope, im not watering any plants unless they need it ever again lol.

im stoned and i dont want to stop typing lol...




I think the older one is a glutton for punishment lol, its never stopped growing for more than a few hours....I mean its not growing as fast as normal plants, but its steady even when its getting hurt by me. I still have a feeling trippy will outgrow them all. Look at her pics..remember shes a whole day younger than the other seedling!! shes dwarfing it already.


Well-Known Member
that would be rough for trippy to be a male. BUT you could always save some pollen sacs, and pollinate a single bud site on a female of your choosing to produce some seeds. do a little of your own genetics/breeding and hope it carries some of those triploid traits over to the offspring. there are a few guides floating around RIU about selective pollination, i have none to link you to, but i have seen them.
just a thought...


Believe me, I will be keeping anything i get from trippy :P. It would be pretty cool to genetically isolate the triploid trait. Im sure it will be a girl hehe :P Hope so :P.

I will probably play around with pollinating a few girls, and understand i think how it all works..but i will probably take clones to seed out. I think i would like to do it in such a way that they are away from the girls, pollinate them, then leave them till they close up to start forming seeds, then ill give them a foliar spray with some distilled water to try to rinse off any pollen, then move them back with the girls. A properly pollinated female has no balls, so shouldn't pollinate any of the other plants at all...if all goes well ill have a nice bid harvest, with one clone or even one branch of one clone full of seeds.

Ill then grow these seeds out, killing anything that isnt desirable. (so keep ALL triploids and kill everything else..or rather smoke everything else, but dont breed lol).

The triploids that grow the fastest will be pollinated if female, or used for pollen if male. The seeds from this batch are stable for the triploid "trait".
Its then a matter of further stabilising other traits i flowering and potency, as well as indica / sativa percentages.

I may not have the process 100% but i think i have a fair idea hehe...I dont mind hemaphrodites too much, as long as there are fewer seeds rather than more. 20 seeds in 3 ounce or so wouldnt bother me at all...of course for personal use this is ok..if i was commercial growing it would be bad lol.


Well I just got back in, had to install the exhaust fan finally, lol its winter here.. (South Australia...winter = 20 - 30 deg C)...I just checked and it was 40 degrees in the cabinet, i caught in within an hour though! I guess its good that I went in there to look...I guess that's another reason I keep checking. Its the first grow and I'm unsure what to expect with Ill keep a close eye out and by the time I'm ready for bagseed ill have it dialed in, I hope.

Gonna check temps again in a sec (been half hour or so) and see if they are going down...If not I have an Omega Altise portable refrigerated air con I can chuck in there.
Heres a link to its specs: Air Conditioners&id=39&PageID=5

Its great, and we got it at the local whitegoods haggle place for $400...thats $200 less than direct from manufacturer!!
the one guy was right feed just water till 4wks also try to complete the bagseeds this way you will learn your growspace light heat ext... this way your paid beans will pay off good luck keep up posted:joint:


Missy is now on day 25. Doesn't really look it lol.

Trippy is on day 5.
Ella day 6.

New sprouts are doing ok...couple broken the surface, couple starting to move up.
(I know because i only gently cover them and i can see the peat moving up the hole a little.

So I think pretty much all of them are sprouting lol...Ill have a sog and i didnt even mean to have one lol.

Non feminised seeds though so hopefully its all good once males are removed.



Well-Known Member
i want to do dirty things to trippy. its nice to see your grow hasn't been hijacked like mine! i wake up in the morning and there is an entire page of posts from people carrying on. haha i guess it makes it a little more communal. i've lost track how many kids do you have, and at what stages?


Lol man i have plants coming out of my ears.

I germed using the paper towel method...about half i though shit males and stuff i better germ a few more...but instead of throwing the other seeds out i chucked them in a glass of water...well lol all but one i have 7 double gum and 3 bagseed at various stages :|.

No more than 4 plants will be flowered, however i do have a veg cabinet too so shouldnt be too bad. Plus once we know who is male i might still only get a few females right...if all are female maybe i can sog lol.

I will do a mega update, with detailed info on all plants with t least one full set of leaves.


mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Trippy looks so cool with 3 cotyledons and three tiny leaves. I don't think I've ever seen a triploid that young anywhere. I wouldn't recommend doing a SOG with plants from seed. You can do it with clones because if you flower them as soon as they root they will stay smaller. But from seed you have at least three weeks of growth time until sexual maturity. You don't want your plants to ever be crowded, it hurts yield big time. So if you end up with a whole bunch of females I would only keep the best of the litter.


mared! been a while make sense regarding sog. I thought of a better way now that ive had a bowl. Ill let them all veg out a bit. When things start to get 3 - 4 nodes ill start 12/12. Males will be chopped..or if trippy is male she will go in a cfl box in another building for pollen.

So now ill have only females.

If i have too many, I dont have to flower them all at once...I will probably end up upgrading the room if needed lol

I could continue flowering the ones that arent the best, and use the others as mothers, take clones...then while the others flower the clones can root, then im perpetual.

I dont want to be perpetual yet lol..moving house in some months, and wont be moving any flowering plants with all flowering must be finished and vegging are ok to move.

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
OK sounds good but here's something I didn't figure out until after like 6 months of growing LOL. If you put a seed plant that does not yet have preflowers into 12/12 light it will not begin flower until it is ready anyway. It is not yet sexually mature and ready to begin the flower process. So all you are really doing is depriving it of 6 or more hours of light it could be using to grow more lush and compact. I have put seed plants with four nodes into 12/12 and it still takes a couple weeks for them to start flowering. If you wait until they have nine or ten nodes (or whenever you first see preflowers) they will start flowering a lot quicker. Plug veg time is very important for building the root mass and rule #1 is thick healthy roots make thick healthy buds. A plant put into 12/12 before it is ready to flower will slow down its root growth even though it doesn't begin to bloom so there is really no advantage to it.