First Grow - Bagseed [CFL/LED]


Noted! Could never figure it out, but it was working for the most part :3

Explain a drainage system if you would? And my lighting fixture fell on my plant, noticeable change but I have it rejuvenating, will check and try to post pics when I get home:)


Active Member
Drainage is making sure your soil can breathe, get enough rocks to cover the bottom of your pot (any rocks around 1"-3" should be fine) and then put soil in the pot. This will make sure your pot can release all excess water into your reservoir dish, then dump it or let it reuptake (different strokes different folks). No one knows your specific climate as you just as noone knows your plants. All people can do is point you in the right direction matter of fact here . Good luck!!


Drainage is making sure your soil can breathe, get enough rocks to cover the bottom of your pot (any rocks around 1"-3" should be fine) and then put soil in the pot. This will make sure your pot can release all excess water into your reservoir dish, then dump it or let it reuptake (different strokes different folks). No one knows your specific climate as you just as noone knows your plants. All people can do is point you in the right direction matter of fact here . Good luck!!
Very nice :)


update: picture of my healthier plant

update: picture of the plant that had a light fixture fall on it :[

should I hold this plant in veg stage a little bit longer to compensate for damage?


Well-Known Member
looking much nicer , your soil is actually MOIST SEE! the difference haha , also, if you cant get rocks under there, just make sure you have holes at the bottom of ur pot or bag or whatever so water can drain through. when you pour and pour and pour, youll notice eventually itll start coming out the bottom ( this means its been watered enough) then let all that access water drain for about 5 minutes so you know its drained well. then jsut pop it back under your lights :)
While i'll def agree that I too have actually harvested with MG, it came with an abundance of pest's like gnats, aphids and other lil nasties...Not only that but MG is actually made on such a scale that proper mixing occurs in only 23% of the total mix produced...leaving pockets of less of one thing and more of another. A 1.5qft bag of Happy-Frog will cost you $9 and the same size bag of Ocean-Forrest is $14, the little bags of worm-castings are $1.29 & if you go to your local hydro shop and sweet-talk the guy there, he'll probably give you enough coco-coir samples to go an entire run. Most hydro shops are willing to work with you if you are genuine with them. I personally, don't condone MG unless thats your *ABSOLUTE* last option....(and even at that point, I'd probably still amend my own, lol.) MG just isn't made to grow cannabis....Its meant for ornamentals, landscape, flowers & house-plants....Good quality cannabis just won't hit its full potential using it as a medium..will it grow..? Of course. Will you harvest..? Of course. But for all the time, effort and risk you're putting into the entire operation that will take months, is it REALLY worth the difference of a couple bucks at the beginning of a grow..? Its not to me. Thats just IMHO. I used to think that $8 per Smart-Pot was rediculous untill I used them, hahahah...yeh, trust me when I tell you its worth the couple extra bucks. The quality differences you'll get with just MINOR tweaks will be incredible!

I'm a Pepsi-Challenge type of guy...I like to test the theories & myth's for myself. Right now i'm doing a run in soil and one in Sunshine Mix#4 using the same water, nutrient line, same size pots, etc just to see if the hydro route in coco will grow faster and larger then the soil, as the normal census says.

I give everyone the same advice when starting out: Gardening is what makes you comfortable and what works for you personally. If you ask 10 growers a question, you'll get 10 different answers....and to be honest, all 10 of those answers can be true or complete horse shit but if you don't research it and test'll always just be hear-say. Forums like this one are great for information! When i started, information on growing cannabis was kept tighter then a nuns vag at the Vatican. Now, you have actual nutrient specific lines, super-soils, etc...its nuts! Take advantage of it!!!

Yer doing great man! keep it up!



Well-Known Member
well said, i dont recommend MG at all lmao! :) thanks for the other notes, brandon lets see them plants!!


Going tomorrow to buy a 42W CFL for 8$ and some MG Perlite (all they have..)

Update (good plant)

How many nodes does she have? :)

Update (hurt plant)

Do I need to be concerned about this coloring in the stem? I think this plant (healthier one) might not have been planted far enough down..

When do I need to transplant and how close should my CFL's be? They're currently 1/4 of an inch above the leaves.


New Member
sup man? is that mircale grow organic? you should get it out of it, its really hot and burning the roots, and its full of woodchips! order some blackgold soil off of amazon, organic and natural. its a soil 70% peat moss, perlite pumice and earthworm castings.

your pots are really good, they let air in. use them again, or a bigger verison if you have so you dont have to transplant again.

"This rich, organic potting soil growing mix is a premium choice for all-purpose gardening applications. Our 100% natural ingredients consist of earthworm castings, Canadian Sphagnum peat moss and compost. Perlite and/or pumice are added to ensure optimum aeration. OMRI listed for organic production."


New Member
yeah..same thing.

scotts premium potting soil is decent. that organic stuff is terrible. wood chips are not a good growing medium. peat moss and coco are. try the blackgold, and get some bloom nutes.

also try and keep the soil more dry. youll notice faster growth. remember, the roots like the oxygen


Okay something has to be wrong, I looked up a picture of a 2-3 week old plant, mine is so much smaller? What makes it grow taller specifically? :[


New Member
you are in bad soil. get blackgold natural and organic, its a peat based soil, very airy and light. no woodchips, just peat moss, perlite, pumice and earth worm castings (poop, for a little bit of nutrients)

also, you should have at least 50watts per plant. i would get 2 23watt 6400k cfls, and 2 23 watt 2700k cfls, and run them all at once. that would be perfect, you would have the 'full' spectrum of the sun.

first things first, GET GOOD SOIL!


I'll transplant them in brand new soil, when it's time.

Added a 42W CFL, it's more orange and definitely makes the other lights seem 'cool blue'

two plants receiving two different colors from 3 lights


New Member
nice now you've got full spectrum of the sun.

make sure theres a small fan pointed at lights and keep your lights on either 18/6 or 20/4

and trust me, its time to transplant to new soil lolol. if you don't want to make sure that soil stays on the verge of drying out. you'll get fast growth that way


New Member
cause you've been had enough life for sprouts..they don't require much light at all. its your soil holding you back, burning the roots and suffocating them

The Red

Active Member
Hey man, looks good so far, and in my opinion using foil isn't a problem with cfl grows. I have 12 23w cfl's inside a cardboard box that is lined with aluminum foil and everything worked out nicely (just harvested today). You're going to need to get more lights in there eventually. And for the watering it's very important not to give your seedlings too much water. I watered mine fully and then would wait 2-3 days for it to dry out completely and then I'd repeat.

The Red

Active Member
If you want to use something that you won't have to fuck with much soil wise, I'd use miracle grow expand n grow. Iused it throughout my whole grow without adding any nutes at all. I watered with molasses when I put it into flowering though. I will not be using the expand and grow again because of the time release nutes but you might be better off for a first grow.


New Member
expand n gro is a form of coco, i would stay away from that right now and just get a peat based soil. good ones are blackgold organic, miracle gro seedling starter, scotts premium potting mix.