First Grow - bagseed (pics)


Well-Known Member
Ok, this is my first grow, so bear with me.

I'm using one CFL on one plant that was out of a sack of decent mid-grade with a really good high. My setup is in a closet and is basically a hillbilly looking contraption made out of foil and cardboard. I'm on a very limited (poor college kid) budget, so my setup will likely grow with my plants (and my income).

The seed had been germinated for a few days and already had its first set of real leaves before I put it into soil... I know that's probably not a good idea, but the seedling was placed in soil and under a light on Jan. 15th, and is, in my opinion, doing well. It has become a much darker shade of green and the stem is stronger now.

Any comments, suggestions, or constructive criticism are greatly appreciated!! :blsmoke:

I'll post some pictures of the setup within the next 30-45 minutes... :peace:


Well-Known Member
the foil isnt such a good idea because it will get way too hot, and you have no airflow. You'll come out better by painting the box flat white, which will keep heat lower and also reflects better then foil.

Besides that, the plant will need a bigger pot and more lighting soon along with some fooooood as it gets bigger. Just start preparing the best you can and you should be fine.

Good luck bro,


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies!

stemseed, thank you very much for the advice. I'm gonna put a fan in there either tomorrow or tonight. I'm also planning on building a better grow box as well... As for nutes/food for the plant, I used this stuff called Rootblast when I first put the seedling in soil. It appears not to have hurt it, but I'm not sure whether to continue using it or not. Here's a pic of the jar:

Anyone with advice on that stuff ^^ or anything else, please share! :)



Active Member
Things are looking good. I finished making my growbox and germinated. I have pics up and will start my own journal within the next couple days. Anyway I was wondering how my baby was doing after i put her in the ground and decided to take a look under the soil. It looks like a huge sperm pretty much the seed shell has completely been removed. Is this a good or bad thing for the first couple of days?


Well-Known Member
That's what should happen. I wouldn't dig it up much to look at the roots though. You should try not to touch the roots if possible. Just let nature take its course under the soil.:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
looks like the root blast stuff won't give your plant everything it needs. look into some other nutrients. 3 part nutes are good.... fox farm is popular


Well-Known Member
Hmm.. So, I'll get some better food when the time for feeding comes. I'm not going to feed any more for now.

Also will get rid of the foil. Thanks for the help. I'll post more pics within the next few hours.

Can't wait to get stoned and go see Cloverfield later... =D


Well-Known Member
Ok, I missed a few days and have had some problems with my plant. I had some pictures that were between the ones I'm about to post and the first ones, but my gf deleted them... -_-

My CFL fell on my damn plant (twice) so it looks a little burnt... I hope it will recover, but I'm not sure. Let me know what you think...

Also, I have gotten rid of the foil box and moved to a different grow location. I know it's ghetto and shitty, but it'll have to work for now... It'll be a different story once I get off campus @ the end of the semester...


First Pic - Bird's-eye view -- notice the browning on the leaves from the light burn

Second Pic - Random angle

Third Pic - Random angle -- shows the fan and the light in the grow room

Fourth Pic - Side view -- shows the stretch and my good-luck-bong-bear (gift from a good friend of mine =] )

Let me know how I'm doing!
Feedback is much appreciated.
How does she look for day 8 of the grow?



Active Member
Looks good, i can see the burnt pieces you talked about.
It doesnt look like its in too sturdy of a box, however.
But it does look like its getting bigger and stronger.
Keep it up.
Nice bear! :]

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Hey very nice so far. I am really happy your keeping this journal because I too have started my first grow from bagseed as well, at around just the same time! I think I should make a journal. I dont know if you really care or not, but here is my setup....

Lights: For lighting, I have one light socket in the ceiling of a back storage room. I put a splitter into the socket, and then 2 more splitters into the first. So now I have 4 light sockets, each with a 23w = 100w CFL. This is for 2 plants if all goes well. They are about 2 inches above my plants.

Reflection: For reflecting light, I hung 4 large white garbage bags around my grow area. They are white, which everyone says to use. They are shiny which is somewhat reflective, and they are easy to move when I need to get to the plants. Seem to be working well

Soil: For soil, I had a few mini-bags of "Master Grow". It is a mix of soil, some nutrients good for seedlings, and perlite. Also has a few more things but I dont need to go into detail.

Air: For airflow, one of my light splitters has an electrical outlet in it, in which I put a small fan and I leave it on low. Once in a while when I check on my plants to water or just see growth I turn the fan off for a few hours to let it "cool down" (cool down a fan haha).

Food: As for the food, I havent used any nutrients yet, but by the sounds of it, foxfarm is the way I'm going to go when the time comes. I'll probably start to give nutrients towards end of veg. or beginning of flower.

Both of my plants are growing well. The first plant, has a tall reddish stem (strain trait) and one nice set of leaves, along with 2 more leaves that has veins almost fully grown in. The second plant I actually tried to germ the seed in the soil under the light, and it sprouted a few days after the first plant started to grow. It has its first set of leaves, and hopefully will start to grow its second pair. Good luck, great job so far. Keep in touch!


Well-Known Member
That setup sounds good. Much better than mine.. lol

Def. start a journal.. It'll be nice to have someone to share strategies with.

Best of luck to you with your grow!! :peace: :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok, the plant has started showing some new growth since the heartbreaking CFL incident... =[

I now have the plant around 4 inches from the light and I hope that will help with getting me some new growth... Seems like it's growing so slowly compared to the first few days. I was seeing significant growth over periods of 2-3 hours.

Here's some pics:

1, 2, & 3 - Assorted views of the plant
4 - The ghetto setup

Let me know what you all think! :peace::joint:



Well-Known Member

I admire your getto-ness.

I mainly admire the fact that you have the balls to pull this off.

As soon as a figure out a way to not stink up my whole aprt. I will grow a plant.

Still searching. What do you plan to do with yours when it starts smelling?

What will you use as a filter or how will you cover smell??

Well nice grow so far. Will be watching : )

Keep the updates and the pics coming!!



Active Member
I love the setup!!!! Your new pictures look great too.

Yea, I see the lil burns on the poor guy but hopefully he will recover.

Best of luck!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

I admire your getto-ness.

I mainly admire the fact that you have the balls to pull this off.

As soon as a figure out a way to not stink up my whole aprt. I will grow a plant.

Still searching. What do you plan to do with yours when it starts smelling?

What will you use as a filter or how will you cover smell??

Well nice grow so far. Will be watching : )

Keep the updates and the pics coming!!

Thanks for the reply!! I'm glad you admire my ghetto-ness... LOL

As far as the smell goes, I'm going to build my own carbon filter. Just waiting until I get a job to be able to afford it. I'm moving off-campus next semester, so I will have an apartment. I'll make sure my apartment has a closet or room of some sort that will be adequate to use as a grow room. There's just no practical place to grow in a dorm room. :neutral:

Anyway, search "how to build a carbon filter." The method I found (I believe it was on rollitup) only costs around 20 USD.

Good luck! :blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
I love the setup!!!! Your new pictures look great too.

Yea, I see the lil burns on the poor guy but hopefully he will recover.

Best of luck!!!!!!
Thanks! I figured out how to use the camera, so the pictures should be getting a little better in the future. I believe SHE has already recovered from the burns. I'm seeing a much faster rate of new growth now. I think the burns just slowed her down a bit.

Thanks for replying and good luck to you as well!



Well-Known Member
With only one little ol' plant you probably won't have too much issue with odour anyway. I know people who use a couple of those gel enviro sponges (you know, the ones in the little tubs and they shrink over time) and shit like fabreeze etc. Hope it's a gal! I'll be keeping and eye-- just started my seeds so I'll be looking to you for what to expect! lol.
GG :)