First Grow, Bagseeds, Come take a look!!!

da plantDOC

Well-Known Member
you poeple see that last post.. he is a rude little fuck... the fucking kid was done growing two weeks and he's still talking about for fucking bagseed get a fucking life...that's a little kid for you.... I FORGOT MORE ABOUT GROWING WEED THEN YOU WILL EVER NO.. i feel bad for you i will give you some advice on growing some good cannabis.. i nick name you DA RUDE LITTLE FUCK bro am 28 diying of cancer i dont give a fuck


Well-Known Member
Will know tomorrow if I got approved for this house Im trying to rent!!! I dont see any reason why I wouldnt as I have perfect credit, but I'm young
and havent established much yet. but............ its super sweet, nice basement
and attic, walk in closets, 2 bdroom, everything redone. Lots of different options

Wish me luck


Well-Known Member
oh man... been smokin every night. Normally dont smoke dis much lmao!!! They taste amazing, the purple really tastes sweet, not much like pot :D. I just get blazed and play gta4 now that I dont have to worry about any plants :)


Well-Known Member
haha hell ya man. you got a gamertagg?? ima be gettin a new xbox soon cuz my shit broke=[
haha. and those purpz. omg i bet they taste supppperrrrr ammazing=] i cut a sample bud off mine and i smoked it outta my new glass bong and damn dude i got high off one big hit=]


Well-Known Member
how u been buddy?!?..havn't heard from u in a while..i hope u get that apt.!..i seen that u said all u do now is play gta4!..i just got a ps3 and been ripping cod4 online everyday!..hit me up with ur game tag if u play cod4!..btw how is gta4?!?..


Well-Known Member
dont get lazy bro, nows the time U should be upgrading all the equip with all the money u made off the last harvest.

If U quit now itll be a while till U grow again, and U'll be back to buyin weed, lookin for a good connect etc..

The last harvest was supposed to last till next harvest.

what happened? I know it wont be nearly as time consumting as last time, you'll just have more going on with you.


Well-Known Member
Yea...just like anything else you do..if you quit while you are on a roll...takes longer to build it all back up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, GTA4 is revolutionary. For real... Probably one of the best games ive played in the last couple years, and I play alot of games. Yeah I got a ps3 to :D... Im between gta4 and Devil May Cry 4.

Its actually a house im trying to get in, with a nice basement area. Dont worry homies, I will be back, and with a vengeance I can promise you that. If I get this house I should have them planted by the start of June but it all depends on tomorrows verdict.

Will be doin a nice hydro grow, with the skunk, haze, and sp... Be on the lookout ;)


Well-Known Member
damn that sounds like some shit...i just got my ps3 2 weeks ago...all they sell in stores now is the that what u got ru8fru? or the 80gb?