First Grow Blue Dream


New Member
A blessing came to me in a bag one day
I was told its Blue Dream
My First....

40 Days In with a 9-11 week total flower period (from everything ive read it varies on conditions...???)
7 Gal Pot
4x 40W 2400kCFL
4x 21W 2600k CFL
Drinks like a fish
Easy Clones
Very resilient to stress
Been doing massive amounts of research, total plant age 7 months from seedling
200+ Flowering sites
Yield.... Please tell me your estimates !!!!BD (62).jpg BD (57).jpgBD (38).jpg BD (43).jpg BD (34).jpg BD (40).jpg BD (44).jpg


Well-Known Member
Wow 7 months.

Get more light next time.

Yield of say a pound lol

Seriously thought its probably about a 2.5 oz plant max


Well-Known Member
Dude, I gotta say you are living proof of the paradox of first time a very good way. I have seen growerz spend shit tons of $$$ on toys and fail miserably. Where, it looks like you spent much less than $100.00 and have grown some decent nuggiez. You have some talent for cultivation...Of course, now you probably have the 'farming fever' and you will likely want to up your game. But, I think you will know what you need and how much too spend.

As for estimating final yield...from what I see in the pic currently about 1.5-2.0 ounces dry weight. Cannabis will lose 70-80% wet weight during dry and cure.

I am guessing since you said you were told it is Blue Dream you really don't know the genetics of your seed. There are several varieties of B.D. from different breeders available...I hope you got one that has traits you like. Either will be your first buzz from your own budz so it will be fucking hectic! Congrats on a job well done. :clap::peace: