First Grow: Blue Himalaya, White Dwarf, 125 Dual Spectrum CFL - Comments Pleeeease

Hey Folks
Like most..fed up of spending a fortune on rubbish or not being able to get anything so thought why not grow my own!!! so lets see how it goes!! :-P

Purpose built cabinet approw 1100mm high, 650mm wide, 500mm deep. Painted white for the time being...going to line with mylar when i get round to ordering!. Ventilation holes cut at top and bottom and 6" fan above the plants. Wanted to put some computer fans in there but dont realy trust my wiring skills, trying to connect to main adapters.

125w Dual spectrum CFL with 6500k side facing plants for vegging. To be turned around for flowering. I also have some 23W 2700k CFL's which i will put in there during flowering. Would like to get some more 6500k but struggling to get any 23Watters or similar with a screw/edison fitting???

Not sure of pot volume but they are about 9" dia pots which i think are sufficient to see through. Soil is bandq general puprose compost and pearlite (75/25% mix)

Feminised Blue Himalaya and White Dwarf from pick and mix seeds

Blue Himalaya germinated using the paper towel method. Currently on day 12 from planting in soil. Originally intended to be a one plant grow but thought there was enogh space for two so germinated the White Dwarf the same way...currently on day 5 from planting.

Light cycle is generally 18/6

All seems to be going ok...the Blue Himalaya is nice and bushy and the White dwarf is coming on. Has a few heat issues, put another small fan in there as a bit of an intake which worked but this packed up after being on a few days. For the moment I am just leaving the doors ajar an inch or so which is works as the temps are nicely around 75.

My only worry is the large bottom fan leaves on the Blue Himalaya are curling and drooping a little, but the appear healthy? Watering every 3 to 4 days...just ordered a PH tester so will check the soil when this arrives.

Anyway any comments or suggestion greatly appreciated. Or if anyone has a similar set up get in touch. I'm a complete beginner so any help would be good!!!!

Happy smoking!!! :bigjoint:

Cabinet.jpgImage0530.jpgImage0529.jpgBlue Himalaya Day 12.jpgWhite Dwarf Day 5 (2).jpgWhate Dwarf Day 5.jpgWhite Dwarf Day 5.jpgBlue Himalaya Day 12 (2).jpg125w Dual Spectrum CFL.jpg

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
You are doing fine.

Just let the plants dry out a bit between waterings and they will be 100% better looking.

Don't think about feedling the plants for at least another week - and did I mention to let them dry out a bit?
Thanks for the reply. I think I may have perhaps overwatered just a little to start with.... going to leave a good bit before thinking about feeding!

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the reply. I think I may have perhaps overwatered just a little to start with.... going to leave a good bit before thinking about feeding!
I'm still trying to work out the watering, damn droopy leaves all the time.

When you do start feeding, start low and increase slowly until you see indications of nute burn ... then back off.
After every 2 or 3 feeds - give them a flush.


Active Member
i got a blue himalaya on day 26 right now and she is flowering wonderfully... I usually water every 3-5days and also started her on nutes and she loved em, but, only a 1/4 strength to begin with and then im following the fox farms schedule.... Good luck with your grow also.....
Thanks for the input you have any pics at all on there is not much on Blue Himalaya....well not that i can find....only himalayan blue diesel!


Active Member
i definately will and also i will keep checking to see how yours progresses, as you said there is not very many pics of the blue himalaya, just the himalaya diesel.... i also have mine in fox farms ocean forest and use the big bloom, tiger bloom and molasses under a 400 watt hps light. Good luck to you and i will check back
Just a bit of an update.

Blue Himalaya is progressing nicely i think!! on day 18.. Really filling out and starting to show signs of sex...well more than showing I guess! Watering every four days, still no nutes added as yet. I think i will put in the extra 23W 2700K bulb now...what are your thoughts.

White dwarf on day 11... going ok but not progressed as well as the blue himalaya did. But looking healthy, and growth seems a bit more rapid over the last couple of days.

Any help/advice appreciated
White dwarf day 12.jpgWhite Dwarf day 12 (3).jpgBlue Himalaya day 18 b.jpgBlue Himalaya day 18.jpgBlue Himalaya day 18 a.jpgImage0539.jpg


Active Member
I just thought i would post a pic of my blue himalaya so that you could compare a little as yours gets older. Here is mine at day 35. good luck with your grow and its lookin good....Keep up the good work...
Looking real good b.R. Mine is starting to flower nicely now, but i guess yours will be a bit better having the better light on it. Still got my vegging light on, but not sure whether to swap the light around yet? Especially as i still have the white dwarf which is not growing that fast, and seems to be growing a bit weirdly!! Will try and get some more pics on over the next day or two. Thanks again for the pic
I have also noticed a couple of the large fan leaves at the bottom are scarring/browning a bit. Still not usibg any nutes and the soil ph seems ok.. They were however touching the side of the cabinet and it may be a reaction with paint on the cabinet sides maybe ??


Active Member
I have also noticed a couple of the large fan leaves at the bottom are scarring/browning a bit. Still not usibg any nutes and the soil ph seems ok.. They were however touching the side of the cabinet and it may be a reaction with paint on the cabinet sides maybe ??
i cant really say about the paint reaction thing, but, i have 2 other autoflowers about 6 wks from seed and i have noticed that some of the lower fan leaves, actually the first true leaves that showed have been turning yellowish/brownish as well, i have asked around and done some research on it and most people had said that usually during the later stages of flowering that those leaves actually do or can turn that color. i have been using nutes and have not experienced any burns and my ph is between 6.4-6.6 at all times so, i just summed it up as the lower leaves are using all they can and dying off as so the remainder of the plant gets the maximum benefit. Like i said, its just the first true sets of leaves, fan leaves, that are doing this... the rest of the plant looks green and great...
Thanks for the reply. All the other leaves seem ok so i will just keep checking the soil and keep my eye on her. It was a bit of a long shot saying about the reaction was just coincidental that it was where the leaf was touching the side...i am going to start her on some nutes soon, so will be asking for some advice soon! I will have some pics up tomorrow or tuesday. Look forward to seeing your next pics!! you have any idea how long they flower before harvest?


Active Member
it said anywhere from 8 to 10 weeks and to start checking at around day 60 or so....


Active Member
I noticed that it had been predominantly you two posting in here so please allow me to chime in (I am by no means a pro....): I am growing three of these right now and I am at day 37 from seed. I started a journal here but decided to not keep it going because the community is pretty unsupportive (unless you give free handjobs or brown nose some of the old school growers....neither of which I care about).

Mine look a bit behind BR (I am curious as to your "seed breaking the soil date" so I can compare)... I will get pics of my 3 up shortly... I have 2 phenos out of 3 plants... 1 is very very thick in pistil production and more "stout". The other 2 are similar in pistil production but not at "thick" as the first.

I wanted to log in for 2 reasons... 1) to let you know you are not alone in your journey to grow some tree and 2) to make some sort of "gathering point" for the BHD growers (not hijacking your thread but this is the most pics of BHD ANYWHERE thus far and there will be more today!). til later!
Hi all...if anyone is still interested!

Aplogies for not competing/updating the journal....just been way too busy with work etc.

Anyway, thought I would give you the low down on how the plants finally did, so here goes first with the blue himalaya

Was ready to harvest on about day 70. Ended up only being about 10" tall with minimal branching but the buds were fairly compact and oozing with resin. To be honest I prefer shorts plants like this when I am just growing for personal as the plant gets far more light coverage under the CFL's which as we all know are not too intense light. The buds had a nice 'blue' quality (even though the pics dont pick that up) and a fairly furity aroma (also the leaves were starting to yellow a bit but not as much as the pics would suggest....) Got about 14 gram off her so I was not complaining for my first grow.....the smoke is definitely how it is sold....a proper stone couch...monged me! So here are the pics just before harvest and after harvest (before final manicure!)
