First Grow , British Outdoors, Need advice, bud rot/pest problems almost harvest time?

Hi this is my first grow, British outdoor mix by rhino seeds.
the climate where i am now is humid i think i have had bud rot in some areas i have cut away the bad parts.

im constantly pulling caterpillars from between the buds, i haven't used any pesticides. i trimmed the plant a day before these photos were taken with hopes of allowing more air circulation between the top colas.

i see alot of cloudy trics and amber ones not sure if the buds are mature enough though, how long do you think till havest and do my buds look healthy or rotten?


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close ups

on the stem near the start of the branches it looks brown and unhealthy, will i be safe to smoke this or is she ruined?



Well-Known Member
I can't really see any signs of rot from them pictures? Are you sure you had bud rot..I can usually spot it a mile off. Them plants look good mate you have another few weeks at least 2 and a half to 3 I would think..the pistils could be turning due to outdoor environment..things touching it and the weather. Trichs look immature to me and need time to develope..
Was this grow entirely outdoor? It seems your buds are quite advanced for an outdoor grow in the UK?
Most outdoor plants now have about 2-4 weeks development.. Yours looks like its around 4-6?
I can't really see any signs of rot from them pictures? Are you sure you had bud rot..I can usually spot it a mile off. Them plants look good mate you have another few weeks at least 2 and a half to 3 I would think..the pistils could be turning due to outdoor environment..things touching it and the weather. Trichs look immature to me and need time to develope..
Was this grow entirely outdoor? It seems your buds are quite advanced for an outdoor grow in the UK?
Most outdoor plants now have about 2-4 weeks development.. Yours looks like its around 4-6?
I willl take a picture of the brown bits on the stem to show what i mean, and im not 100% sure it was rot, but when i opened the bud to take a look, it was really wet and black and fell apart easily when i touched it. I cut off more than what i thought to be safe. since then havent had any more buds go black and disgusting.

I started this plant indoors on my window sill for the first couple months and then had to move it outdoors. thanks, this is my first grow, i feel i could have had bigger buds had i looked after it more during the veg stage.

are you in the uk?

when do you normally harvest outdoors in the UK?


Well-Known Member
Hmmm yep sounds like rot alright, I just can't seem to see it.
Yep I am, plants I have seen recently grown 100% outdoors are quite significantly less developed than yours.
Harvest is very strain dependent and not easy to gauge.
Your strain could be fast blooming and the ones I saw are 10-14 week strains.
I previously remember harvest being late October, and early November for royal cheese and skunk#1. this is the seeds i used.

on the info it says 6-8weeks flowering, im trying to find photos now to find out when they first started flowering, if i took any. you should see the other two plants i have, i started them a bit later than this plant, and in smaller pots, so they are like micro-grows, but the buds on one of them are looking really nice, better than what this one did when it first started to flower. (smaller obviously)

are you growing outdoors now then? what do you to do combat the uk weather? luckily im in jersey, the sunniest place in the english channel, (apparently) haha


Well-Known Member
I always grow under cover outdoors but the weather has been very overcast here. The cover is an essential because the rain is so frequent and the forecast is never right. Also the rain is heavily polluted where I am dropping sedement onto the plants that I am trying to grow 100% organically.
Your buds look very nicely developed, the difference most likely is the Superior sunlight exposure :)
thanks man, i am happy with the way they are looking, smelling, and they are very sticky. i never used any nutes except for a couple feeds with ff tiger bloom and big bloom. since ran out of that though. would you recommend getting more nutes and feeding for the rest of flowering time?

do you wash your buds at all then since they get sedement from the rain?

sorry for all the Q's man, just wanna make sure i do the best i can do for the plant.
havent spoken with any other uk growers. hope your grow is going good too


Well-Known Member
I grow organic so I literally can't help you with the branded nutrients sorry :( but your plants look pretty good nutrient wise, maybe a slight Nitrogen deficiency but adding that now would be counter productive. A little PK boost wouldn't be a bad idea,but even that at this stage might be useless,
Changes in leaves and dying back is normal as the flowering progresses.
I cover my plants with a greenhouse cover so nothing gets on them because washing them just doesn't sit right with me..I don't like to mess with my buds.
Keep a real close eye out for the rot and try avoid buds getting soaked at this stage if it can be avoided. Even a buggy cover tied to bamboo canes can be better than nothing ;)