First Grow CFL Bagseed


Active Member
Hello GThumbs, After about a month of homework I finally got my Rubbermaid/CFL box up and running. Its ample on the duct tape side atm, but those plastic 4" vent connectors are like $7 bucks a pop, so they'll have to wait. Im using 6 CFL's atm for veg, 2 42w and 4 23w. My plants arnt as close to the light as I'd like with my box's design (heatshield, multi chamber) but I raised them as close as I could without kissing the plexi glass.

I initially planted them seedlings outside in the pots of some misc. plants I had outside the house. Learning experiance #1 (know what your putting your plants in!, I know bad idea, I've learned so lets move on shall we? :-? Next after realizing the mistake I made with starting the seedlings in some mystery soil (one had some flowers in it, the other some kind of cactus) I decided it was time to bring them in the house about a week later...

I repotted them like the noob I am, taking a spoon to the soil neglecting any root structure below, though the plants were still pretty young Im sure I did some damage to one of them due to its root system looking like a clone with freshly sprouted roots would look i assume.

I repotted them (2) in 2 8" round pots, in MG organic mix, with proper portions of vermiliian, perlite, lime, blood/bonemeal. Needless to say the MG was a bad choice but all I could get my hands on atm, I got the fox farms growbig, big bloom and tiger bloom about 2 weeks after moving the plants inside and have only watered them once with growbig to date. Also I order foxfarms ocean blend and some bigbuddha bluecheese w/ free g13 powerskunk today from attitude, (soil from closest hydro store in state.

My Temps in the box are like 70 - 88f off/on, useally stays under 85f long as the house is cool via rainy day or ac. I've been burning these babies bad with the choice of soil though im not sure what exactly is it lacking or drowning in. After breaking out the old schoiol ph soil test kit I've learned that the plants are high in N and Pot yet low in PHop. So I figured now was a good time to introduce them to thier first feeding of biggrow (which i read lowers nitrogen).

Im on my 4th week of veg. and the plants are very small for thier age which I attribute to bad soil, bad xplant and root damage, in fact Im surprised thier still alive to be honest, 1 looks like 3 weeks older then the other even though they were seeded/planted same day, but remember i butchered ones roots during xplant and was more careful on the 2nd xplant.

Heres some pics I took a cpl days ago of the burn symptoms of the bigger plant. Tell me what yas think of my trial run at this awsome hobby



Well-Known Member
dont feel like reading your whole thread but it looks like your plant is suffering from heat stress. move your lights 3-4 inches away from the foliage and get a fan circulating some fresh air, i would top it wait a week than put it into 12/12


Active Member
wow quick advice, thx man.

Those pics were taking over the weekend and after watering with their first taste of biggrow the new growth seems to be better with no curling downwards or yellow tips. I'll take some pics tonight of both plants so you can see how they look currently. I'm hesitant to switch them to 12/12 because I have 2 going atm and (as you'll see w/e i up new pics) 1 is alot further along then the other and moving it to 12/12 now with the other so young, im not sure althought i hear some prefer 12/12 cycle from seed so iunno, we'll see.

oh and in regards to topping, I've only read up on LST and SCrog techniques so far so I'll have to do some more homework to see what you mean, I believe its cutting off the top? Not sure if its literally cutting it off (which I doubt) or simply tie the top down which sounds better then "cutting"


Well-Known Member
glad to hear your plant is jumping back and looking healthy again, yeah throw some more pics up keep us updated


Active Member

Watered awhile ago, got both babies in 1 shot so u can see the outgrowth (smaller one got her roots raped on initial re-pot from some mystery soil to crap soil (MG organics mix). Is it still too soon to start LST on the bigger one? I'd like the lil one to get abit more growth b4 12/12.



Active Member
No pics today, probably wont water till the weekend. Had a few questions though so here goes...

1. Can you guys(gals?) tell from the pics if its too soon to start LST on the bigger baby?

2 Edited out, found answer

3. I've got some Big Buddha Blue Cheese and G13 Power Skunk ordered from attitude along with FF ocean blend and want to get them going asap so, being that I only have the 1 grow box atm, should i start them on 12/12 that way I can have say 1 of each in with the 2 bagseeds all flowering at same time or would it be wiser to veg them which means veggin the bagseed ones longer?

4. Am I correct to assume having my carbon exahust on when the lights are on during veggin is over kill due to the lack of oder from the plants? I mean they dont stick at all yet so why bother with the carbon filter/exahust being on same timer as the lights?

5. Where can I find detailed info on topping? I've been searchin the forums via search funtion but no thread seems to be dedicated to that method like the LST, Scrog threads I've come across.


Well-Known Member
No pics today, probably wont water till the weekend. Had a few questions though so here goes...

1. Can you guys(gals?) tell from the pics if its too soon to start LST on the bigger baby?

2 Edited out, found answer

3. I've got some Big Buddha Blue Cheese and G13 Power Skunk ordered from attitude along with FF ocean blend and want to get them going asap so, being that I only have the 1 grow box atm, should i start them on 12/12 that way I can have say 1 of each in with the 2 bagseeds all flowering at same time or would it be wiser to veg them which means veggin the bagseed ones longer?

4. Am I correct to assume having my carbon exahust on when the lights are on during veggin is over kill due to the lack of oder from the plants? I mean they dont stick at all yet so why bother with the carbon filter/exahust being on same timer as the lights?

5. Where can I find detailed info on topping? I've been searchin the forums via search funtion but no thread seems to be dedicated to that method like the LST, Scrog threads I've come across.
Go to the GrowFAQ at the top of the page. You will find alot about all kinds of topping, as well as other things.


Well-Known Member
Hey ! I did what you are doing. I put some seeds in the ground and THEN I started to read on how to grow them. lmao. The best thing that you can do is READ THE GROWFAQ. Upper left on screen. Read ALL of it. Then read it again. It WILL help you so much. Check out my 1st grow in my signature. You will learn a lot.
Good luck,and happy growing.


Active Member
Thx for the input guys, I found the info I desired plus much much more. So I guess theres no need to top if I'm going to try LST. In regards to my (hopefully) incoming additions to the family, I've decided to make another 3pco (smaller) and will use it strickly for vegging/clones. Was considering adding a 150w hps to my larger unit for flowering as well, haven't seen many rubbermaids with HID's in them so I'll keep digging for gems.

The babies are doing well, all new growth looks healthy and happy so far.
One's so much bigger then the other :wall:, I bet the bigger one can goto flower soon if not now but I'm still waiting for the shrimp to bust out more nodes so live and learn aye. The bigger one is drinking faster then the smaller one I've noticed, so cool, thirsty lil bush:lol: Anyways thx for reading, new pics when I notice substantial growth, duces.


Active Member
hello farmers, brief update for those interested.

They are looking happy and I notice the 1 fence tie I put in for LST is already having an effect. My concern with the fence ties is that as the plant grows it will pull the ties up out the dirt countering its purpose to make the plant grow horizontally.

The smaller one is begging me to top it, its only got 4 nodes so far though so resisted the temptation.

Remember all that burn the leaves were showing? Well all new growth seems to be flawless and all I did to treat the symptoms was start watering with the ff grow big nutes. So glad it was an ez fix, I cant wait to see what the Tiger Bloom and Big Bloom does for them.

Untill next time, enjoy the pics.



Active Member
Here's a cpl of pics of my box: 2 45gal tubs, spray painted interior blk then white, lined by emergency blankets.

That's a scrubber on top, insider the top 3rd of the upper (upside down) tub is sealed with plexi glass and 4 socket light bar fastened to the top with passive intake on one side and fan exhaust on the other. Vegging under 2 42w (150 eqiv) and 4 23w (100eqiv) cfls.

I think my air exchange needs adjusting for I just guesstimated the passive intake sizes in regards to the exhaust size, and cut away and my passive intake covers arent filtered and let light out. Far from the cleanest version but the balls rolling and I've got some ideas on where to go from here. Shed light, Peace!



Active Member
All is well with these 2, the little ones gaining nodes left and right, added a 2nd fence tie to the bigger lst'd plant, so many leaves I'm not sure if I should start clipping some to enable more light penetration. Watered the big one a few min ago, the little ones soil is still moist so should be good for another day or 2. Untill next time heres some pics.



Active Member
Still waiting on my seeds to arrive from attitude, hoping today is the day, the ff oceans blend already arrived. Here's some pics of the 2 bagseeds taken a little while ago before the bigger one was watered ( thing needs water every other day now). I started lst on the little on today. Can anyone tell me why some nodes are purple and others green? Do they look rdy to be flipped to 12/12? No responses in awhile, somebody talk to meeeeee! Yall waitin for bud porn pics I bet, pervs!:cry: Oh I also noticed the smaller one is a lighter shade of green then the bigger one, 2 diff strains perhaps? They'll probably both turn out to be boys with my luck, oh well till next time folks. Enjoy the pics and plz shed light )



Active Member
So, since my last post, the beans have arrived and a veg box was built. The 2 originals have vegged for a little over a month and a half due to slow start from root dmg and nute burn. Sadly I cant up and pics of them atm since they're sleeping. They've been 12/12 for 7 days now no topping and my first LST attempt. I'll post pics of them l8r.

As for the new beans: Fem BF BlueCheese, G12 PowerSkunk. I germed 5 BF and 2 G12 (perhaps I should have did the reverse?), 1 of both did'nt make it :cry: put them on 24 hrs of light for the first 3 days then 18/6 since sprout. The G12 is in the middle, may repot sometime next week, oh and lights are 3 100w daylight and 3 100w softwhite cfls, the daylights are 6500k, the softs don't mention Kelvins. Heres pics of the new veg box and the babies, enjoy :blsmoke: Thats the biggest 2 in the solo shots, and the G12 is in mid of the other 4.



Active Member
UPDATE!!, abit overdo but I guess its only right to finish what I started...
Harvest the 2 bagseeds that I started the thread with and ended up with a tad over 4 z's after drying/curing, Its deff not the high I was hoping for, but beats spending on the brickweed Im stuck with in my area. Heres some harvest and dried pics enjoy.

