First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
Update for today: NL - Day 45, Cali Indica - Day 36, Skywalker - Day 32, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 22. I gave the NL and Cali the first shot of open seasame on sunday and will start flowering as soon as my new inline gets here hopefully in a day or two. I started the others on grow big and big bloom also. i hope i dont run out of room in my homebox tho these wrecks are growin like crazy haha some twice as big as others and they all started at the same time. anyways on with the pics... i tried to take some of the pistols on the NL if you can see them! :bigjoint: :weed: :hump:
Wow! everyone looks real healthy! very nice job!


Well-Known Member
Update for today: NL - Day 45, Cali Indica - Day 36, Skywalker - Day 32, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 22.

... i tried to take some of the pistols on the NL if you can see them!
. . . . fuckin "A" DK, these babies look beautiful. The leaves look sooooo succulant :!:

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I can see the pistols on the NL
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. . . . have a good day



Well-Known Member
haha thanks snakes. yeah those wrecks are growin like crazy. some of the leaves are bigger than enitre other plants haha. my fan is scheduled for delivery today so hopefully i can get that set up and begin flowering tonight :weed:


Well-Known Member
what do u make of this?(pic 1 yellow spots on 1 leaf)..if u can see pic 2 it has sprouted out of RW cube,but there are no leaves on it (just the stick with no leaves)



Well-Known Member
no idea man i wouldnt worry about it if its just that one leaf. and i cant see a thing in that second pic is it invisible??


Well-Known Member
still kinda blurry but better haha it looks like the shell might still be on top is it?? if not the leaves will come out soon dont worry about it


Well-Known Member
whered everyone go?? sure got quiet around here... well anyways an update for today: NL - Day 48, Cali Indica - Day 38, Skywalker - Day 34, Purple Wreck and Haze - Day 24. decided to start flowering the NL and Cali on sunday. both been given two feedings of open seasame and one more tomorrow. the others ive been giving half dosage of grow big and big bloom for now. the wrecks are growin like nuts as you can see its hard to tell which leaves go to which plants haha hopefully theres enough room in there for a few more weeks. also went to the grow shop yesterday well a few times actually haha long story i finally found the right glass covering for my hps and got that all set up. took some pics of that as well as everthing else now that my setup is FINALLY done shit how many times have i said that?? anyways on with the show... :weed:

