First Grow! : CFL/HPS 8 Plants


Well-Known Member
anyways... back to the subject on hand. whatcha guys think the odds are of me gettin some killer purp bud out of this pwreck? is it more the strain that turns it purple or the temps? hasnt even hit 70 in my closet the last few days and its hardly even winter yet...


Junior Creatologist
itd be kinda cool if we had some shit like that in the forums, like somethin to do besides typing replyin all day(which aint boring anyways, but itd give us somethin to do without havin to leave the site, LOL - call me fuckin lazy - so what) , itd be fuckin fun man. I aint a big gambler, myself, but i did win a thousand euro when i went up to Amsterdam on my honeymoon. Fuckin put a 50 euro note into a slot machine, pulled the lever twice n wont 20 euro - pulled it a third time n won a G dude. i ran outta the Holland casino like a i fuckin robbed it.

N i play a little poker too DK, never played for REAL money before, but a couple local games with like a 50 dollar buy in. you guys play hold em' online, or 5card games??


Junior Creatologist
anyways... back to the subject on hand. whatcha guys think the odds are of me gettin some killer purp bud out of this pwreck? is it more the strain that turns it purple or the temps? hasnt even hit 70 in my closet the last few days and its hardly even winter yet...

its more than likeley in the phenotype. If its destined to be purple itll be purple - but you CAN turn the plants purple by droppin the temps down dramatically, like how the colors of the leaves change on the trees in the fall. But the problem with doin that is, it slows down resin production in those critical final days, n u might end up payin for it. Would you rather end up with nugs of the highest potency that look danky as fuck no matter what color they are? or would you rather have the purple nugs from droppin the temp, which will sell like hotcakes granted, but youll lose potency, n thatd suck. I mean, im sure itd still be some killer bud, but chances are it wouldnt be as potent as if you were to grow that shit out as is, n just cross your fingers n hope shes got a fuckin beautiful genepool. N from what i hear n what ive read, your only gona notice the change in color during the last couple weeks of flowering if you dont see it by now. I thought about droppin temps during the last stages of this grow too, but after reading, i dont think id do it, plus i would kick myself in the ass if it was gonna turn purple anyways, but i dropped the temp to turn them cuz i got impatient, lol.


Well-Known Member
i only play hold em really. my dad got me hooked but hes an omaha nut been playin forever. hes at the casino nonstop now basically haha hes good tho so no worries. fuckin slots man haha i dont see how anyone can stand trying to make money at that unless you can pull off exactly what you did lol. ill play some video poker thats about it but still never trust a machine over my own abilities... but yeah holdem online for me probably more often than i post here. which is saying something lol


Well-Known Member
well for me... seems like id be better off with some purp if it doesnt kill the potency too much. seeing as my target audience is basically high schoolers lol (little bro does the dealin) and you know they be payin bank regardless of how potent they dont know shit from shit as long as it looks cool lol. but yeah ill probably keep like half to myself so well see. no way im gettin rid of any of that skywalker so im sure that will be enough to keep me flat on my ass until my second crop comes though. i dont really have a way of dropping the temps dramatically anyway just wondering if the winter temps will be cold enough to do that. than again ive never had a hygrometer in my closet before lol so no idea how cold it will get...


Well-Known Member
update on the pwrecks: just confirmed 3 fems, and 2 males, 1 still too close to call im sure ill know by tomorrow... still cant complain about 50% fems at the worst :bigjoint: time to get busy transplating to 5gal, any opinions on whether i should keep one of the males? i dont really know what id do with it right now or even the slightest thing about breeding lol but once i look into it i was thinking about crossing it with the skywalker... any takers?


Well-Known Member
sorry for leaving so sudden dk,i was cooking and almost forgot about talking poker with you...nice stats btw..i never got that high up on line but im workin on it...when i get back to the level i wanna be..ill post stats haha..right now im ashamed...but i love it!! 2nd best to weed lol


Well-Known Member
haha no doubt man. i been runnin bad the last week or so havent really played as much. stoked for tahoe friday tho and then when i come back gunna play a couple of the FTOPS. should be fun... yeah dont go burnin the house down man lol


Well-Known Member
K little update for today - NL day 68, Cali - day 58, Skywalker - day 54, Purple Wreck - day 44. flowering on the NL and Cali over two weeks now and buds starting to show up finally. idk how you guys get such good close ups lol i suck with a camera obv. weeded out the males on the pwreck yesterday, 3 and 3 cant complain 50% fem rate... so i finally have all 8 females flowering! just need to transplant 1 more into 5gal and im set. takin off for tahoe tomorrow until tues so dont go freakin out cuz someone else gone missin i know how paranoid yall get lol anyways couple pics...



Well-Known Member
thanks mane. i got a rather important question for ya tho before i take off. i know for sure i got 3 fems. and for sure 2 males. but 1 just wont make up its fuckin mind. it looks male maybe but im not 100% and dont wanna chop it down just in case. will i have any problem leaving it in there being gone 4days?? i got someone watchin em for me but dont know shit from shit i just hope the watering gets done lol. i guess what my real question is if its possible for it to form sacs and spread pollen by the time i come back?? i would think that if i still cant tell by morning it cant do that much harm in 4 days...


Well-Known Member
thanks mane. i got a rather important question for ya tho before i take off. i know for sure i got 3 fems. and for sure 2 males. but 1 just wont make up its fuckin mind. it looks male maybe but im not 100% and dont wanna chop it down just in case. will i have any problem leaving it in there being gone 4days?? i got someone watchin em for me but dont know shit from shit i just hope the watering gets done lol. i guess what my real question is if its possible for it to form sacs and spread pollen by the time i come back?? i would think that if i still cant tell by morning it cant do that much harm in 4 days...
naw you have nothing to worry about


Well-Known Member
i'm sure the overall weight will make up for any cant you see wy i sexed plants in 5" containers before you fill your space,,,i do avg. 2 pacs to try for at lest 10 females where i can fit abunch , then have 10 large plants .it saves me money on soil and space., you gotta good deal going on the price of the OF.


Well-Known Member
haha true that. still cant believe you pay over twice what i do for it. although im sure you can afford it :) but yeah, im pretty sure i can fit 12 in here and i only got 8/maybe 9 flowering. next time around ill be sure to fill my space. although im not sure how since my veg tent only fits 9. maybe start 6 plants every four weeks or so, get a little sea o green goin :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
i finally got to smoke today. that ob came out better than i thought. keep some herme seeds put up , i been hearing lots a ppl get females from hermes, but the idea of it more possible happens, turns me off, but still keep a few around , but then again knowing the weed is real strong would make you want to try if things tightened up.i guarantee you though i' dedicate 70 days to get some killer crosses, one is one of my BM females crossed with the wite russian for sure soon.around march, i'm gonna keep somethin of the BM goin stedy , in the corner some where .., huh,lol.


Well-Known Member
yeah i havent even begun to think about crossing shit yet. chopped down my male purple wrecks today, didnt even want to think about what to do with them. i got a shit load of trimmings saved up lil bro tryin to cook up some butter right now. i think i need to worry about cloning and shit first before i even get into breeding, shit i just need to get one good harvest out the way...


Active Member
I dont know too much, I do know this for FACT! All seeds from hermies are femenized. You can stress it out too much during growth to make it a hermie but not a male. Its in the genetics, you can look it up. You can turn the [X][X] (Female) into [X][Y] (Hermie) but not into a [Y][Y] (Male). So prize those seeds, just hope its good stuff you got the seeds off of! Happy growing.