First Grow, CFL Indoor Closet, Sour Cream & Bubblelicious


Well-Known Member
Despite the Cal or Boron deficiency the Bubble has grown to 8.5" tall.. :/ I won't have my flower nutes until next Monday. Think I can throw it into 24 hour darkness tomorrow and start with 12/12 Wed and not have any flower nutes until Monday and be ok? Or should I wait till I get my nutes? I'm afraid by then it'll be over a foot tall by then.

As far as the deficiency, it hasn't gotten any worse. I sprayed the leaves with 8.0 pH water and I also flushed with 8.0 pH water.


Well-Known Member
I got anxious and went ahead and turned the lights off and they are going to come back on tomorrow with 6 2700k to start. I'll add more as time goes on.


Well-Known Member
I got anxious and went ahead and turned the lights off and they are going to come back on tomorrow with 6 2700k to start. I'll add more as time goes on.
sounds good its going to be interesting for me to see what my plants first darkness will do for it. ive been running 24 hour light.


Well-Known Member
sounds good its going to be interesting for me to see what my plants first darkness will do for it. ive been running 24 hour light.
Oh have you? I've been doing 20/4. I did 24/0 for the first few days then I went to 20/4. This was probably their most stressful day. Lights went off @ 12pm then I turned them back on at 12:40 and then back off at 1:30, on @ 4pm then back off @ 8pm.. :/ They'll be back on @ 8am


Well-Known Member
Oh have you? I've been doing 20/4. I did 24/0 for the first few days then I went to 20/4. This was probably their most stressful day. Lights went off @ 12pm then I turned them back on at 12:40 and then back off at 1:30, on @ 4pm then back off @ 8pm.. :/ They'll be back on @ 8am
lol why did you turn it off and on so much? lol


Well-Known Member
lol why did you turn it off and on so much? lol
Now that I think about it i Was being a bit impatient. I didn't want to wait until the lights came back on to see how the plant was doing, so instead I turned them on and did the 8.0 pH thing. With that said, the bubblelicious has gotten really big since last night. Not so much vertical growth, it's getting wide. Really wide. Going to have to tie the secondary stems to the main stem soon.


Well-Known Member
I just finished adding the 3 lights so now I'm up to 9. I might be able to get 3 more in there but that's going to require some thinging. The box is soo small. It's just 2sq ft so I do'nt really need more light 9 bulbs @ 1600 lumens each. I read somewhere that a good rule is to have 5k lumens per sq ft so I'd need about 10k I have 14400 lumens. I'll take some pictures later today before the lights go off.


Well-Known Member
I just finished adding the 3 lights so now I'm up to 9. I might be able to get 3 more in there but that's going to require some thinging. The box is soo small. It's just 2sq ft so I do'nt really need more light 9 bulbs @ 1600 lumens each. I read somewhere that a good rule is to have 5k lumens per sq ft so I'd need about 10k I have 14400 lumens. I'll take some pictures later today before the lights go off.
sounds good. I also aded 2 more bulbs today for a total of 10 23w 2700k. this is where the fun starts now. on a side note, I put a radio in my grow room with some Bob Marlye playen low. i figured if babys in the womb like to listed to music. than what better music does ganja want to dance to. lol n yes i am serious i really did this.


Well-Known Member
sounds good. I also aded 2 more bulbs today for a total of 10 23w 2700k. this is where the fun starts now. on a side note, I put a radio in my grow room with some Bob Marlye playen low. i figured if babys in the womb like to listed to music. than what better music does ganja want to dance to. lol n yes i am serious i really did this.
lol that's awesome.


Well-Known Member
Day 26(Flower Day 1)
Temp: 76-80
Humidity: 40-42%
Light: 12/12

I hate that I got a Cal/Mag problem right before flowering the bubble was looking picture perfect the night before. It doesn't seem to have gotten any worse.


Sour Cream


Well-Known Member
Looks good....the Bubblelicous will take right off when you start to flower.Can't wait to watch




Well-Known Member
Well, it's bedtime for them. I can't wait to see the growth when the lights come back on tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the leaves so much.. Overall, the plant is very healthy. Mine are about that size and I was going to wait to flower.... I kind of need a good dense crop because I have people not loving the LEDs sub'ed to my thread. I want weight dammit! :)


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat the leaves so much.. Overall, the plant is very healthy. Mine are about that size and I was going to wait to flower.... I kind of need a good dense crop because I have people not loving the LEDs sub'ed to my thread. I want weight dammit! :)
Thanks. I really like the LED threads. I like to see what kind of yield they can get. Not many people going that route.


Well-Known Member
bro, make sure your lghts arent to close. mayb that isnt a deficiency at all. I just woke up saw my plants and one of my lights were laying rite on the leaf must of fell last night. or this morning and it looks just like yours. just on one fan leaf so i just clipped the leaf. plants looks a little weird but at least the bottom can get more light now.