First Grow - CFL & LED


New Member
Hey all this is the first time I have grown this stuff :)

Here is a pic of what is going on:


- 85W Cool White CFL
- 45W Daylight CFL
Box is covered with windscreen reflectors and there is a 120mm PC fan at the top.

I have ordered a 135W LED, which I am going to add when it arrives.

I don't have a lot of space, can I start them on 12/12 already so they don't grow too tall? Or is there a better option?
They are currently on 24/0



Well-Known Member
i would let them get atleast 4 sets of nodes then lsd them if space is an issue then once they repond well to the lsd you can flower them anytime you want


Well-Known Member
you can do 12/12 now if you want but they won't start flowing till mature so best bet is to stick with 24/0

with 3 ft your not as limited with space as you may think iv grown in a pc case before as well as a 24" box you'll just have to tie down a lot and keep the canopy low


New Member
I checked on them today, one of the leaves on one of the seedlings had shrivelled up and others were looking yellow. Also on 2 of them it seems the stem just went really thin where it enters the soil and they fell over!

The soil was very dry so I watered them an I hope that will do the trick but I'm scared they will all die now!


Well-Known Member
You want to check the top inch or two of soil if its dry they need water. Never wait too long and never over water.

I assume its not really hot inside the box at all? Make sure they don't get too hot. I read you have a fan, maybe an upwards would be better to pull out heat as it rises.

Also did you add nutrients; at this stage they don't need anything. Whatever is in your medium would be sufficient.

Also I like to give my plants some darkness, I know MJ doesn't "need" it. But darkness causes the plant to produce co2 which in the day it takes back and makes 02. So it can feed itself a little.


New Member
You want to check the top inch or two of soil if its dry they need water. Never wait too long and never over water.

I assume its not really hot inside the box at all? Make sure they don't get too hot. I read you have a fan, maybe an upwards would be better to pull out heat as it rises.

Also did you add nutrients; at this stage they don't need anything. Whatever is in your medium would be sufficient.

Also I like to give my plants some darkness, I know MJ doesn't "need" it. But darkness causes the plant to produce co2 which in the day it takes back and makes 02. So it can feed itself a little.
I just added a timer today, will provide them with 4 hours of darkness per 24 hours. I also googled the issue and it looks like it might be 'Damping-Off', that has rotted the seedlings. It's only 2 of them so that's why I think it might be that...

Didn't add nutrients, I think my soil might not be ideal though. I should probably use peat moss.


Well-Known Member
I've seen some LED's grow an OK crop, for seedlings and clones I would say its fine for your "grow box". Switch to at-least T5 setup and no cardboard box for flowering.

Taken from your lnk:
Full Spectrum: 430nm/440nm/460nm(Blue),610nm/630nm/650nm/660nm(Red),730nm(Infrared),12000K(White).

What is needed to grow:

Info on quantum yield:
View attachment 2722696

Info about led grow power:
Relative absorption or intensity of LED grow lights.jpg

A picture of a kitten:

All facts presented, I believe this should be a fun experiment. :bigjoint:bongsmilie:weed:


Well-Known Member
stick to cfls man that led may help since its small but in a box that small t5s t8s are just gonna be a problem you could get a 150w hps sunlight supply sells minis that run cooler then you would believe

but in your situation cfls will get the job done


New Member
ANything other than CFL's and LED's are not an option for me... for a number of reasons.

I'm hoping those 2 CFL's and the LED UFO thing will be enough, otherwise I will supplement with more CFL's.


Well-Known Member
whats the number of reasons? iv sold so many people on that 150w mini i just can't believe a hps could be so small and compact and run so cool i have a 250w cfl that runs hotter

also you could still supplement with cfls but that hps ould be the difference between rock hard buds or loose and fluffy theres nothing more disappointing imo then having nice big buds and when you go to dry seeing them shrink down to 1/3 of the size because they were so fluffy