First Grow - CFL - Liberty Haze (What's your vector, victor?)


Well-Known Member
Oh... I was able to find a 12v adapter in my attic!

This morning I cleared out the grow box and hooked everything up. I did not widen the 2" hole to 4" like I said I was. I wanted to try it out with the two 2" holes first and it worked like a charm! I closed it all up left it alone for several hours, came back and the temperature was reading 77! That's one problem eliminated!

We'll see how it holds up after my splitters arrive and I put all the other lights in there...

Also, All the girls have poked out except for one. It was a UFO (Sweet Black Angel) and it has only been 2 days, So I'm not too concerned.

Here are some random pics I snapped this morning with my phone.


Pic 1: Just a shot of one of the pc fans...
Pic 2: All the gals. The front one on the far left is the remaining single bagseed from over a week ago. no light, bad soil. We'll see if I can nurse it back.
Pic 3 & 4 are of the 2 that i accidentally planted together the other day. I separated them this morning.


Well-Known Member
looking good man

oh and a 9v adapter wil lwork on a 12v fan, sorry i should have mentioned that earlier ><

give that last one a bit of time if it was showing a taproot it should pop up, this is not always the case but looking at your setup i dont see why it wouldnt


Active Member
Subbed =) got 5 of the liberty haze comming with 5 big bang. Also got 1 free seed World of Seeds Diamond Line Madness Feminized and 1 Delicious Seeds La Diva Feminized Automatic. =) It'll be my first time growing and i'm doing hydroponics so i figured i would grow the 2 free seeds i got and 1 big bang and 1 liberty haze. I'll be doing a grow journal when i start. =)


Well-Known Member
It's ok matt, last night after you made the suggestion I found a thread on RIU that had all the adapter answers I needed. I saw that you could use a 9v, And i did hook up one fan last night with it. But I went a little OCD on myself and just had to have 2 fans on one 12v. lol

Shag - Nice! More liberty haze. I'm very interested in seeing how your grow goes. be sure to let us know when you start your journel.


Well-Known Member
ok so you researched it a bit? does 2 12v fans run at top speed on 1 12v adapter? thats a question i havent been able to get a sure answer too


Well-Known Member
ok so you researched it a bit? does 2 12v fans run at top speed on 1 12v adapter? thats a question i havent been able to get a sure answer too
I'm no expert by any means and if anyone notices me relaying some info that is wrong, please, point it out...

With that being said... This is my understanding... You can hook up multiple fans as long as your adapter's output can meet your amperage. For example: My fans require 0.20 and 0.35 amps and the output of my adapter is 1.200 so i was able to hook those 2 up to the same adapter. They're both humming too, Top speed, Just like they would on my gaming rig.


Well-Known Member
nah i havent seen it. is the amperage cumulative? like say its 1.2 amp and you have 4 x .3 am fans is that the limit?


Well-Known Member
just read it, its pretty simple really to hook em up i never had a issue getting them running i just want to know how to hook up multiple fans to get maximum airflow.


Well-Known Member
nah i havent seen it. is the amperage cumulative? like say its 1.2 amp and you have 4 x .3 am fans is that the limit?
That was the impression I got but I didnt look too far on the subject once I figured out how to wire two of them.

I think i saw a "ask the Electrician" or some such thread somewhere around here, I'll have to pop in there and ask for sure.


Well-Known Member
meh not that big of a deal anyways, i do need to find a nice quiet fan to put in my tent that i can hook up to draw air from outside the tent to keep my tent cool, i suffer from around 80F temps sometimes it gets a little higher and have seen them upwards of 96 at times ><


Well-Known Member
Been busy the past few days... fast update.

My splitters arrived and I set up more lights and now I'm having temperature problems again. Guess I'm enlarging my exhaust today, Hopefully that'll remedy the situation... again!

Also, Dug up that seed that didnt want to sprout. It started to sprout but had some problems with shedding the shell. I removed it, replanted and she sprouted today. All seeds are good! As soon as I get my temp situation under control I'll post some pictures.

1> I've been running the gals lights 24/7. I intended to do this for the first 2 weeks. It's coming up one the end of week one now. Should I continue? Any comments? Does it matter?


Well-Known Member
i prefer 18/6 as i feel they need a little bit of "down time" to use any extra sugars/food they have made during the day. i dont think it really matters. i have been wanting to try a 1hr on 1hr off cycle for vegg to see if it makes a difference just havent gotten around to getting a timer that i can set that up on.

hey man i dunno if you play FPS games but MW3 is doing a free trial weekend it started yesterday if you dont already have the game you should defo check it out :)

make sure you make your intake bigger as well cuz a 4" exaust is only going to work as good as the 2" intake will allow it (assuming the cab is airtight) either way a bigger intake is going to bring in more cool air


Well-Known Member
i prefer 18/6 as i feel they need a little bit of "down time" to use any extra sugars/food they have made during the day. i dont think it really matters. i have been wanting to try a 1hr on 1hr off cycle for vegg to see if it makes a difference just havent gotten around to getting a timer that i can set that up on.

hey man i dunno if you play FPS games but MW3 is doing a free trial weekend it started yesterday if you dont already have the game you should defo check it out :)

make sure you make your intake bigger as well cuz a 4" exaust is only going to work as good as the 2" intake will allow it (assuming the cab is airtight) either way a bigger intake is going to bring in more cool air
I know some others have gone the 24/7 route in the beginning. I plan on going 20/4 or 19/5 after the initial 24/7 period I just don't know whne I want to make the switch. I was going to wait until after 2 weeks, But instinct tells me I should switch over after week one. Any input on how long most people go 24/7?

Ventilation... I thought I read that the exhaust should be bigger than the intake so that it creates negative pressure? I was going to leave my intake at 2" and enlarge the exhaust to 4". I haven't drilled yet today. Should I reverse that and make my intake 4" instead? Also, Should I have a fan on the intake sucking the air in? I did have it setup that way but I was told that I should just have an exhaust fan and no fan on the intake?

I feel like I'm over thinking this! lol

Anyway, Any advice would be appreciated. I plan on remedying this today but I don't want to begin until I have a game plan. Thanks!

PS - I'm not really a FPS kinda guy. I find I don't possess the finger skills to get it done!


Well-Known Member
Shitty smartphone photos of the girls after 5 days. Better pictures to come this weekend.


The last picture (The small plant) is the Sweet Black Angel that has been giving me problems. But she finally sprouted!


Well-Known Member
personaly i would drill 2x 3" holes on the top and mound both fans one on each side exausting and then just do 2x3" holes on the bottom with no fan for passive intake

here comes the Paint diagram LOL



Well-Known Member
if you want to make the holes on the bottom a tad smaller you will get a better air current coming in but i think it will put wear and tear on your fans, im really not sure i just know when i had heat issues in my cab i doubbled the size of the passive intake holes and the problem was fixed.


Well-Known Member
Both fans as exhaust. I'm having an Aha moment! That is the plan then.

I'll get on that in a bit and I'll let you know how it goes.