First Grow - CFL - Mystery Seed

I got my hands on some mystery seed a while back and just recently planted them. I started them out in some peat planters and moved them into small pots a few days after they broke surface. Each pot is soiled with a Miracle Grow mixture.

Until this point I have been growing 4 plants (2 plants per pot) with two 26W 6500k CFL's (Placed 1-2 inches from foilage). I know that is far too little light for these plants, which is why I have ordered two 105W 6500k CFL's. Combining these with my existing lights, I will be placing a combined 262W over four plants. The bulbs will also be substituted with 2700k CFL's for the fruiting stage.

At the moment my "grow box" consist of an old cardboard box. It works for now seeing that the plants are just barely a couple inches. I want to upgrade my set up to a larger grow box, but at the same time keeping the grow box compact. I live in a studio apartment, so I do not have the much space, but enough for what I have started.

I will attach some pics of the plants. They are about a week old, give or take a day or two. Note that up until this point each pot has been growing under one 26W CFL. More wattage is soon to come.

I would like to hear feedback and advice pertaining to this grow. With that being said, I have a few questions:

Will I have sufficient light with the additional 105W CFL's?
When will I know to start the fruiting stage?
Are there any good nutrients I could use to feed the plants?



Active Member
You'll find out later that having two plants in the same pot was a bad idea. If one is female and one is male and you don't want seeds it's going to be difficult to separate them without damaging roots. If they're both female, there won't be enough room in one pot for two plants and transplanting will be difficult. Even leaving them both together, one plant may sap all the nutes from the other and one won't grow well.

Calling it the "fruiting stage" is odd, lol. You must grow mushrooms as well. :D
Each plant has its own pot now. I only had them paired for a day due to a shortage of pots.

I also gave two plants to my Brother-in-Law. So, currently, my setup consist of two pots, two plants, 3x26w CFL's with 2x105w CFL's on the way. I have also ditched the MG because my plants seemed to be fading in color and turning a hint of yellow, but they are looking great now and doing well. Right now they are growing in a mixture I made using:

75% Potting soil (25% MG and 75% untreated soil)
10% Perlite
10% Peat
5% Sand

I have also made a little grow chamber out of a few spare 10 gallon totes, zip ties, and a 1x1 Scrog. I know that's a small scrog for two plants, but I don't have much space in my studio apt and it'll have to suffice until I can figure out a better setup for my next grow.

lol, yes yes, I just cant help myself. It feels odd NOT to say "fruiting stage" or even "grow chamber" (Brother-in-Law looked at me funny when I called it a chamber lol). I currently have some Cambodian gold caps that are close to harvest and a dozen jars of inoculated substrate in the incubator. What can I say, growing normal plants is just lame. I love it when you treat a plant well and it returns the favor... A rose will just shank you in the end. Besides, Mushies and Mary Jane are just so much more beautiful than their "close minded" peers lol.
