First grow. CFL/T5 Kali Mist (pics)


Well-Known Member
I can't handle anymore verticle growth :( hehe. How long is it going to keep growing? It's been 12/12 since jan 5th....


Well-Known Member

How is she looking guys? Any guesses on yield yet? I am hoping like 2 ounces off the big one and 1 oz of each hydro...even though they are 2 weeks behind..


Well-Known Member
there is something definatly wrong. Your buds...should be much bigger by now. I think you may need to check your timer...and check to see if ambient light is hitting your plants during the dark period. Your plants need at least....and i mean at least 12 hours of complete darkness. You are going to have very little room to flower...but your plants look fucking awesome. Check your timers...and put a black blanket around your grow area to keep ambient light away.


Well-Known Member
It's definitely very dark in there with lights out... I use my phone to see when I have to get something. But I'll check it again... so you think they are going to grow more????? I just set up the new 400w HPS today :D


Well-Known Member
Very Nice Man Thats Just Shows Ya What Ppl Can Do With Cfls And Flous And Yet Everyone Knocks On Em I Mean Look At That Noading U Aint Get That With A Hps I Mean Dont Get Me Wrong Great For Flowering But I Dont Belive There Should Be Use For Veging


Well-Known Member
yea. but I had to move EVERYTHING outdoors on the 18th because I'm moving in to a new place... so I hope she survives..


Well-Known Member
Moto if there is the tiniest pin hole of light during the 12 of dark then you arent truly dark even if you have to use your phone to see...the true dark may be whats goin has to be perfectly dark no light at all. BIG F*CKING props to you for flipping to a scrog in the middle of flower, where you shaking bending that biggin over hopin it wouldnt break??? lmao!!


Well-Known Member
hell yeah. If that thing snapped I would have too. hehe. But in nature doesn't the moon give off some light at night... I dunno... nothing I can do about it now heh. Will start a new grow and keep up with these babies outdoors. New grow will probably start in a month. Expect a brand new grow room too :D With pitch dark of course hehe


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a light leak to me. I had the same fricken problem with some Northern Lights x's Shiva. Had them in flower for 2 months and still there were very very tiny buds and few white hairs. Im 99% positive that thats the problem you have. Man tho big ups on them gurls they sure are beautiful!


Well-Known Member
The moon does give off some light but you have to remember that you are providing an artificial growing environment so to cant take the rational from the moon and compare it to plants that have been receiving light for 24 hours for x amount of time, thats not natural and I dont think you can expect your plant to then naturally accept a little light because of the moon thing, there had never been a moon in your plants life until you went to 12/12, it only knows light so when you introduce darkness you do so for a specific purpose and if she sees light thats what she will go by.
When you are growing indoors and manipulating light to expedite growth you have to go by those rules not try to rationalize natural occurances in nature you know?? Does that make any sense?? Its like 2 diff worlds in my opinionation...


Well-Known Member
yea, it makes sense. Still sucks though heh. So will they have trouble flowering now that they are outside? I mean besides the obvious cold weather....I just hope they survive and produce atleast something. I am more worried about keeping the strain alive because I want to keep it around for a while atleast until we start ordering some other dank seeds...


Well-Known Member
how long do they have to be outside? are you going to be able to set back up soon? If so you may be able to get it going but honestly the stress and lite etc may cause her to go a little hermie....awwww Im so sorry, If worse comes to worse on keeping the strain maybe as a last ditch takes some clones.


Well-Known Member
yea, I have some clones of her now but I don't have anywhere for them but outside too... so hopefully she lasts long enough that I can take more clones...


Well-Known Member
hell yeah. If that thing snapped I would have too. hehe. But in nature doesn't the moon give off some light at night... I dunno... nothing I can do about it now heh. Will start a new grow and keep up with these babies outdoors. New grow will probably start in a month. Expect a brand new grow room too :D With pitch dark of course hehe
i think the acts as green light plant cant really pick up on its rays but dont quote me on it but if anything it throws off very little light did u guys know tho moon affacts the way plants grow what i mean is diffrent phase affact the plants


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the contribution to my thread about the t5s. Your grow looks great, super close node spacing man...way to go.

How many lumens are you cfls putting out, do you know? Do you know of anything ready bought in hydro stores that puts out similar lumens for about the same price?

Seems like you didn't spend much, what was your total? I grow w. 1000 watt lamps, but I am using t5s for a portion of veg this time.



Well-Known Member
The 4ft T-5's were about $120, spent another $45 for cfls. The two daylight CFL's we started with were $15 each from hydro shop but they said something like 2600 lumens each, and the 6 warm light ones were $15 for all 6 at Sams club heh. I don't think T-5's are neccesairy for veg but if you can afford it, they are definetely the way to go for clones and seedlings..


Well-Known Member
And I am using a 400w hps for flowering, but not for a bit now cause our grow op abruptly ended for a bit hehe