first grow CFL winter closet grow questions


whats good riu. my little girl(hopefully) has been in soil for 30 hours give or take after germinating the wet paper towel method. growing out of closet in a cardboard box. ive been running 1 23watt 65k with 8 1/2 reflector directly over the pot. only watered once with distilled water when i dropped her in. will be posting pics thoughout entire grow. strain is unknown bagseed going to be adding another 23 watt as soon as she sprouts. questions...1. about what week should i add nutes or should i wait till flowering to add nutes? 2. i plan on using 8 23 watters 4 65k 4 2700. would this be enough for entire grow? im using some cheap organic soil from walmart thats why i ask. 3. i have her on a 18/6 schedule; does anyone recommened switching to 24/0? she hasnt sprouted out of the soil yet. 4. its pretty cold this time of year what is the lowest the temp the seedling can withhold and maximum? 5. and about how longer should it take to sprout?


Well-Known Member
Ill try to answer some of your questions.. When to feed is up to the plant and that depends on a number of things. How much nutrients your soil has in it has alot to do with it. Just watch her lower leaves. If they start yellowing you should feed. One cfl will grow some bud so the more you add the more/better bud you will grow. You just have to keep all 8 of them really close throughout the whole grow. When your growing with cfl's you shouldnt let the plant get too big cause cfls dont penetrate the canopy very much so flip early. Id say to have them on 24/0 until they are a week old or so. Then go to 20/4 or 18/6. As far as the temps I dont know. It is a weed and it can stand a bunch of punishment. I hear of people saying their grow room is in the upper 80's(no c02) and they are still healthy and growing and I have seen it in the upper 60's and still ticking. Pros say upper 70's is optimal for the plant so the closer you can keep it to that the healthier your plant will be. Did the seed have a taproot when you planted? Most pop within a few days if they had a decent sized root and you didnt plant deep or it could take longer than a week. If it takes more than two weeks I'd just germ a new one since it is bagseed.


yeah it has a tap root almost double its size. ive been checking like every 4 hours to see if any new growth spurred


Well-Known Member
Give her some time. If conditions are right she will come out to say hi:) As far as your conditions.. Did you add any perlite to help with drainage? Soil looks damp but it could just be the pic. Planting seeds in large containers makes watering a little difficult. What is your temp?


its 75 with lights on and around 65-68 lights off.would yourecommend going 24/0 for a month then flower? its just some good schwag seeds


Active Member
its 75 with lights on and around 65-68 lights off.would yourecommend going 24/0 for a month then flower? its just some good schwag seeds
Schwag seeds are never good man. You will get what you smoke imo. I never keep my lights on 24/7 in veg. i keep it at 18/6. Before you flower. wait about 40days. then switch over.
What are you feeding them? just water or what?


Well-Known Member
its 75 with lights on and around 65-68 lights off.would yourecommend going 24/0 for a month then flower? its just some good schwag seeds
Those are pretty good temps. Light schedules are a big debate and I personally think it is strain dependent but that's just my opinion. My NLxSkunks loved 24 hours of light but my C99's hated it.
If this is your first grow, bagseed is fine, but don't expect anything spectacular. Just think of it as a practice run. It will be better than what you smoked cause hopefully you can keep it seedless but it will probably have a low thc content.


so veg for 40 days on 18/6 then flower? i read on here somewhere something about leaving them in complete darkness for 24-48 hrs before flowering. im using mg all purpose and mg bloom booster. i mixed like 1/8 tsp into a spray bottle with distilled water and lightly misted the top of the soil other than that my first time using nutes and growing. will post pictures as soon as she sprouts. btw i saw my mom water her garden with spoiled milk? should i give that a go? any advice much appreciated


yeah, its my first grow been reading for a few months so i decided to get my feet wet. keep it seedless? could you elaborate a little more without stating the obvious? i thought male has seeds and females only had a few. would you give me idea of how much i could potentially yield


Well-Known Member
You should do some more reading but I hate when people say that and leave it at that. How long you veg depends on how much vertical room you have or how much lighting you have. When you flower they will double or more in size so you control it. MG isn't great for marijuana but some pull it off. MG has time released nutes which makes it hard to control feeding and easy to burn them so don't give them any nutes till they show signs of deficiency or you will fry them. Males like humans have sperm or pollen. Males release pollen that sticks to female flowers which in turn creates a seed. If you keep males away the female will produce more resin making better weed in the absence of pollen. Keep researching man. The more you know the better your weed will be..


Well-Known Member
Don't use milk. A common saying around here.. K.I.S.S. or Keep It Simple Stupid. Once you get the basics down you can try whatever you want.
I also planted a seed, LA Wowan on Jan 17 2013 @ 2 am and it popped this morning. I'ld like to see some pics when yours pops. GL to your baby!

I was reading your journal and decided to start one as well, maybe we can have a race? Friendly of course and compare some different techniques we use throughout the grow. For example i'm using 4-8 6500 k bulbs.



broke through the soil last night. leaves are looking great and coming in strong. will be posting pictures tonight. does anyone have any experience with MG all purpose and MG bloom booster? went to wally world last night and got a box of each. are they okay to use? if so how much, how often, and every watering or every other water? does anyone recommend adding another light yet? or should i leave it be for a week or two? and do i have to transfer pots or is that about the adequate size throughtout entire grow? sorry for all the questions, firstt time and trying not to fuck it up. all advice is welcome and appreciated. thanks riu


yes, there are ashes in there lol. i added another 23 watt today and the lights went out for about an hour or so is that okay?

Astral Zoom

Active Member
yes, there are ashes in there lol. i added another 23 watt today and the lights went out for about an hour or so is that okay?
Thats fine. Just dont let it happen later down the road when you are flowering it.

SO, your doing 18/6? I do cfls as well for veg. Keep them super close to the plant, Like 2 inches. You will keep needing to rearrange the light layouts to adjust as it grows.

Also, you should add a fan in there. It will work out your lil tree and make it stronger. as well as reduce heat. Only 2 cfls wont produce much but when you start adding more the can def build up some heat. DOnt have the fan blowin head on the lil baby point it to the closest side of the box so the wind will bounce off the box and disperse through the area, slightly jiggling the plant!!

gl man


heh, i'm a neeby can you help, single Auto AKR in cupboard with 6 T8's veg an 3x2700k - 3x6400k, 1 sml LED and 2 30wat cfl 2700k. Girl in 3 gal of bat mix, on week 5 and lower leaves are yellowin an lookin as they gonna dye, does she need nutes ? I have bin given some Canna Aqua Flores A+B but it has a use by date and its out of date is it still usable. Thanks