First Grow cfl


Active Member
If those lights are the cfls that you mentioned, then I would try to place them within 2 inches of the plant. Maybe it might be easier for you to just put something under the pot to raise the plant up to the lights.
he's got a point, but maybe he should wear a hat to cover it! :-P..:clap::?:

ok back to business yes 2 inches from your plant would be amazing even 1,
if you checked every 4 hours or so.
try getting your hands on some of that plastic stuff thats clear sorrry im baked man:eyesmoke:
someone here could help you with the name.

put that under your lights and have some sort of ventilation tube intake and outake so that your lights cool down
and maybe a fan pointing at it so that your plant grows strong!

good luck mate

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
what spectrum is it? (red, blue,softwhite,daylight)
dont use, cool white or bright white they are "moonlight"
thats useless for your ladies (cross your fingers)
although theres ways to make sure your percentage of female gets higher,
now if i wasnt stoned i'd look but there is always the search button, lol.

id use it if it was considered "daylight" thats great for your vegetative state.

then drop some dough on a soft white for your flowering.

now as far as lumens go you need a minimum of 3000 per square foot, MINIMUM.
now how is your set up? we need a bit more information to help you out.
Right now they are all daylight 6500k. I've got a 68 watt 2700k for flowering but i plan on getting more when the time comes. AS far as lumens go i'm not sure of the exact number but its somewhere around 4200. Hopefully after this weekend at work i'll be able to pay for the rest of the stuff I need to finish everything up.

barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
She's been looking reallly droopy lately but i thought i had been doing a good job at keepin her wet. So in an act of desperation I watered the shit out of her last night and she's doing alot better! Here's a few pics of her when I got home from work.


barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Looking good and growing faster than ever! Shes got a new home and can breathe a little bit better i've started nuting her and she's responding well finally still has a few lower spots on the lower leaves but nothing too bad. These pics are from a few days ago she's abut 3 or 4 inches taller now.


barefoot and stoned

Well-Known Member
Just switched l ights to 12/12 and added 68 watts of 2700k. I now have 59 watts 6500k and the 68 watts from the new light, I'm only keeping the 6500k until I can buy a few new 2700ks. My camera is dead so I can't get any new pics i'll try to add some tonight.