First Grow - CFL


Update Time

Here they are. Progressing but not fast enough to flip yet.

The Little Mutant is nowhere near the screen of course. Not that I expect it to reach there.

The other two are starting to get to the training point. I started to direct them today. Do I wait a little longer before flipping these? Or do I just flip them and train during the stretch?? That isn't the way it is supposed to be done...

At this point I am happy with how the grow has gone, so I don't feel any need for it to produce lots. I just want to get to the end and have produced something usable.


I do like this screen even if it is small in size.
The whole thing is painted with a green rubbery paint so no worries about rust and oxidation.

Now I just need them to grow more. Little by little it's happening. Just not fast enough!



They are officially flipped.
I took a look at them and factored in a double in growth during the stretch and decided that it would be a risk to grow them more. This is my first grow and I am not certain of my ability to properly do the SCROG to control the height, so we are flipped.

Now for the fun to begin. Lets see how long it takes for them to show sex. :hump:


Day 2 Post Flip:

Stretch may be just starting.
My newbie eyes may be seeing preflowers... I just don't have a camera that can take Macro shots and I don't have a loupe yet. I'll have to figure something out.

I took a pic and noticed that the leaves have a bit of a shiny reflective look to them. I hadn't noticed that before. Must be the fuzzy part.

Pics to come as soon as there is something worth showing. For now I will feed, water, and train... hopefully that is all that will be needed.


Ps. this is day 36 post eruption out of the soil. I just went back and checked on that. I realized I wasn't sure about the time line. I don't feel so bad about that anymore. 5 weeks of veg seems fine for the first grow.


Update Day 4:

Still no pistils.

The Little Mutant is doing a little stretching. Nothing major though. It is a thin little thing.

The other two are coming along little by little. Bending them under the screen is a little difficult. I now see why many of the big SCROGs are done with sting/twine/cord/etc. The flex and movement of those would be easier to work with. THis screen is solid with almost zero flex.


Well-Known Member
I love that you held onto that mutant! Most threads I see that have a slower plant or "mutant" they usually pick it out.
I love it because it assures me that my current mutant will pull through if treated well =)

Thank you for the show so far =) +rep


No pics today. Growth continues. I'm tucking little by little.

I really need to get a loupe or something. Anyone ever use one of the cheap USB microscopes?


Conituing in the same way. More growth. Beginnings of stretch. Drinking more water. They are needing a top up every second day for sure.

Still no clear pistils. No balls either so that's a good sign.


So I am starting to see some signs of sex developing. It is just too small still for me to be able to see one way or another. Time will tell soon enough. I expect to know in the next day or two.

At this point I don't really care if there is a male or two. All I need is one female. I'm not greedy. I don't need much for my first grow. All I truly want is a single success. I can accept baby steps and a gradual improvement each time. I understand how to be patient when it is needed.

Besides, the sooner I know what is happening with these the sooner I can start the next ones... I'm thinking about flowing straight into a 12/12 From Seed grow for the next round. I was planning to use a couple of the Northern Lights Auto I have, but I'm now think I will go with a different plan... :razz:


Update Day 10:

It's a boy!!!

Unless I am totally wrong those look like balls to me...

The Little Mutant is still looking like it might turn out to be a girl... I hope.

That's all I can say today. I have to decide what I am doing with the testosterone... I could remove it and start my next grow as a 12/12FS. That wouldn't be bad. Although I was hoping to do a recirculating Hempy. Maybe I will hold off on that though.


Ps. Can't tell with the third one. It might be a girl still. It is a nice size so I would be happy if it was.


Well-Known Member
Hope the others come along as girls for ya, buddy. Can you try and isolate the male? Because you could probably do selective pollination and get some seeds back from your grow. I'd do that. But that's only because I never seem to have enough seeds =P
Good luck with the others!