first grow cfl's and white widdow clone


Hello this is my first attempt at growing. I started with a pretty healthy clone from a dispensary in orange county. When i got it home i realized that the whit specs on it were spider mites :finger: So i immediately got a bunch of lady bugs.
i am also confined for space so my grow box is fairly small at 1.25' x 2 x 2.5'. i figured the only way to produce a reasonable amount of bud is a lot of lst.
i am using fox farm soil with some greenhouse nutrients that i found, a Lil hydrogen peroxide, and some unsulfered molassas now that the plant is in 12/12.

How much will i harvest? ANYONE?

Ok well here are some pics from start till now(3 weeks into flowering ) Enjoy.





Active Member
It really depends on what kind of light you are using, how long you vegged for, what size pot you used, and how you fertilized.

A professional grower under ideal circumstances can expect as much as .8 Grams per Watt. If you fucked shit up you might get as little as .2 Grams per watt.

I would say you are looking at maybe two OZ dry if you do everything right from this point till harvest.


Well-Known Member
Looks like a killer plant and you did a great job lst it, much better then my first attempt ill tell you that. Make sure you get some clones off of it and start growing again =)


Thanks, it looks like i will only get about an oz :( but its cool. the only nutriants i was using was a off name brand that was 15-30-15, at the 3rd or 4th week of flowering i switched to using fox farm beastie buds along with the molasses. Good thing i switched too cause the stems were growing like crazy and i was constantly bending them! Because of this fucked up by not getting enough air flow in the box i was growing in and burned a few colas on the cfl's. i also fucked up the clones i had by not changing the water in my homemade bubble cloner, so they are outside now. the buds are getting nice and fat but i am running out of space to grow in.

Also does anyone know exactly when i should harvest? I'm in week 7 now going on 8 and i have herd that white widow is a 10 to 12 week flowering strain. Is that true?
more pics tomorrow she is sleeping right now IMG_20110203_135056.jpgIMG_20110208_101318.jpgIMG_20110207_120707.jpgIMG_20110208_101401.jpgIMG_20110208_101406.jpg


oh yeah not bad i guess for the first grow and in a cabinet that's only 15"x28"x26" fuck i wish i had more room!!!