First Grow - CFLs - Bagseed


Active Member
Are you PHing your water bro? If not, I suggest you start doing that. You can get a kit from Wal-Mart of Home Depot for like 5 bucks or something. A bottle of PH down will cost about 5 bucks at the pet store.6.2-6.5 should be ok for soil.
Yes, I've got a bottle of distilled water PH'd to around 6.2 with a small airstone in it for oxygen. I'll go snap a pic of that real quick.




Well-Known Member
Thanks for checking out my grow, BigD. Seeing the success you had going from an AG to Hempy is one of the reasons I decided to give it a shot. You're plant 6 days after transplanting is a lot bigger than the first plant I had sprout a week ago. I just checked on my plants and so far the one I transferred to hempy seems to have taken to fine. I can't wait until tomorrow to see how well it's doing.

hey feel free to stop by my grow anytime, I dont know it all but I read alot, and am having some success, so I will help in anyway I can, and I am using my ag as a buble cloner myself, working pretty good so far....:joint:


Active Member
Something doesn't look right with my plants, especially the larger one. The leaves are curling under like they did when I overwatered a week ago. I haven't watered since Thursday and they looked fine up until this morning. I'm using no nutes yet and the temp in the box seems fine. I'll get pictures up this evening.



Well-Known Member
since you just did the transplant to hempy you may need to water them everyday perlite doesnt hold much moisture and your roots probably havent hit the bottom of the bucket yet......


Active Member
I went ahead and gave them each some water. The hempy plant did feel a little light. As for the bigger plant in soil, I think I'm just not used to how damp the soil should feel before I water. I'll check them in a few hours to see if they've perked back up.

Some pics I just took:
Pics 1&2 - the smaller plant in hempyThe rest of the pics are different angles of the bigger plant.




Active Member
I have to get a thermometer still. Going to get a cheap one at Walmart for like $7 that has temp and humidity. It's not hot in the box, I'd say maybe 70-80ish but that seems like a high estimate.


Well-Known Member
Yea that's where I got my gauge. It's pretty nice for what I paid. Tells the max/low... temp/rh.


Active Member
Got a thermometer at Walmart that also has a humidity reading. I put it at the bottom of my box and temps are 83 F with 40% humidity. I also rechecked the PH of my water and it was 6.8 so I adjusted it down to 6.2. From now on I'm going to check the PH before every watering. If the PH was that high when I watered on Thursday, would that have affected what the plants looked like this morning? I also moved the plants farther from the lights. I'm also going to post in the Plant Problems forum.


Well-Known Member
Some say that's probably ok, but I shoot for a lower PH. Yes, that could have effected it, as I've had luck with a much lower PH.


Active Member
The plants aren't looking any better this morning. I'm redesigning the box with a bigger fan (desk fan I took apart and rewired). I don't know if the heat was an issue. Depending where I put the thermometer in the box I get temps ranging from 83F to 91F. As of last night, 1 of the 2 seeds I had germinating is starting to show a root. I'll transfer that over to rockwool tonight. I'm also going to try converting the small planters I have that aren't in use into a hempy bucket. I figure I can plug the drainholes with silicone and cut a hole in the side.


Active Member
My larger plant is looking a little better this evening. The leaves aren't quite as curled and the 3rd set of leaves doubled in size since this morning. The smaller plant that I changed to a Hempy Bucket isn't doing so well. The perlite was dry so I watered again. On a brighter note, both seeds that I started germinating on Friday both have roots! I popped them into a couple rockwool cubes I had soaking and put them under makeshift humidity domes. I cut the tops of of a couple 2 liter bottles.

One thing to note is the bigger plant has a couple small brown spots on one of it's leaves. You can kinda see it in the first pic.




Well-Known Member
could that last plant be a victim of overwatering? im not accusing just shootin some ideas out thurrrrr...keep it up tho man!


Active Member
I made a new lid for my tote. I changed the orientation of the powerstrips with the CFLs and put a 6 inch desk fan in the very center. Temps are holding steady around 77 F (plus or minus a few degrees) with the lights on with the humidity around 40% on average. The thermometer is sitting on the bottom of the tote in the center.

I think the plant I put in a hempy bucket is done. There's been no change since the last pictures. I was watering it everyday because the perlite was drying out. I'm going to trash that one today. The plant that's in soil is showing alright growth but I'm concerned. The round seedling leaves are turning yellow which I understand is normal, but one of the first real leaves is starting to turn yellow and the brown spots are getting bigger. The leaves are still curled. The last time I watered the soil plant was on Sunday. The soil still feels damp a few inches down so I don't want to water again. I haven't used any nutes yet and the soil is nute free, so I know it's not nute burn.

One of the germinated seeds in rockwool is starting to sprout. At first I thought that the seed was coming out of the cube until I looked closer and saw the stem. The other seed hasn't poked through yet as of this morning. I'm going to get a couple hempy buckets made up so I can pop them in when the leaves open up.

My AeroGarden was waiting outside my door when I left for work. Not sure what I'm going to do with it yet. Maybe I'll start another seed or two and when they sprout put them into HBs.

I'm having a problem with my water jug's PH. I've been checking it before I water and each time the PH is up to 6.8-7. I keep adjusting it down to around 6.2. Could the airstone in it be raising the PH?

My wife thinks maybe we should start over. I don't want to get rid of the soil plant yet since it seems to be doing ok, yellowing leaf and spots aside.



Well-Known Member
I'm having a problem with my water jug's PH. I've been checking it before I water and each time the PH is up to 6.8-7. I keep adjusting it down to around 6.2. Could the airstone in it be raising the PH?
Yea, the PH will eventually go back up. You will need to add more PH down over time.


Well-Known Member
what type of water are you using?? I use r/o water once I adjust my ph I dont have to do it again, sorry about the hb not sure what could have happend, I just harvested my first girl from an HB


Active Member
I'm using distilled water. I think what happened with the HB is when I took the plant out of the soil and put it in the perlite the roots weren't spread out. Probably strangled itself. I made 2 more hempy buckets for the new seedlings today. Tomorrow the silicone I used should be dry and they'll be ready to go. I'm contemplating planting 3 seeds in the new AG but I'd also like to try out the tomatoes. :)



Well-Known Member
if it helps at all with your decision I took 4 plants out of an AG and put them into hempy buckets I use my AG as a buble cloner now