First Grow - CFL's - LST - Bagseed - Rubbermaid Stealth Box - Low budget - *PICS*


Active Member
Yes, however I do approve. It's a great name and definitely fits. I wish I had a pic of my bong to show, maybe I can google it, wish me luck!

No luck, I retire from that....toooo much google!, .com business plans, hitlers plans to invade england during WWII, WWII - Top killing spree???

Anyone who can answer that would be awesome!


Active Member
Although not my entire intent. If by 'crack me up' you mean 'enjoy my company' then instead of me ruining your Journal here with my mindless ramblings you could hobble on over to my journal for some butcher. Seein' as my camera is unavialable for a few days (which is ok, more excite!) we might as well make the thread interesting :P

P.S It is a mighty fine grow you have thou sir. Mine is not to compare...although will be improving withing the time of the camera I thinks! (emergency blanket and something better to vert it with)


Active Member
so yea how i said that my lights turn on at 630pm and they turn off at 130pm you think i should take them out to veg outside till 130pm? you think it would help? since they are clones how long do i veg them for? ill get some pics for you to see my setup if you would like.


Active Member
not sure on how long to veg clones.... I don't think the sun would hurt the plants, just don't get caught ;)


Active Member
Nice grow and pics! I'm also doing my first CFL grow in rubbermaid and I've learned a lot from it so far. I didn't do LST for my first grow...I didn't wanna complicate my newbie factor and kill them off, but after seeing your detailed pics I'm going to try it for sure next time!

subbed & +rep


Active Member
Nice grow and pics! I'm also doing my first CFL grow in rubbermaid and I've learned a lot from it so far. I didn't do LST for my first grow...I didn't wanna complicate my newbie factor and kill them off, but after seeing your detailed pics I'm going to try it for sure next time!

subbed & +rep
Yeah man, it was stressful to me to bend it over the first time I did it.. I was like "OMG I'm going to break it"

BUT that being said, the plant took to it VERY well, and I think it's going to be very beneficial to the final yield. Go for it broseph!


Active Member
LST'd a bit more today.. pulled down the 2 newest shoots that grew up to get them in line (They were getting too tall and growing too close to the main cola, so I put them in the middle of the plant..

Now I've got 8 major growth points around the circumference of the pot, and 3 in the middle of the pot, so we're looking at 11 total bud sites.

Holy shiz.


Active Member
I can't wait until this thing really starts taking off, I give it until the end of this week and it's going to start to look friggin amazing.


Active Member
This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find some fully developed calyx's with pistils galore:




It's go time.


Active Member
Come on bros! Someone celebrate with me that we now KNOW that she's female!!

A month and a half of work was not for nothing!!! YAUS!


Well-Known Member
I'll smoke a bowl to celebrate that!!!bongsmilie

Looks great Attic, I still can not get over your pictures. I really think you should compile all your extreme macro pics for maybe a awesome help/tips guide. With those pictures it would be very informative.

What a deal on DeepWater, fate stepped in right on time! Well I think this week I will toss up a main Grow Journal with a few separate threads to broaden out what is going on in my grow... glad I take pictures every day to keep a visual documentation, that way it will be easier to fill in the blah blah words. :hump:


Active Member
A little off subject here but, JESUS CHRIST I just got some RIDICULOUS shiz.

God DAMN. I took one hit out of my bong at 9:30 and I'm still ripped at 12:30

The aroma is extremely floral and sweet.. It's like I'm exhaling the air from inside of a flower shop.:shock:



Active Member
A little off subject here but, JESUS CHRIST I just got some RIDICULOUS shiz.

God DAMN. I took one hit out of my bong at 9:30 and I'm still ripped at 12:30

The aroma is extremely floral and sweet.. It's like I'm exhaling the air from inside of a flower shop.:shock:

*egins to scroll through pictures.....scrolling down.....reaches pictures 4 and five...1 full body seizure and a new pair of pants later is posting this reply*