First grow closet cfls journal


How ya doin fellas this is my first grow just using some bagseeds from some good mid. I've read up so I hope I'm goin in right directions Im growing in a closet around 3.5 ft floor space but plenty room vertically I just doin 2 plants and hope I get 1 female I have 5 26watt 6500k and 1 42watt 3000k .is that enough for vegging. I'm germinating my seeds in papertowel I have ferry morse organic seed starter and perlite to start seeds in is that ok. Well that's about it any help or info is highly appreciated thnks


soil sounds gd, what size pots u using and what soil/pots u gunna use when u transplant to bigger pots, with them lights u got enough lumens to just about cover 2sq ft, are the closet walls near the plants? its good to have either white paint or reflective sheeting to increase the amount of lumens that actually reaches the top.

in flowering stage you will want to switch to mostly 2700k red spectrum cfls and keep atleast the same wattage maybe more.
also them lights only penetrate 4 inches so u wanna keep the bulbs about 1-2 inches away from the plant - cfls will not burn your plant from being too close. you want to hang ur cfls around the plant so you can cover the foliage well - these bulbs emit more lights from the sides so thats something to think about also.

what nutrients u gunna use - u wanna start em off with low nute dose and not too young - you will want something with a higher ratio of nitrogen to p and k for vegging but something with more p + k and less n for flowering.

what ventilation u got? an intake/outake fans are best but if u cant use them then have a small oscilating fan or 2 to circulate the air and have the cupboard door open if possible. - u dont want the fan pointing at the leaves as it will wind burn.

you probably know most of this already but hope some of it helps, im also going to start my grow this month with cfls. good luck


No u just helped me alot well I painted the walls white and yes the walls are close I also put aluminum foil dullside up on the floor. I'm going to put seeds in party cups to start off not really sure what soil to use when I transplant I plan on using 3 gallon buckets.Not sure about nutes either or when to start using them, looking for help with that and soil for transplant.I have a computer fan in corner of closet but I have old house closet should be ventilated.didn't know about fan burn so should I put fan blowi g at opposite wall away from plants thnx


the fan can be anywhere as long as its not pointing at the leaves, it can strengthen stalk or could be used to keep heat from the light away from the plants, pointing away would also work to circulate the air around the plants.

3gallon buckets are good size, u will want a soil with pearlite in or u could add pearlite as its good for drainage, if ur buying a pre mix then stuff like peat, pearlite, bark, worm castings are all good.

for nutes get gh or ff or something like that, give quater strength for first feed then half strength for 2nd and after that go to full strength, it should say how much to use on the bottle or u can find the info from the manufacturers website probably. different feeds used for veg/bloom also a boost for increased yield used in bloom stage and a flush for use in last two weeks.

you should start using them after a couple weeks i think the plant is meant to have 2 sets of proper leaves or sumthin, but if ur soil has nutes in as many do then u may not need to feed for up to 4 weeks depending on what soil.


I'm using organis seed starter for soil mo mutes in it I won't add any until about 2 nd or 3 rd week I'm going to try to get some pictures up soon , I have 6 seeds in the soil now 4 cover in wrap to keep humidity and to aren't just to c which sprout first. T have been planted for 24 hrs and 1 just got planted tonight it was from some dank! Have 2 seeds in oz so I germ 1 and kept other. So I'm waiting patiently grrrr I have added more lights I have 8 6000k 26 watts and 1 3000k 42 watt is that enough for 3 plants maybe4 if I lst? I only plan on keeping the strongest three thanx for the help keep it coming
cam I get superthrive from walmart?


yeh should be enough lights if u keep em real close, idunno bout superthrive but look for the npk on the pack u want more n for veg and more p+k for flowering


Yeah I'm goung to check the npk levels just have heard great things about it( superthrive),I'm going to go with something organic definately though.still waiting patiently day 2 in soil none have sprouted yet.Well it's my first grow but I'm going to go all out and try to learn as much as possible by EXPERIENCE I'm going to topp each plnt twice on 3 times to c difference and I will be using lst on all of them well that's it for now bout to smoke one holla!


Well-Known Member
Dont forget to put your 3 gallon planters in 5 gallon buckets (the fit perfectly) or on planter feet or youll mess your floor up when you water.