First grow coming up, a few questions.


Well-Known Member
Would appreciate the answers to a couple of questions I have, to some of you they may seem stupid but to a beginner grower they are important (at least they are to me).
So firstly , what I wanted to know was how necessary it is to monitor the pH of your soil, and how to get this to the right level for the plant to grow? (6.5 or there abouts I hear).

Secondly, what sort of nutes should I use during the different stages and how to I administer them? (Just growing in soil FYI)

And lastly a question or two about my growbox. How big do you think I should make it in order to grow 3-4 plants at any given time, and what lights and other equipment I should use in the grow box (fans or anything of the like).

Many thanks RIU! You have been a huge help to me already and would very much appreciate any further help you can give me. Cheers,



Well-Known Member
first answer: u can level ur waters PH to the level u want and thets the way u keep the ph of the soil right! Second: start addin nutes after the end of week 3 if the soil is no pre-nuted! start with 1/4 strenght of the fertilizer, then try 1/2 and if nuffin bad happen proceed with the full power lol. i feed my plants on every third watering and works fo me! i use 20-20-20- fo veg and 9-45-15 fo bloom! Third: it depends of how big u want ur plants to be. rememba that during flowering, the cannabis plants atleast double in size !!! !!! !!! i use fluro tubes for the veg cycle on 24/0 light schedule! im usin High Pressure Sodium light for the bloom! 400 watter on! careful with the HPSs coz they can make ur grow room hot like the fuken hell lol. be sure that u have very good ventilation in the growroom. if u can afford, buy cooltube and u will have no problems with the heat. best of luck!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks so much for your help dude appreciate it. So if I buy a cooltube I won't need to put in an extractor fan or have any fan of the sort going, or will I? Keep in mind I am growing in a growbox/cabinet so space is of the essence. What do I do if the soil IS pre-nuted? Many thanks.


Well-Known Member
i dun sugest ya to use prenuted soil mate! u will still need a intake and exhaust fans in the box to suport the plants with fresh air! and u'll need fan fo blowing on the plants to make them stems thick.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for your help Cheetah. I will PM you if I need further assistance. I'm going to buy my gear this weekend so I'll keep ya posted as to when I begin my grow etc; Cheers!