First grow constructive criticism welcome.


So like the title says this is my first grow and since ive spent so much time lurking about the forums I figured I might as well get some input from you lovely folk. So for starters I've got a 150w hps and 4 26w cfl bulbs in a dr60 grow tent. My girls are a 3 week into veg mazar kush clone a 2 week into veg mazar kush clone and a autoflower pineapple express thats about 3 weeks since being potted. my temps stay between 77 and 82 throughout the day. Im not experienced with this yet and even though ive got a friend whos been sharing his knowledge with me im hesitant to do anything that might stress my girls out so I've not topped or super cropped my plants. Im not really worried about quantity right now more so I just want some quality plant for my first go around. Ive got a couple pictures of each plant so if anyone cares to let me know if they look decent enough or anything I should know it would be greatly appreciated. If I left out any information that is needed just let me know and ill answer to the best of my knowledge.



Well-Known Member
Sounds like the amount of lighting you got going on is fairly decent. I think you should look into getting some bigger pots though, with those little things your girls are sure to be getting pot bound soon.


Very good point I forgot to think about that. Thanks for the reminder ill be sure to do that fairly soon.


Just in my expierence, maybe strain affects it, maybe not... but yours seem to be drooping a slight ammount. not alot tho. Maybe underwater/overwatering?


I think it may have been over since up until I watered them they werent drooping at all but hopefully that stop sometime soon


Well-Known Member
Im not SUPER experianced grower, but tjey look a lil over watered to me. But thats just my HO. Other than that, they look quite healthy to me man. If i wee to put in some input, id say TOP and or LST. Im a huge fan of training because they respond so well and so fast tp training. They look awsome though!!! With the amount of light though, you should be good till flowering. I would double ir triple the cfls though for flowering. The more light....... The BETTER the yeild!!! :)


Ah yea ive been kinda worried about doing any training but i think about doing it more and more everyday. Thank you for your input i might just have to top my little girls here shortly im gonna be watering tomorrow and whatnot so ill be sure to put some new pictures up if I do end up topping. Lets just hope I dont make any mistakes :D


Well-Known Member
You csnt mess up topping IMHO, cause they are gonna veg no matter what, so tpooing jyst slows upward growth. Id train when side veg and top start to exeed the width of the final pot or start to encroach on more side/under/veg growth, whichever you wanna call it. Please for the sake of grpwing beautiful, bushy plants, dont trip over training.. tjere is a.rwadon why its called LOW SRESS TRAING!! Just hold a.branch in one spot for 30 sec and it will stat for a min. man. She EILL go where you eant her too. Youjyst have to do a lil coaxing. Dont be scared.


Hahahaha I hate to admit it but I never really knew what lst meant and now it makes alot more sense :D I guess there isnt really any good reason for me not to do some training with my girls.


Well I just topped both of my mazar kush plants ill post some new pictures in a few days


Here are just a few pictures of the mazar plants after being transplanted and topped. Ill get some more up later but sadly im not a very good photographer and most of the pictures i took were garbage x.x



Alright so I know its been quite some time since ive posted any pictures in here but I finally stopped being a lazy shit and took some for anyone who is interested. My two mazars are a few days over 3 weeks into flowering and my pineapple is about 6 even though she stayed so tiny.


Well im at the start of week five of flower and my girls just had a drink so I figured I might as well take a few more pictures for anyone interested.


Active Member
Looks pretty healthy to me. You might wanna pick off some of those dying leaves though and try and correct the drooping plant.


Thanks always happy to hear they look healthy XD. I usually give the light/dying leaves a check and tug before bed and after I wake up so hopefully next time I take some pictures they wont be around but the drooping just has to do with watering right? Or should i be doing something else for that?


Alright so im in the middle of week seven sorry for the lack of quality Ive been recduced to some 4 year old camera since the decent one has gone missing.