First Grow! Could use some help/advice

just keep things simple and do not feed nutrients untill week 3 - now just use a root stimulator
i put nutes in the reservior...but i cut them in half because i heard too much nutrients for seedlings can stress them. but i wasnt aware that no nutes should be used at all. with the nutes i balanced my ph to as close to 6 as possible. should i immediately replace my rez with ph balanced water or can i wait the week until i originally was planning to replace my rez?


Well-Known Member
I won't get into the nute debate but, pH for young plants needs to be no higher than 5.8, and 5.6 is a little better. As for pH adjusting plain water, it does nothing. PH affects nute uptake via the roots, not water uptake.


Well-Known Member
id have to get back to you on that one. with you saying its neither the min nor max worries me because i believe the humidity reading is even lower for the current reading.

my goal is 4oz dried from 4 plants with the 200cfl. but im not even creating an expectation because overall mother nature decides what it wants to do and plus im new.

it looks as if im going to have to bring the humidity up some. im thinking about a cup with an ice cube or two since the box is so small. do you have any ways you bring up your humidity that you personally succeed with?
I use a humidifier, works great and if you make it to hang some product then you might need it if your rh is low in your hanging room.
I use a humidifier, works great and if you make it to hang some product then you might need it if your rh is low in your hanging room.
i finally got my temps under control in the low to mid 80s. the hygrometer sucks and isnt even giving me a reading so i bought a small cheap hygrometer and a personal humidifier to bring that % up. 2 plants fully sprouted and the 3rd one looks like it will sprout by tomorrow. as for the fourth one, i dont see any break in the rockwool cube to indicate sprout yet...hopefully tomorrow shows different. besides that, ive been checking and adjusting ph everyday so far to as close to 5.6 as possible. ppm was about 250 today.

question for all you wonderful geniuses: is it normal for your res water to fluctuate in ph? everytime i check it, it gets higher and i end up having to bring it down. is it the nutes doing that or something else?



Well-Known Member
Wait, you are feeding and they haven't sprouted? I don't start feeding my plants until I see the second set of true leaves. The only thing in my bucket are beneficial. I don't generally even plant the sprout in the bucket until I see the root poking out the bottom of my rockwool cube.
Nutes? And not even sprouted? Really?? Just give em the morning after pill.
yea i did some dumb stuff for my 1st time. fed em nutes and didnt wash hydroton rocks lol. as of now i got my 3 sprouts in cubes and am dipping them in distilled water from walmart which gives a real good yellow on ph kit every few hours or when they seem to start drying


Well-Known Member
Agreed Double S. Trial and error is for improving the process not learning the basics. Maybe I am wired differently, but I read for 2 months before I attempted to germinate a seed.
That's because you're not DOers. The same reason I stopped going to college. I don't need to sit in a classroom or put my face in front of a computer screen and constantly read without trying for 2 months. I DO it, and then learn from the experience. I just have that attitude. If you want to sit and read for 2 months prior, that's fine...but I bought a DWC and I'm DOing it. I didn't fail either. You took 2 months to read basics, and I just brought 4 wilted plants back to life and didn't really learn the basics. It's a plant for fucksake, you just keep it alive.


Well-Known Member
Lol. I wasn't raggin on ya GTT, but your last post was silly. I am happy I stayed with it and got my degree, now certain jobs are available that weren't before. My first grow was successful because I took some time to learn the basics. I try to avoid failure when the information preventing failure is easily available.

Why buy a DWC system if you are a doer? I built mine.
You have a point unlike superstoner, who thinks they're some God-like creature because they put enough seeds in the ground to get a brick a week. You may think you know what you're doing, but cannabis related science is loosely documented besides these forums with first-hand experience. So Mr. big guy superstoner who thinks he's some kingpin is really some loser who tries to talk like a guru on some forum. Kind of funny...


Well-Known Member
I don't just toss seeds, I cultivate many fantastic strains and perpetually run a very efficient and successful grow, after a very successful career that resulted from a quality education and my ability to apply what i learn to life. Àt this point in life it bothers me not to tell some lazy punk that thinks they are entitled to everything i worked hard for to fuck off.


Well-Known Member
The other reason I did a ton of research is because I am not a rich man. I can't afford to fund failures while still blazing quality bud. That's totally self-defeating. Producing a quality product was my primary goal. The "doing" part of my ongoing education in this hobby is the tweaks and methods that lead to bigger yields that you learn and try over time. That's been my approach.