First Grow custom box hempy style


Well-Known Member
20140226_123653.jpg 20140226_123657.jpg Finally went ahead and took the plunge. Been gathering parts since December. Built the cabinet my self and now my girls first day of flowering has passed


250 hps

2×2.5×4 grow box

160 cfm fan

100 percent perlite hempy 3 gal mop buckets


Both clones one is green Crack the other Pineapple. GC is highly sativa the PA is highly indica. The difference in phenotype is night and day between these two.

Grow Style:

As I said I'm going hempy with LST and topping. Wanted to scrog but ran out of grow space.


the nutrients I am using are from general hydroponics. I am using the general hydroponics bLoom and general hydroponics micro. I am currently going 2 bloom to 1 micro ratio blend in 1 gallon jugs. This in my case is 10 ml bloom to 5 ml micro. I also mix in some calmag plus to take care of any deficiencies. i only feed the plants 1 gallon per every 2 to 4 days. I go Feed Feed Calmag repeat

Day one from when I got them is 5/13. Feed straight tap water for the first week. Transplanted to 1 gal pots that week also. Went with Lucas formula out of simplicity and cost efficiency. Also got a pH meter and use lemon juice to keep my pH in check which is between 5.5 and 6.7. I'll up load pics as my phone let's me. Temps have been wild between 60 at lights off to a max of 90 (when it's 85 in the home the box is in) average tho is a solid 80 which I'm comfortable with.



Well-Known Member
20140715_075634.jpg 20140715_075634.jpg Week 6 tomorrow all is well. Sorry for the extremely late update. Dont think anyons watchin this so shouldn't be an issue. Anyway hempy bucketa are amazingly convenient. I usually check on my girls once a week if im busy and twice a week of im greedy. Yield is looking week tho :/ was hoping for an ounce a plant but its looking like it'll be less. Green crack is a 45-55 day flower with a mean of 50 while pineapple (express I think heavy indica) is 52-62 with mean of 57. I set harvest day 12 days from now which would be day 55 of flower week 12 grow week 8 flower. Ill be flushing in 4 - 5 days.

Question to the community: aside from the flush and 24 hour dark time what do yall do to increase yeild in the last couple weeks. Im a little discouraged at how good the grow went but how bland the yeild is lookin.



Well-Known Member
I set harvest day 12 days from now which would be day 55 of flower week 12 grow week 8 flower. Ill be flushing in 4 - 5 days.
Oh HELLLLZ no bro!

First, those plants look healthy as fuck, which is awesome.

Second, look at those pistils, they are white as hell and thick as noodles, which means they are YOUNG, which means those flowers still have a lot of maturing to do before they are done. Are the calyxes fat and swollen? Nope, not yet, which means they still need time to mature.

When most of the pistils have gotten brown, or at least thin and have receded into the calyxes, and when the calyxes have gotten fat and bloated, that's when the flower is at, or close to, it's harvest time, and the trics should reflect that.

Giver' more time bro, I'd say at least 3 weeks, if not longer, and then check back with us.


That's my call, and I wish you luck regardless.


Well-Known Member
@Wilksey thanks for the replay! Im in no rush to harvest so 2 to 3 weeks would put me right at day 60 for harvest. So I should be good on flushing for atleast another 9-10 days correct?


Well-Known Member
20140722_075040.jpg 20140722_075032.jpg Nug shots. Green crack is a spindly one. But shes 3 times frostyer than the pineapple. Pineapple is more consistent thru out. Both very vigorus strains.


I agree -- Let the girls tell you what they need and when they need it, and ignore the "official" harvest schedule (which is an average, anyway).


Well-Known Member
@Wilksey thanks for the replay! Im in no rush to harvest so 2 to 3 weeks would put me right at day 60 for harvest. So I should be good on flushing for atleast another 9-10 days correct?

I don't do an "end of grow" flush, as research and personal experience doesn't justify the need. Do your own research on the subject, and I'm talking about lab research, not just fellow stoners on grow sites. I keep feeding my plants until I chop them, with a goal of keeping the leaves nice and green.

Research, and I'm talking lab research here bro, shows that when the trics start to turn amber, it is a sign of THC degradation in the trics, so most folks try to harvest before a majority of trics are amber. HOWEVER, the degradation of THC may not have AS significant an impact on the effects as one would think, and this is due to the way the different KINDS of THC works with each other to produce an effect. There are a lot of complex chemical interactions that take place that we still do not fully understand, so....

When it comes to harvest time, the flower will let you know it's "ripe" by the size of the calyxes and the color / shape of the pistuls, and the trics will let you know HOW ripe by their color. I harvest when the flowers are plump, most of the pistuls are brown / receded, and the trics are mostly milky with a few amber here and there, but that's just me, and while I lack experience, all my actions have been born out by botanical research.

One last thing to think about is doing an individual bud harvest as opposed to cutting the whole plant. You don't cut down a tomato plant when it's "done", you pick the maters' that are ripe and allow the rest to mature. Why not do the same with our buds? Just because "x" number of people do "y" doesn't mean they're right, especially when they can't tell you the reason WHY they're doing it other than "that's what I've been told....that's what I've always done".

Luck to ya'.


Wilksey, I don't do an end-flush, either. And I DO bud harvesting, too, as opposed to plant chopping. Rarely are all the buds ready to go at the same time. I've had to wait as long as a full 7 days after chopping the top bud before cutting the rest. There have been a few times I've harvested a full plant all at once, but it had more to do with my own schedule (and lack of time) than it had to do with the plant's natural growth cycle.


Well-Known Member
There color looks off. What u guys think? I have nute burn but what do u think causes yellow spots (circles) that eventually turn brown and yellows the leag at the same time. Been seeing in the top and bottom. Bout 3 or 4 leaves so far.


Well-Known Member
20140727_213433.jpg 20140724_005820.jpg
He issue is progressing. Its either a nitrogen or potassium issue. I need advice from older growers. Hempy is tricky on this one


Well-Known Member
Green crack is gone. Only pinapple remains. Ill chop her at the end of next week as shes showing 50 cloudy and 50 clear. Also shes starting to yellow no matter what I do. Only big fan leaves thankfully. Just hope those trics are right by then


Well-Known Member
Final weight for Green Crack was 20 grams of extremely glazed dank bud and the Pineapple yielded 32 grams of leafy DENSE buds. My Grams per watt was .2 for this round. I wanted an ounce per plant for this first grow but will settle because I planted, watered, and harvested the bud I'm smoking now, crazy thought.

Things I learned:
Dont Over water
Dont Over correct
Yes topping works
Yes Fiming produces more tops than toping
Transplants suck, do as little as possible
Dont rush, allow under growth to catch up before flipping or cut it off.
Purple leaf stems can/are strain dependent.
Lucus formula really works in veg and flower with calmag sup.
When its ready to harvest wait another week.
Tricomes are hard to read when they're clear youll know the difference between cloudy and clear like white and cream.

600w grow in the makings. Will update when screen is added.